"The white crane was put into that door by Hades, and was exiled to the starry sky. How can there be a white crane effect?"

"By the way, I don't feel like my luck has improved at all!"

Li Xiaobai shouted from the bottom of his heart, looking at the approaching King Yama, his heart was trembling, but in the end he chose to believe the words of the fourth senior brother, and stayed where he was, not moving a step.


"Facing this king, you have no fear at all, and you didn't even move a step. You are very courageous, and you deserve to be the one who came with Bai He."

King Yan Luo tidied up his appearance, and just now he went crazy and removed a lot of makeup on his face.

Yan Jun, the fifth emperor, arrived with a group of errands, and surrounded Li Xiaobai and the dull man.

"My lord, give me an order. I will take action and kill these two people. There is absolutely no possibility of leaking what happened tonight!"

The leading red-faced man said in a low voice.

"Hmph, I really didn't expect Baihe to bring me so much trouble single-handedly, it almost ruined the big thing!"

"Where is King Shura?"

"The fight here is in full swing. He knows how to watch a show. Wouldn't he think that if the king loses, he can put all the responsibility on the king?"

King Yan Luo picked up rouge powder and smeared it on his face, and asked sullenly.

"The monks of King Shura's lineage did not move. There was news from his subordinates that there was a large army assembled in the gate of hell, but they were just ready to go, and they did not actually move out. I am afraid that the lineage of Shura wanted to wait for the prince and Bai He to fight and lose both. Sit back and reap the benefits of the fisherman."

The red-faced man said.

"He is good at calculating, but it's a pity that this king is not what he used to be, a mere white crane, he will destroy you with a snap of his fingers!"

"Take good care of Liu's daughter-in-law, kill these two."

Yan Luo Wang looked very cold, and waved his hands to ask Li Xiaobai to be taken away and killed.

Hei Wuchang immediately stepped forward, grabbing Li Xiaobai by the collar, "Of order, I will kill this man immediately!"

Five Emperor Yan Jun's eyes were disdainful, just now this guy was beaten so badly that he didn't even dare to make a move, now seeing Bai He being dealt with, the overall situation is settled and he jumped out to grab credit, what a clown.

But I still have to give the face of impermanence, and no one competes with him.

It's just that what happened next stunned everyone. Hei Wuchang pulled Li Xiaobai forcefully, instead of dragging Li Xiaobai, he staggered a few steps and almost fell down.

Yan Luowang frowned, "What's going on?"

"It's...it's okay, the official slipped his hand, and there is a little ghost in this kid's collar."

Hei Wuchang looked at his hand, smiled, and went to grab Li Xiaobai again, but the moment his finger touched his shoulder, he felt a tingling pain from his finger, and he couldn't help howling.

"There's something weird about this kid!"

"By the way, you are with Boy Baihe. Now that your master is being suppressed, don't you want revenge?"

Fright flashed in Heiwuchang's eyes, once he was bitten by a snake for ten years and was afraid of well ropes, the strangeness of Li Xiaobai's body has been engraved in his bones. Huo Huo, he suddenly regretted jumping out to take the credit. This mysterious young man doesn't seem to be a good guy to mess with.


"What are you talking about, come closer, I can't hear you."

Li Xiaobai looked at Heiwuchang's appearance of seeing a ghost, and patted himself on the shoulder, and a few small stones attached to hellfire fell to the ground.

He was also quite shocked, once was a coincidence, but twice was a bit intriguing, could the power of the white crane really pass through the starry sky and act on him?

"Heiwuchang, what are you doing, but you were stabbed by the stone on this kid's shoulder, why are you so panicked!"

"Are you going to take people or not? If you are afraid, let us brothers come instead."

The muscles on the red-faced man's face twitched, and Hei Wuchang, who was a coward, was very angry.

They are standing there motionless waiting for you to make a move, what are you trying to do by making such a fuss?

"Yan Jun, come."

"The next official was hit hard, maybe because he hasn't recovered yet, his mind is a little unstable."

Heiwuchang sensed the danger, and retreated to King Yama with his head lowered. These idiots hadn't realized the seriousness of the problem.

He is definitely not as simple as fear or fear, there is a force in the dark that pulls him just right to slip his hand and be pierced by a stone, this feeling is like facing Bai He boy!

He dared to assert that something unbelievable would happen to the red-faced man next.

Yan Luowang glanced at Heiwuchang indiscriminately, and looked at the red-faced man who was approaching Li Xiaobai step by step, a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

"Boy, don't be stubborn and stubborn. You have touched a taboo. There is no way to kill you today. Don't blame brother on the way to Huangquan. In the next life, you will be reincarnated. Don't come to the underworld to be an errand."

The red-faced man geared up his fists and was not about to take Li Xiaobai to a distance for execution, so he turned his palm into a knife and slashed towards the neck.

With a loud bang, a bottomless black hole was smashed out of the ground.

The smoke and dust dissipated, but Li Xiaobai was still standing there unharmed.


Seeing this scene, the other four Yan Jun immediately rushed forward and surrounded Li Xiaobai, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

They were mistaken, they resisted the five emperors Yan Jun's palm without any injuries. They didn't expect that besides Baihe boy, there were other masters of this level.

"No... no, who lit the torch just now and shook my eyes?"

The red-faced man's face was a little purple, and he was ashamed to send it away. He knew very well that the young man in front of him hadn't done anything. It happened that a torch was lit by an errand at the moment he made the move, which dazzled his eyes. Just miss the hand knife.

"It seems that it is God's will. My lords, the three killings failed to hurt the next vellus hair. It seems that it is God, or I will die, or let me go. Come to you to beat me to death. It was the idea of ​​God Bai He, but I didn't do anything."

Li Xiaobai touched his neck, just now his life was hanging by a thread, and he could even feel the touch of the red-faced man's fingertips across his skin, but he didn't get hurt, nothing happened.

The red-faced man's hands turned into flaming knives, "God's shit, I'll let you die right now!"

"Slow down, step back."

"There is a problem with this person."

Yan Luo Wang raised his orchid finger and said softly.

As the so-called authorities are obsessed, bystanders are clear, the red-faced man is angry, I really thought it was the accidental lighting of the torch that caused him to miss the shot. When combined with Heiwuchang's previous two misses, here Li Xiaobai escaped three killing blows in a row up.

It's not a coincidence that there are more coincidences. This feeling is just like facing Baihe boy.

"I don't care who you are, I will accept all the offenders today!"

"Eternal Exile!"

The gate leading to the endless starry sky reappeared behind Yan Luowang, and he was very cautious not to allow Li Xiaobai any chance to get involved.

But this time, there was no star stretching out a big hand inside the gate, instead there was the sound of pattering footsteps and a familiar proverb warning.

"When I was young, because of my father, I stayed in Jiehai for a while. There is a proverb circulating there..."

"Those who don't step on crabs won't be stung, and those who don't try to die won't die..."

"Starting today, I won't cut off the root anymore. During this period of time, I'm in a bad state, and I'm a little depressed. I don't eat during the day and don't sleep at night. Thanks to the brothers and sisters who have been with me all the time. If I cut off the root again, I will chop off my fingers."

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