Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1769 Cut Off The Head As Soon As It Comes Out

A white shadow walked out from the gate of ghosts, strolling in the courtyard without any smoke or fire.

"white crane!"

"I did throw you into the starry sky just now, and I closed the gate of ghosts only after confirming this point. Now that you appear here, it means that you have come back from the depths of the starry sky, and it is only a short stick of incense. !"

"Even Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva can't do it, how did you do it?"

King Yan Luo looked at the familiar figure in front of him, and his face gradually became ferocious.

He was thrown into the depths of the unknown starry sky, without even the space coordinates, and there was no possibility of returning to the underworld. The appearance of the white crane broke his cognition.

"I'm lucky, and I returned after a few teleportations."

Boy Baihe looked around and walked towards Li Xiaobai.

"Teleportation? You entered a space wormhole!"

King Yan Luo was shocked. The teleportation location of the space wormhole was random and completely unknown, and the interior was full of violent void turbulence. This man not only walked in without incident, but also teleported back through the wormhole!

What kind of luck is this, the white crane effect can even affect the starry sky?

Bai He didn't respond, the weird facial makeup on his face twisted and squirmed, his eyes turned into vertical pupils again, a stick of incense on the official hat on his head spontaneously ignited, and green smoke rose up.

At the same time, the ghost fetus in Liu's daughter-in-law's womb let out a horrific howl. This was the closest Baihe Boy was to him tonight, and the terrifying stepping steps swept away more than half of the ghost energy in the fetus in one breath.

The high bulging belly was rapidly shrinking and shriveling at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Stop him!"

"I'm about to break my shell. If you want to save your life, stop this guy ten meters away!"

The baby's painful face appeared on the belly of the Liu family's daughter-in-law, distorted and mournful.

The white crane didn't give it a chance to breathe, and before everyone around could react, it was covered with a strong scent of incense, which was fatal to ghosts.

The faces of Yan Luowang and others changed completely. When the matter developed to this point, their fate had already been tied to this ghost fetus. If the ghost fetus was safe and sound, nothing happened to them. If the ghost fetus died, they would not survive.

At this moment, all living beings inside the ghost gate of the underworld can clearly see that in the direction of Liu's house, countless phantoms of living beings rise from the ground. This kind of terrifying contemplation stands upright, suspended in the sky above the gate of hell.

The ghostly energy surged, and the souls of the dead were mournful.

"Senior brother, I seem to be in the core area of ​​the battlefield. I will be the first to die when this group of people make a move. Should I take two steps back first?"

Li Xiaobai looked at the Five Emperors Yan Jun and hundreds of Yin servants above his head, swallowed, and called Yang Chen from the bottom of his heart.

"Staying next to Baihe is the safest thing. Just now you saw how amazing his abilities are. After so many years, his abilities are the only ones that our brothers and sisters can't understand."

Yang Chen said lightly.

He can roughly guess the process of Baihe boy being thrown into the depths of the starry sky and returning. After entering the depths of the starry sky, he happened to encounter a space impulse, happened to enter it, and happened to enter it at the safest angle, just like a storm It will be fine to stand in the central area when you come.

For Baihe, such a coincidence happens a few more times, and it is just right to return to the gate of hell.

"Is this person's fortune really so against the sky?"

Li Xiaobai was skeptical. Although Hei Wuchang and the red-faced man made a move before, which was properly resolved by various coincidences in him, this is completely different from being thrown into the starry sky and returning the same way.

"This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that he can escape the attack three times and return at the moment when King Yan Luo opened the door himself. This timing can be described as precise."

"Such a complicated process, with too many variables mixed in, is impossible to count. He came back purely by luck. Can you understand that his luck can even surpass time!"

Yang Chen solemnly said that he wanted Li Xiaobai to pay attention to it. Bai He's ability is not as simple as ordinary luck. The gate of King Yama was closed one second earlier and one second later, and he couldn't come out. He happened to be able to catch up with the moment when the gate opened. The most frightening thing is to rush to it, which means that no matter what Baihe Tongzi does, as long as he wants to do it, he will definitely be able to do it.

"It's a bit against the sky..."

Li Xiaobai looked at the white crane boy who was holding his hands up and down the pregnant woman's body, and cautiously approached her.

He thought that this great god had been taken care of, but he didn't expect that he was too young, and there are such gods and men in the world, which really opened his eyes.

"Boss, the daughter-in-law of the Liu family has also been obtained, shall we withdraw first?"

"I just heard what Lord Yama said, King Shura hasn't sent troops yet."

Li Xiaobai looked at Boy Baihe and asked.

After a long delay, King Shura arrived and attacked from both sides, making the situation even more difficult to control.

"No hurry, she is about to give birth."

"You handle it."

Boy Baihe got up, pointed at Li Xiaobai, and said coldly.

"I'll handle it?"

"I don't have your supernatural powers, and I don't have the power to kill evil spirits."

Li Xiaobai was one of the first four, he really couldn't understand what Bai He boy was thinking.

"The people above will do it right away. I need to deal with it. Pregnant women can only be handed over to you."

Bai He said lightly.

Li Xiaobai "Um, do you still need to do something?"

Bai He: "Do you have a good plan?"

Li Xiaobai waved his hand, "Shangshen's strength is superb. If you stand still, the attacks from above will collide with each other and annihilate each other. We will be safe and sound!"

"Who told you their attacks would collide with each other, are you stupid?"

The Baihe boy stepped on the gangster step, and quickly turned in a circle on the spot. Every time he took a step out of the sky, a sinister visualization object would explode.

Li Xiaobai realized that he had made an embarrassment, touched his nose in embarrassment, flipped his wrist and took out the three-foot green point, and was about to chop it off at the grimace, when he was sent flying by a huge force.

Boy Baihe: "What are you going to do?"

Li Xiaobai said honestly, "hammer her stomach."

"Don't take her life."

"Then how to kill the evil spirits?"

"A ghost fetus will come into the world at the time of a cup of tea, just cut off the head the moment the fetus is born."

Bai He understated it, and after dropping these words, he ignored Li Xiaobai, his body danced like a butterfly, and every dance step would be accompanied by the fall of a ghost.

The contemplated objects in the sky exploded like firecrackers, bursting into splendid fireworks.

King Yan Luo couldn't bear it anymore, and gave an order, "Kill them!"

"As long as the ghost is alive, everyone else can die!"


Yan Luo carried the ghost gate on his shoulders, and the five emperors, Yan Jun, swooped down with hundreds of ghosts. The turbulent and violent breath poured down like a waterfall, cracking every inch of the pressed ground.

It was also at this moment that the body of the daughter-in-law of the Liu family suddenly trembled violently. Before this woman could not speak, but now she kept moaning in pain.

Although Li Xiaobai has never given birth to a child, he also knows what this means, the daughter-in-law of the Liu family is about to give birth!

Bai He Tongzi grabbed the Liu family's daughter-in-law, propped her up with both hands, and yelled in a low voice, "I'm sure, I'll cut off the head as soon as it comes out!"

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