"Since you recognize it, it's easy to handle. Tell me, what is the cause and effect of this Ancient Moon City?"

Li Xiaobai lifted Ouyang Yueer's chin and said calmly.

Ouyang Yue'er's beautiful eyes trembled. As a royal family, a descendant of Confucianism and Taoism, she was born to be superior to others, but now she is kneeling in front of others. This is a great irony and humiliation.

"Stop, don't be rude to the eldest princess!"

Fang Guoshi sternly shouted, he is also unable to move, but as a monk of the eldest princess's faction, he must show something at this time.

"What is the eldest princess? If I am on weekdays, I am too lazy to talk to you at the Nascent Soul stage, and I am not even qualified to clean up the toilets in my sect. While I am talking nicely, hurry up and invite me truthfully, otherwise don't say anything. It's you, even your king, I'll also arrest you!"

Li Xiaobai's face was fierce, and he summoned the blood demon Yuanhua Tianzun. This Yuanshen's power is average, but it looks quite bluffing.

The blood demon's primordial spirit stood upright, blood was surging all over his body, and his scarlet eyes stared straight at Ouyang Yue'er.

"The reason why Guyue City was blocked was because of Mr. Li's Tang Neng Yipin. After the father learned about this, he ordered the city to be sealed off. At the same time, we found out the secrets in this bathhouse. We questioned many people, and finally found out the owner of Tang Neng Yipin. It's called Ye Liangchen, and the bathhouse was built by him."

Ouyang Yue'er judged the situation and told the whole story.

"So you arrested Ouyang Yueer's family?"


"Where are they?"

"In the prison of the imperial city, the emperor personally interrogated him again!"

A strangeness flashed in Ouyang Yueer's eyes. She didn't know Li Xiaobai's exact strength, but she knew that his cultivation base was not as high as the outside rumors said, and that he was able to make big moves only because there was an old Tianwu standing behind him.

Seeing the blood demon primordial spirit at this time, she strengthened her mind even more. Although the other party crushed her, but judging by the size of the blood demon primordial spirit, it would not exceed the cultivation level of the transformation stage.

My father and several great priests are all cultivators in the Transcending Tribulation Period, if they are brought in front of the father, there will be no trouble at all.

"It's fine to say no earlier. Tangneng Yipin is my shop. If you want to use it, you can just pay the spirit stone. Why bother to explore its root cause? Everyone will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

Li Xiaobai said calmly, the imperial city was originally going to go, and the Lord Zhenyuan had to come forward to discuss the business, and let him release people along the way.

"Mr. Li, Father has not done you any harm, please let him go..."

Ouyang Shuang'er is at a loss at the moment, everything is very different from what she imagined, she originally thought that she was a princess, and based on her own status, she would negotiate some business with Zhen Yuanguo, there was no problem at all, she never thought that after seeing the big sister, she would repeatedly If things go wrong, the boss will not leave her, she is still like a little transparent, and now she is being suppressed and beaten by the boss.

Moreover, the matter of the marriage made her very upset, and it was difficult for her to concentrate.

Father is the lord of a country, and now she only hopes that Li Xiaobai will not let him kneel down.

"Little sister, Mr. Li is here for a deal. It is inevitable to meet the emperor. He has made his own decision, so you don't need to say anything!"

Ouyang Yue'er's expression was displeased, and she was very angry in her heart. This little girl of her family has been talking to outsiders, and now she actually doubts her father's strength. Could it be that her cultivation during the Tribulation Period can't afford a mere Li Xiaobai?

It's really short-sighted, not only the cultivation base is low, but also the vision is not broad.


Ouyang Shuang'er was angry and wanted to say something, but Li Xiaobai interrupted.

"That's right. It is necessary to see your father. After all, the number of elixir in my hand is too large, and the girl Yanyu has to be released by him. I hope he can be more sensible."

Li Xiaobai opened everyone's mouths and fed them the elixir of sealing cultivation one by one.

Ouyang Yue'er sneered in her heart, although you are arrogant now, if you can still laugh when you are in the palace, she will be considered the loser.

"You said earlier that people from Huolin Cave also came?" Li Xiaobai asked suddenly.

"Huolin Cave has already married my younger sister, and they have already arrived in the imperial city in the past two days, but you can rest assured, Huo Lin Cave will not interfere in the affairs of Zhenyuan Kingdom."

Ouyang Yue'er said that she was worried that Li Xiaobai was afraid of Huolin Cave and would not take risks lightly.

Facts have proved that she was overthinking. At this moment, Li Xiaobai's expression was a little weird. He had just let go of the person in Huolin Cave, but then bumped into him again. He didn't know what kind of mood the other person would feel when they met again.

"I have some friendship with Huolin Cave, so I'm going here to catch up on the old days." Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

"It's not too late, let's go to the palace, shall we?"


Half an hour later, a long princess appeared on the Lamborghini.

Ouyang Yue'er was quite concerned about this Lamborghini, "What kind of mount is this, it can be so fast, this level of cultivation, I'm afraid it has surpassed the Nascent Soul Stage?"

Li Xiaobai glanced at her, poverty limited the other party's imagination.

Ji Wuqing got out of the mailbox, and it took a lot of spirit stones.

Ouyang Yueer was taken aback, "What is this!"

"Hehe, you are the stuff, and your whole family is stuff!" Ji ruthlessly combed her feathers with a look of disdain on her face.

"Boy, where did you get the girl, with a face full of dementia, startled and surprised, as good as Er Gouzi!"

"You chicken can talk!"

Ouyang Yue'er was shocked. She also had demon beasts in captivity in Yuanguo, and there were several monster beasts in the Yuanying stage, but they couldn't speak for a long time. Now this ordinary chick can speak human words, And looking at the situation, wisdom is not low.

"Heck, it really is long hair but short knowledge. I, Ji Ruqing, has the blood of the Immortal Phoenix. Are you people from Zhenyuan Kingdom so short-sighted?"

Ji Wuqing said lightly.

Ouyang Yue'er was furious in her heart, but her cultivation was limited, so she could only endure it, when she got to the palace and saw her father, she must deal with these guys well and make them suffer from whipping!

Li Xiaobai ignited a Huazi and smoked it with his mouth.

After a while of swallowing clouds and fog, Ouyang Yueer's heart was filled with turmoil. Even if she only absorbed second-hand smoke, she could still feel the clarity in her body. .

What is this, the effect is stronger than that of the bathhouse, it is too amazing!

"Mr. Li, what are you talking about that has the effect of improving understanding and breaking through cultivation?" Ouyang Yue'er asked.

"Heck, a bumpkin is a bumpkin, even Huazi doesn't know him."

Ji Wuqing was the first to taunt, and also lit a Huazi, smacking her mouth.

The smile on Ouyang Yue'er's face froze, even a chicken is more nourishing than her, and it is a treasure that can improve her cultivation level. Her mentality is a little unbalanced.

He reminded himself repeatedly in his heart that as long as he saw his father, he would be at his disposal, and he would have to spit out any secrets at that time.

"This item is called Huazi. Originally, I wanted to open a Huazi specialty store in Zhenyuan Country, but after seeing the situation in Guyue City, I feel that this matter needs to be discussed in the long term..."

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