The eldest princess stretched out her plain hand and placed it lightly on Li Xiaobai's head. Behind her, a phantom of a Confucian and Taoist primordial spirit manifested, and circles of white light mist spread, covering Li Xiaobai.


In the void, the pale-white Primordial Spirit phantom held the scriptures in its hand, and made a melancholy sound. Everyone's minds were shaken. This was an attack from the Primordial Spirit. Even if they did not target the other monks, they still felt a sense of helplessness. Resist the pressure.

"That's right, the Eldest Princess's skills have improved again." Fang Guoshi nodded with a smile, approving.

"That's right, the Eldest Princess is already at the Nascent Soul stage at a young age, she is truly a talented person in my township of the Yuan Kingdom, showing off the prestige of my royal family!"

"He is a role model for my generation!"

The young talents look longingly and enviously. They are all of the same age. Why are they so outstanding?

Li Xiaobai blinked his eyes, feeling the power coming from above his head.

Attribute point +800...

Attribute points +1000...

The addition of attribute points is so-so. It should be the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Stage, which is far behind those Tianjiao.

"Hehe, in the past few days, I have received quite a lot of goods in Tangneng Yipin. This is thanks to Mr. Li. When I get the secret of Tangneng Yipin, I will open Tangneng Yipin and let you all experience it!"

Ouyang Yue'er smiled lightly.

"Thank you, princess!"

The faces of the few people were delighted. They knew the magic of Tang Neng Yipin. The effect of this bathhouse was comparable to that of a spiritual spring, and there were so many of them. After being discovered by the royal family, they were firmly in their hands. If there was no major meritorious service, they would not be allowed to enter it .

If you can enter the bubble for a day, your cultivation will definitely increase rapidly. Just look at the aborigines of Gu Yue City to know this.

"It doesn't matter, this son is already under my control, the secret of Tang Neng Yipin is at your fingertips."

Ouyang Yue'er was full of confidence, she withdrew her hand, ready to ask about the secret of the bathhouse.

At this time, a hand reached out like lightning and grabbed her wrist.

Li Xiaobai raised his head suddenly, his eyes flashed with coldness, and he said in a cold tone: "It turns out that you are greedy for Tang Neng, so you took Situ's family away. Zhenyuan Kingdom, you really have a ruthless method!"

" have clearly been erased by me, how could you wake up?"

Ouyang Yue'er was terrified, her voice trembled.

Fang Guoshi on the side also felt turbulent waves in his heart. Even he could not be completely immune to the broken soul soup in the jug, and just now he used the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul stage, and the other party was not injured at all. How could this be possible.

"The mere Nascent Soul stage cultivation base also wants to obliterate the lower consciousness, you are a little bit drifting." Li Xiaobai sneered.

"How dare you dare to be disrespectful to the Eldest Princess, and Li Zi will take his life!"

Fang Guoshi waved his palms and rushed towards Li Xiaobai. The phantom of the primordial spirit behind him manifested, blessed by the voice of Confucianism and Taoism, and looked down upon the world. His tyrannical aura swept the audience, oppressing the surrounding monks out of breath.

Li Xiaobai didn't dodge or dodge, he let the palm of the national teacher's hand print on his chest, and the retaliation started.

Attribute points +1000...

Attribute point +1200...

A little better than Ouyang Yue'er.


Fang Guoshi flew out backwards, blood gushing from his mouth.

"Who are you, hiding your cultivation, and what do you want to do when you enter Zhenyuan's country?"

Fang Guoshi asked with horror in his eyes.

"My servant, Li Xiaobai, I don't like talking nonsense, hand over Situ Yanyu's family, and I will go talk to your lord about the deal." Li Xiaobai said calmly with his hands behind his back.

"Arrogance, I am in the Yuan Kingdom, with thousands of years of heritage, the most sacred place of Confucianism and Taoism, how can you act wild!"

Ouyang Yue'er's voice was sharp, she turned her wrist, and a long sword appeared in her hand, the sword's aura was wanton.

Li Xiaobai stretched out his head in front of him: "Come on, chop me, chop this way, if I can chop, I will lose!"


Ouyang Yue'er didn't hold back her hand at all, her swordsmanship and supernatural powers were running, and the divine light of the avenue burst out, piercing straight to the center of Li Xiaobai's eyebrows.

The anti-injury was activated, the sword energy shattered, and the entire sword body was instantly reduced to dust.


Ouyang Yue'er spurted blood wildly, also flew out and fell beside Fang Guoshi.

Attribute points +1000...

Attribute points +1000...

"Princess, you are too weak." Li Xiaobai shook his head.

Ouyang Yue'er's face was as white as paper, and the whole audience was petrified. Who would have thought that a mortal who could only be mermaid would turn into a master with profound cultivation, the contrast between before and after is too strong.

Two Nascent Soul stage monks attacked, and they couldn't even break the opponent's defense. What kind of cultivation is this, the stage of transforming gods?

The faces of the young talents turned pale with fright, they didn't know good from evil just now, and they spoke rudely to the big brother, if the big brother held grudges, they would die in an ugly way.

"I am the eldest princess of the Zhenyuan Kingdom, Ouyang Yueer, the emperor and the few priests are powerful during the catastrophe period. Your Excellency is too arrogant and domineering in my Zhenyuan country." Ouyang Yueer was depressed, The retaliation caused her to receive a lot of trauma.

"Is the Transcendence Tribulation Period really amazing? Let me ask again, where is Situ Yanyu!"

Li Xiaobai didn't want to talk nonsense with her. The person he was protecting was put in prison by others. This was absolutely unbearable. Besides, Tangneng Yipin was his own shop, when would it be Zhen Yuanguo's turn to decide.

"You will regret it!" Situ Yue'er's face was gloomy, and her eyes were full of resentment.

"I never regret it. Since you don't want to say it, don't blame me for using some tricks."

Li Xiaobai drew out his long sword casually and raised it above his head.

Ouyang Shuang'er on the side looked anxious: "big sister, answer Mr. Li quickly, there must be some misunderstanding here, Mr. Li, don't worry!"

"Get out, eat the food inside and out, you should have been sent to Huolin Cave a long time ago, and expand my power in Zhenyuan Kingdom!"

Ouyang Yue'er's expression was ferocious, and she roared angrily, in her eyes, Ouyang Shuang'er is just a waste of low cultivation, who actually speaks for outsiders, she has lost all face today.

"It's okay, I like to shoot people who think they are superior. You think you have the strength to play with me, and I don't mind playing with you."

After all, Li Xiaobai raised his sword and fell, and was 100% caught empty-handed!

In an instant, all the people in the hall rushed towards Li Xiaobai uncontrollably, knelt down on their knees, and raised their hands high to catch Li Xiaobai's sword.

Ouyang Yue'er was the closest, clasped his palms together, clamped the blade of the sword, and completed the most standard 100% being caught empty-handed.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically. They finally remembered who the other party was. There was a lot of buzz.

"One sword fixes the body, the evil sword!"

"Li Xiaobai, he is that Li Xiaobai, who murdered hundreds of Tianjiao, openly challenged the power of the Zhongzhou Demon Sword Genius!"

"The top 100 masters are here!"

Ouyang Yueer's delicate body was trembling, and she was sweating profusely. She finally remembered why she felt so familiar when she heard this name. This time, she kicked the iron plate.

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