"Li Shejin, Li Guoshi."

Feng Wuxie's complexion completely sank, and there were already quite a few sect disciples around to watch the fun.

"Over there, stop shouting, we are all invited by the national teachers of Zhenyuan Kingdom, here, the national teachers are worthless."

Some disciples laughed out loud, as if they thought this scene was very interesting.

"Hehe, it looks like another group of country bumpkins who have never seen the world."

"It's good to let them learn a lot!"

Feng Wuxie was choked and speechless, the attendant sneered, turned and left.

"Isn't that who? I crippled one of your hands, but now it's connected?"

"Our Immortal Feather Sect is talking about things, when will it be your turn to wait for the trash to shout here?"

Yang Chen couldn't stand it anymore, and pointed to a disciple who was dancing happily.

Although Xianyuzong is a small sect, there are still many disciples who will go out to travel. Piao Miaofeng did not report the name of Xianyuzong when he caused trouble outside, so he was hidden among the disciples and was not recognized by anyone.

At this time, Yang Chen's words immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding disciples, and many people recognized a few old acquaintances.

"It's you! So you belong to this sect!"

The named disciple was shocked and angry. Two years ago, when he was bullying men and women, one arm was broken by Yang Chen.

"Look at the guys over there. The treasure we competed for last time was placed by them in a trap to kill their opponents!"

"It's them, I know that fat man turned into ashes!"

"Damn it, it turns out that these people are disciples of the small sect. At first, I thought they were after meeting the famous sect!"

"It's really a narrow road to Yuanjia, and there is no backstage. I want to see what you guys will use to fight me this time!"

The atmosphere in the arena became tense all of a sudden, and many sect disciples stood up one after another, trying to seek the bad luck of everyone in Piao Miao Peak.

It's just that they forgot that although everyone was accompanied by elders, but now the elders have gone to the meeting, and those who stay are the disciples of the younger generation.

"You want to fight with me?"

Su Yunbing raised his eyebrows slightly, his aura fluctuated and he looked at everyone with a half-smile.

Feeling the terrifying spiritual pressure from Su Yunbing's body, the faces of the surrounding disciples all turned pale. Among them, the highest cultivation level is only enough to enter the golden core, and it is still far behind the monsters in Piaomiao Peak of.

This kind of coercion is comparable to some elders of medium power.

Quite a few disciples from the big forces looked at the people in Piaomiao Peak a few more times. It's really extraordinary that a disciple of this small sect can have such a strong foundation and such a profound cultivation base.

"Guys, we are here to help Zhenyuan Kingdom overcome difficulties, so we should save our strength to fight monsters."

"Give me Zhang Rui a face, everyone take a step back, how about letting go of the past?"

In the crowd, a group of men in white robes stood up and said, the same mighty aura erupted, forcefully pushing back Su Yunbing's power.

He is a true disciple of Tianwu Sect, and his half-step Nascent Soul Stage cultivation is considered outstanding among the younger generation.

The people of Tianwuzong spoke, but the surrounding disciples stopped talking, this face must be given.

"Since the past has been resolved, the waiter over there, why don't you quickly write down the name of Xian Yuzong?"

"Don't even give Zhang Rui, the true disciple of Tianwuzong, any face?"

Another black-robed man said with a bit of yin and yang that he was a true disciple of the Holy Demon Sect, and he was the only one who dared to pick up the words of the Tianwu Sect in the field.

The Holy Demon Sect and the Tianwu Sect are constantly fighting in secret. As long as there is something that can make the Tianwu Sect collapse, the Holy Demon Sect will spare no effort.

"come on."

Yang Chen named the waiter by name, and asked the waiter who had just left to come back again, with an extremely arrogant attitude.

"It's good that it's early. This world is based on strength. Your Zhenyuan country doesn't even have a great ability to overcome the catastrophe, so you don't know what you are doing arrogantly!" Liu Jinshui was also cursing.

In his opinion, although there are many Golden Core Stages in Zhenyuan Kingdom, their strengths are indeed quite average. Most of them stay at the early stage of Golden Core Stage. There are probably only a few high-level monks, so it’s okay to bluff others. It's the same when you meet someone who knows how to do it.

As for the Nascent Soul Stage, those are all treasures and won't come out easily.

As soon as this remark came out, the expression of Zhen Yuanguo's waiter changed.

Even Zhang Rui was a little stunned, he didn't expect Xianyu Sect to be so shameless, without the slightest awareness of being a small sect.

The black-robed man laughed before, appreciating the attitude of everyone in Piaomiao Peak.

"That's right, I've long since disliked Zhen Yuan's way of life, and only some hypocrites will associate with it."

Li Xiaobai was terrified. The people present seemed to be disciples of the big sect and the middle power. His senior brothers and sisters had offended them all over the place, and according to others, this Liangzi had grown up, and he would enter the Divine Beast Mountain Range later. Will be under siege.

It seems that I will no longer be able to act together with my brothers and sisters. If someone finds out, it will be easy to be targeted.

The waiter from before came over reluctantly, and began to serve tea and water, Feng Wuxie looked indifferent, anyway, this face was earned.

But he really didn't expect that Piaomiao Peak would offend so many sect disciples. It seems that Xian Yuzong had to draw a clear line with them to avoid being besieged.

At the same time, the elders and elders of each faction also came back.

Elder Sun seemed a little nervous, obviously knowing some secret things.

Gathering all the disciples in a corner, he said with a serious expression, "Listen up, this incident is of great importance, and there may be something big happening in this sacred beast mountain range."

"As a group of elders, this old man has been mobilized to the other side for support this time. He wants to act separately from you. After you enter the mountain range, you can kill the monsters on the outside. You must not go deep inside. You can't intervene there. "

"Don't be alone, try to go with a companion. Also, be careful of the people of Tianwumen, don't listen to their orders, that's all the old man said, you must not be so ambitious."

Elder Sun reminded, especially the disciple who looked at Piaomiao Peak, that the communication between the big bosses during the meeting frightened him a lot, he didn't expect that it was such treasures that caused the monsters to riot.

This is a battle between the Nascent Soul bosses, and these small forces are cannon fodder, and getting involved in it is tantamount to death.

"Dare to ask the elder, what is in the beast mountain range?"

Feng Wuxie asked, this is what everyone is most concerned about.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't. Sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing for you. You just honestly hunt monsters outside and earn some monster materials."

Elder Sun kept his secret, and no longer paid any attention to the disciples' questions.

Li Xiaobai thought in his heart, it seems that the treasures in this mountain range must be very valuable, otherwise the bosses would not take action to snatch them.

At present, I only have the defensive power of copper skin and iron bones. When I am promoted to the next stage, I may be able to enter the inner area to see what the treasure caused the monster to run wild.

Moreover, there are several life-saving artifacts in the mall, so safety should not be a problem.

The elders of all the parents are communicating with the disciples about the situation. Obviously, the elders have their own plans and must act alone.

Soon, an old man with white hair and childlike appearance stood up, "Everyone, this old man will take the lead in this operation, and we will set off for the Divine Beast Mountain Range immediately!"

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