Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 182 You Always Want To Whore For Nothing, It's Hard For Me To Do It

"It's not too much. It's just that you just open your mouth and let you walk freely in the sect. This sect leader feels very embarrassing."

Ou Yezi smashed his mouth, showing a troubled expression.

"I understand the rules."

The headmaster of Tianwu Sect threw out a space ring, his face was not very good-looking, and it was the first time in more than ten years that he gave a gift to his opponent.

"Well, not bad, not bad, as expected of the head teacher of Tianwu Sect, sensible and upright."

Ou Yezi quickly browsed through the items in the ring, nodded in satisfaction, got up and led everyone to Piaomiao Peak.

Along the way, the monks of Tianwumen looked horrified. This Piaomiao Peak is completely different from other peaks, and the level of prosperity is several levels higher.

All the sect disciples are taking a bath and smoking Huazi.

Every disciple exudes a subtle aura, and occasionally a disciple will break through, overflowing with precious light all over his body, and his energy and energy will rise to the peak.

A group of people were shocked. Compared with the disciples of their own sect, the cultivation level of this disciple of the Holy Demon Sect was too strong, and the overall level was much higher than that of the disciples of Tianwu Sect.

Unknowingly, Tianwumen was still surpassed by it.

The smell faintly emanating from Tang Neng Yipin's bathhouse and Huazi's canteen intoxicated all the monks of Tianwumen. Just breathing the fragrance in the smoke made them feel that their understanding had greatly improved.

All the intractable and miscellaneous diseases that troubled me in cultivation were all solved, and the cultivation base that had been stagnant has a tendency to break through the shackles.

"Is this a spiritual spring?"

"There are so many spiritual springs, and what is the smoke coming out of this disciple's mouth? Just breathing for a while, actually gave the old man a sign of a breakthrough in his cultivation!"

"It's a bit like enlightenment tea."

"Could it be that these are all the handwriting of our ancestors?"

Chen Kun's expression was horrified. Such a magical treasure can greatly improve the overall strength of the sect's disciples.

The rest of the people thought the same way. Ou Yezi had just been promoted to the Mahayana stage, and he didn't have the ability yet. The only explanation was the masterpiece of Old Man Tianwu.

"These were built by Li Xiaobai, the master of my Piaomiao Peak," Ou Yezi said.

"Demon Sword Li Xiaobai!"

"This kid actually has such a skill?"

The head teacher of Tianwu Sect was surprised. These treasures are not just for increasing one's cultivation level, but for improving the overall strength of the sect and driving the overall development of the sect. Such a contribution comes from a junior monk.

"In the future, Tangneng Yipin and Huazi will be promoted to the whole continent, and Tianwumen monks can also purchase them at that time."

Li Xiaobai said happily that the people of Tianwumen have been deeply attracted by Bathhouse and Huazi. These are his potential customers and 100% repeat customers.

Everyone was silent, they couldn't see through Li Xiaobai.

on the mountain peak.

The old beggar soaked in the bathhouse and swallowed his clouds and fog. In front of him, all the monks of Tianwumen stood in a row, looking like disciples who were punished by their masters.

"Don't stand there stupidly, come in and soak."

"The old ancestor is taking a bath, and I will only wait for you!" The headmaster of Tianwu Sect panicked.

"You are the head teacher of Tianwu Sect now, what is your name?"

"If you go back to the ancestors, the junior Wu Xiu is the current head teacher of the Tianwu Sect." Wu Xiu clasped his fists and said seriously, "I hope that the old ancestors can take time to visit the sect and give pointers to the juniors in their cultivation."

"You can't learn the old beggar's skills. You have to rely on your own comprehension during the whole journey of practice. In this life, the old beggar has relied on his own groping and perseverance. After years of practice, he finally has invincible power. "

The old beggar's expression was indifferent, and there was a lot of pressure in the field. Li Xiaobai knew that the old man was beginning to pretend invisible again.

What is all up to him to figure it out, the old man doesn't even understand the strength of his own body, so he doesn't have time to give advice to others.

But the people from Tianwumen didn't understand the old beggar, so they kept listening, nodding frequently, and took notes very seriously.

"As expected of Old Man Tianwu, his practice path is also different from ordinary people."

"That's right, our Tianwu Sect is really lucky for our sect to be able to step out of a world-class figure like our ancestor!"

Hearing the compliments from the younger generations, the old beggar smiled even more. He enjoyed this feeling very much and felt a sense of accomplishment.

"Even if you have some insight, the old beggar knows your purpose, so you don't need to go back to the sect. The old beggar has some friendship with Boss Li. In the future, when your sect comes to buy Huazi, I believe Boss Li will not refuse."

The old beggar said.

"welcome any time."

Li Xiaobai doesn't have any views on sects, as long as he can earn Lingshi, he can sell it to anyone, anyway, he wants to establish a chain across the continent in the future.

Everyone in Tianwumen wanted to scribble for a while longer, but the old beggar drove them away directly, asking them to go back to practice quickly, so there is no need to waste time on this kind of sophistication.

"Why didn't the old man return to the sect?" Li Xiaobai asked.

"There's nothing to return. You can't rely on anyone throughout the journey of cultivation. The only one you can rely on is yourself. If the old beggar returns, I'm afraid the disciples will feel slack because of having a reliance."

The old beggar smashed his mouth and ignited a Huazi again.

"Senior is really well-intentioned, I believe Wu Xiu and the others will understand."

Ou Yezi laughed and said, no matter what, he would be happy to see the Tianwu Sect deflated. With the prosperity and fame of the Saint Demon Sect, it won't be long before he can completely shake off the other party.

"You sacrificed your blood to the arrogance of the great power in Zhongzhou. You are in great trouble. After the old beggar leaves, people will come to you in a steady stream."

"Senior is leaving?"

"The old beggar likes to wander around, and won't stay here for too long."

"Where is the old man going, shall we go together?" Li Xiaobai leaned over.

"Hey, you can't go where the old beggar wants to go. Troubled times are about to begin. As a strong man with invincible power, the old beggar must help the world and save people. As the saying goes, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility."

The old beggar put his hands behind his back and said lightly, another wave of invisible pretend.

Li Xiaobai "..."

Ou Yezi was thoughtful, "Could it be because of that Roushan incident?"

"Not necessarily. The recovery of Roshan is just the beginning. The old beggar has already sensed the breath of life of many old guys reappearing in the world. He wants to walk around and chat with them." The old beggar said.

Li Xiaobai felt that the old man was bragging again, he was extremely unreliable, if he said that he had a heart for the common people, he would not believe a word if he wanted to bring peace to all generations.

"It's just that there is a problem with this cultivation base. If only a few more bottles of this certain treasure can be brought, the old beggar can also benefit more living beings." The old beggar shook his head and sighed, unconsciously glanced aside Li Xiaobai.

"Grandpa, this thing is very precious. You always want to whore for nothing. It's hard for me to do it."

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