Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 183: Heading To Zhenyuan Country

There were no monks to join in the fun, and all major forces sent monks with low cultivation levels. After the previous two incidents, they no longer dared to let big brother-level monks come over.

In case of being caught again, the loss will definitely be heavy. As for these low-level existences, if the other party wants to catch them, they can catch them.

Li Xiaobai is very disappointed, these people are generally in the Nascent Soul Stage, and I despise them, even if they are caught, they will not pay spirit stones to redeem them.

After accepting the spirit stone, he dug out the arrogance of all major forces from the latrine.

It felt good to see the sun again, and the Tianjiao shed tears of gratitude, thanking the organization for not giving up on them and giving them a chance to be a new person.

"Thank you, Peak Master!"

"I can finally go home, I will never come to the Northern Territory again in this life!"

"Brother Wang, your situation is small. I won't go to the treasure land of the secret realm again. I have already thought about my life in the past few days. I just want to be a second generation of immortals honestly, killing people to seize treasures and so on. The risk is too great."

"Yeah, if I'm caught again, I'm not sure if the sect will redeem me with spirit stones."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile, "Everyone, although we only met for a few days, Li admires the aptitude of all the geniuses. The door of Piaomiao Peak is always open to you. I look forward to having a good time with you again. "

The Tianjiao were terrified when they heard the words, burst into tears, and bowed to Li Xiaobai, "No need, I won't appear in the Northern Territory again in the future, I wish you a speedy ascension!"

Just kidding, if possible, it is best not to meet again in this life.

Looking at the servants of the sect holding spirit stones in front of them, they felt very cordial, and never felt that these servants looked so pleasing to the eye.

"Uncle Wang, you are Uncle Wang!"

"Sixth Junior Brother, ouch, it can be regarded as seeing a relative!"

"I'm sorry, senior brother. In the past, my younger brother always insisted on self-cultivation and high strength, and looked down on you. It's my fault. From now on, my younger brother must treat each other with courtesy!"

Seeing that the proud and domineering Tianjiao boy in the past is so approachable now, even a little flattering, these mediocre servants feel flattered.

You know, no matter what their qualifications are, they can only be treated as a doormat if their cultivation base is low. Where have they ever enjoyed such treatment, it is the first time in the world that they are treated with courtesy by these high-ranking geniuses.

"Young master, don't do this, these are what old slaves should do."

"Yes, yes, the head of the sect is very concerned about the senior brother. This time when he returns to the sect, he will definitely throw a big feast to surprise the senior brother!"

"Yeah, let's go first."

"Yes, yes, let's go out first!"

The Tianjiao hurriedly followed the servants and left, not daring to stay in Piaomiao Peak for a moment. The experience of digging out excrement made them unforgettable in this lifetime.

Seeing everyone leaving in a mighty way, Li Xiaobai sighed in his heart, this deal is very good, but unfortunately it is a one-off, it is not easy to find another dangerous place to catch Tianjiao.

Resisting the urge to capture these arrogances again, Li Xiaobai turned back to the mountain.

In this wave of blood earning, a monk is worth 1.5 million high-grade spirit stones. This time, at least a dozen people were taken away directly. The corner of the artifact price.


On Piaomiao Peak, Li Xiaobai found Ouyang Shuang'er, who has been addicted to Tang Neng Yipin's bathhouse these days.

At first she was afraid of the big brother monks who came to find fault, but after discovering that waves of big brothers missed and were thrown into the toilet, she felt the same as the other disciples. Xiaobai has a honeyed self-confidence.

And the feeling of smoking Huazi while taking a bath is simply not too pleasant, vaguely she has accumulated enough background to break through the realm of the Nascent Soul Stage.

"Miss Shuang'er, it's time to go to Zhenyuan Kingdom."

"So fast?"

Ouyang Shuang'er is a bit reluctant, this is what Li Xiaobai wants, this woman has already been conquered by Tang Neng Yipin and Huazi, if she opens a shop in Zhenyuan in the future, she will definitely try her best to maintain it, with the help of the royal family, Can save a lot of things.

"Miss Shuang'er is reluctant to part with this Tang Neng Yipin, but don't worry, I will open Tangneng Yipin in Zhenyuan."

"Is this true?" Ouyang Shuang'er's eyes lit up, and her face became pleasantly surprised.

"It's natural. If I can get the help of Miss Shuang'er, it will go very smoothly. I can let you be the agent of Zhenyuan Kingdom, and be responsible for all Tangneng Yipin stores in Zhenyuan Kingdom."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Young master, don't worry, although the little girl's cultivation is not very good, but with my status as a princess, it's easy to open a few shops."

Ouyang Shuang'er looked excited, she had already seen the scene where she was soaking in the bathhouse and counting the white flower spirit stones.

"Let's go, let's go, get to the place early, and do things early!"

Li Xiaobai flipped his wrist, took out the Lamborghini, grabbed Ji Wuqing and Ouyang Shuang'er and left, there are a lot of things going on recently, and he has to deal with them one by one.

First get rid of the thorns in the Northern Territory, so that the Zongmen has no worries, so that I can go out to Zhongzhou with confidence and boldness.

Tianwumen is not the opponent of the Holy Demon Sect. With the old beggar's point before, they will not target the Holy Demon Sect in the future. The only thing left is the Zhenyuan Kingdom.

I have met a few times before, and the monks in it are quite arrogant. They are the descendants of Zhenyuan Great Immortal, and they have an innate sense of superiority. It is inevitable that an old monster will pop out.

With his current defense power, it is not a problem to block the attacks of monks in the Transcendence Tribulation Stage, but he still can't stop the old monster-level bosses, so it is still not suitable to be too sloppy.

On the way, Li Xiaobai communicated with Ouyang Shuang'er again, and confirmed the situation in Zhenyuan's country.

"Heck, boy, it's nothing more than Zhen Yuanguo. I'm afraid it will do something. Let's drive Tang Neng Yipin directly to the imperial city. Whoever refuses to accept it will take it back and clean the latrine!"

Ji Wuqing has been extremely arrogant these past few days. If she has nothing to do, she will go to the toilet to talk about her life ideals with the Tianjiao bosses, and they don't want to abuse them.

It's extremely bloated right now.

"Zhenyuan Kingdom is no better than the Holy Demon Sect. The old man is not here, so we still have to keep a low profile and don't make trouble." Li Xiaobai reminded worriedly.

"Hehe, this deity has been invincible in the world for a long time, who dares to refuse to accept it?" Ji ruthlessly lit a Huazi, and said lightly.

Li Xiaobai is speechless, this dick is too bloated, he just became so arrogant after bullying the Tianjiao in the latrine for a few days, it's hard to imagine what the two dogs will be like in Huolin Cave, right?

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