This white-haired old man is a master of Tianwumen, his spirit is as sharp as a sharp knife out of its sheath, and ordinary disciples will feel their eyes hurt just by looking at him.

The strength is unfathomable.

This operation was indeed led by him. Except for the gray-clothed old man of the Holy Demon Sect who was a little upset, the rest of the people had no objections.

"This is a rescue token, one for each sect. If you encounter danger, call for help immediately, and the nearby teams will rush over."

Feng Wuxie gave the fairy feather sect's distress token to Feng Wuxie.

In addition, Elder Sun also issued the disciple tokens of the Holy Demon Sect to the top ten disciples in the Grand Competition.

This was given by the old man of the Holy Demon Sect during the meeting just now. With this token, he can go directly to the Holy Demon Sect.

The whole body of the token is pitch black, with the three big characters of Holy Demon Sect printed on the front, and the words "Further Learning Disciple" on the back. Obviously this token is specially made, and it is not a real disciple of the Holy Demon Sect.

"It's getting late, let's set off immediately. The Divine Beast Mountain Range is very dangerous. The golden core stage monsters are everywhere, and the Nascent Soul stage is not without it. Everyone must be more careful."

The old man in white took the disciples and left first.

"A group of hypocrites, hypocritical on the surface, don't they want to let small and medium-sized sects explore the way as cannon fodder?"

"I know that there are quite a few people here who want to climb the big tree of Tianwumen, but don't blame the old man for not reminding you, cooperating with Tianwumen is tantamount to seeking skins from tigers, be careful not to die without a whole body."

The old man in gray snorted coldly, and also led the team away.

The rest of the sect looked at each other in blank dismay, and followed quickly. Although the words of the old man of the Holy Demon Sect were a bit scary, there were still a large number of people who wanted to take this opportunity to get closer to Tianwu Sect.

Although Saint Demon Sect and Tianwu Sect are as famous, their requirements for recruiting disciples are too strict, so that the number of sects is very small. If a thousand disciples go to participate in the entrance examination, it is considered good if dozens of them pass.

On the other hand, Tianwu Sect's requirements for recruiting disciples are much looser. The inner sect can only be admitted to the outer sect, and if they are not good enough, they can be a handyman.

All in all, as long as they can be mixed into the famous sect, even the handyman disciples are superior to others, and if they are not guaranteed to be recognized by the master in the sect, it is not certain that they will become prosperous from then on.

It is rare to have such an opportunity to get in touch with the masters of Tianwumen at close range, and of course the major forces must grasp it well.

"Junior brother, go play with senior sister in the mountains later?" Su Yunbing said.

"No, no, no, Elder Sun told me to stay on the periphery, so I won't join in the fun."

Li Xiaobai shrank his neck, waved his hands again and again, jokingly, these people just directly filled up the wave of hatred, if he followed them, he might be in danger of his life within two steps, so he should concentrate on accumulating attribute points first.

"That would be such a pity. Li Snakejin just got the news that there is a treasure deep in the mountain range. If you get it, you will benefit a lot." Ye Wushuang said.

"Little brother, who is so inexperienced, won't join in the fun."


mythical mountains,

This is one of several large mountain ranges in the Northern Territory, where monsters gather. It is said that there are big monsters in the Nascent Soul Stage, but no one has seen them.

On weekdays, the disciples of the various sects like to use this place as a trial place to kill monsters and sharpen their bodies. The materials obtained from monsters can be exchanged for spirit stones.

Li Xiaobai followed the team into the mountains. There were not many monsters in the periphery, and their strength was average. There were many monks and few flesh. The disciples felt that they formed groups of three or five and began to disperse and hunt.

Looking at the crowds of monks around him, Li Xiaobai was a little confused. He had never seen how strong these people were before, so how did he form a team all of a sudden?

When they looked back again, senior brother and senior sister Piao Miaofeng had disappeared, and they left quietly the moment they entered the mountain range, probably entering the inner area to snatch the treasure.

On the side, the three of Feng Wuxie looked at Li Xiaobai's solitary figure, with chills in their eyes.

After waiting for so long, the opportunity finally came. Killing people to seize treasures is common in this area. Even if Li Xiaobai's body was found afterwards, at most, he would remember a few words. No one would waste time on a dead person.

"Go, let's follow!"

in the jungle,

Li Xiaobai looked around for the monsters. After walking for a long time, he saw many monster corpses, but none of them were alive.

These sect disciples acted too quickly.

After groping for a while on the corpse of the monster, all valuables were taken away.

Continue to walk forward for a while.

Attribute point +1...

Attribute point +1...


Li Xiaobai's eyes lit up, and he was finally attacked, but the increased attribute points were too rare, and there were still no monsters nearby, but the surrounding was covered by a hazy layer of poisonous mist and miasma, and his body was continuously hurt.

Before taking a few steps, the ground rumbled and trembled.

Smoke billowed in front of him, and a large group of monsters rushed towards Li Xiaobai's direction, led by two figures.

"Junior brother, save us quickly!"

Li Xiaobai took a closer look, and it turned out to be Lin Mang and Hao Jian. They were lucky to have encountered so many monsters within a few minutes of entering the forest.

Stepping forward quickly, he greeted the two of them.

"Senior brother, don't panic, my little brother is here to help you!"

"Hey, thank you, Junior Brother!"

A cold light flashed in Lin Mang's eyes, his body sank suddenly, and a sweeping kick kicked Li Xiaobai, making his center of gravity unstable. At the same time, Hao Jian waved his palms, and a powerful burst of spiritual power pushed Li Xiaobai behind him. army of monsters.


Li Xiaobai scolded his mother in his heart. He was cheated within a few minutes after entering the mountain range, or by his own family.

"Junior brother, when you are away from home, you still need to be careful. Senior brother will teach you a lesson today. It's a pity that you don't have the chance to prove it hahaha!"

Hao Jian was in a good mood, watching the monster army stop and engulf Li Xiaobai.

These are all monsters in the foundation building period, and two of them have just entered the golden core, and if they are trapped in it, even the gods will not be able to save them.

The tone in my heart finally came out.

The monsters are naturally attracted by them. This is a plan of several people. Feng Wuxie promised to give each of them a Breakthrough Pill, which can help them quickly break through the golden elixir stage. The monster leads to Li Xiaobai.

The monsters huddled together, wriggling constantly, apparently gnawing on Li Xiaobai's body.

"Hehe, you did a good job, this is for you."

Feng Wuxie walked out of the shadows with a smile on his face.

He handed the two of them a small box, and they didn't expect to clean up Li Xiaobai so easily.

Originally, a series of backhands were prepared, but now it seems that they are useless.

"Hey, thank you very much, I was able to kill Li Xiaobai thanks to the senior brother's plan."

"At this time, heaven knows, the earth knows, you know and I know, and no one else knows."

Lin Mang took the box with a smile, and as soon as he opened it, his hairs stood on end in shock, dozens of poisonous needles burst out, aiming at the two of them.

The pupils contracted rapidly, and Lin Mang forcibly avoided the poisonous needle.

Hao Jian didn't react, dozens of poisonous needles were shot into his body in unison.

"Split the empty palm!"

Feng Wuxie switched the technique, and struck out with a volley of palms, Lin Mang's chest immediately sank, and he coughed up blood.

Grabbing the wrists of the two of them, he exerted force with his hands and threw them directly into the army of monsters.

"Do not!"

"Feng Wuxie..."

"You have to die..."

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