Space rings fell off one after another, Li Xiaobai nodded in satisfaction, flipped the wrist of the other hand, and another long sword appeared in his hand, and slashed at the monk who was desperately trying to break through the formation and prepare to escape.

In an instant, the monks in the formation moved and rushed towards Li Xiaobai. Their bodies left the safe area and were smashed into pieces by the formation.

A few cultivators who were on the verge of movement forcefully stared at the strangulation of the formation, and forcibly broke through the formation at the cost of severely injuring themselves.

But Li Xiaobai didn't take these people to heart, and it was the same when he went to the seventh formation to harvest.

These formations are simply natural killing weapons. With one hundred percent being caught empty-handed, there is no solution at all. You only need to control the opponent, and leave the rest to the formation.

In just a few minutes, the formation turned into a dead zone.

Li Xiaobai still collected all the space rings scattered on the ground, and his small coffers became more and more substantial, and he could make up for the cost of buying Godzilla a few waves before.

There are cores in the formation. Li Xiaobai doesn't know what a core is, so he casually breaks up all the seemingly important items in the formation. Occasionally, he comes across a piece of meat and sucks them all into the vacuum cleaner.

After some operations, the chaos in the formation was reduced a lot, Li Xiaobai wiped off his sweat, and was quite satisfied with the results of his efforts.

Creating trouble for Zhenzong has always been something I have spared no effort to do.

At the same time, in the fourth formation, several men in black robes looked horrified, and quietly retreated slowly, for fear of arousing the vigilance of the fierce man in front.

"You're right, this person is Li Xiaobai!"

"That's right, Li Xiaobai, a monk from the Northern Territory, should be the one who took the fragment from Liu Mang's hand in the Northern Territory Branch!"

"This fragment should still be in the hands of the other party. According to the news from the headquarters, all the fragments in the Northern Territory have disappeared, and even the fragments of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple in Ximo are gone. These places have The traces of Li Xiaobai's past visits, blindly guessing that the other party took it."

"The opponent has gone to the depths of the formation, and the fragments in the formation will probably be taken away by him. Shall we ask for support?"

"No, there are only a handful of monks who can stop Li Xiaobai now, and it's rare to know the exact whereabouts of the other party. We must report it to the sect as soon as possible, and ask the adult to decide!"

"Then what about these three cases? Should we first make sure that Li Xiaobai can leave safely?"

"No need, the three sects are just a new big force, and they don't have enough foundation to keep Li Xiaobai. I'll just go back and report the news. If Li Xiaobai is captured by the three sects, it will be easier. At that time, the lord will directly It's whoever you want!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Several men in black robes discussed quickly, turned around, and slowly disappeared into the formation.

In front of the seventh formation.

The monks felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and their chilling aura was undoubtedly revealed.

The monk who had escaped from the sixth formation had already informed everyone about the situation in the formation. The demon sword Li Xiaobai returned to the third sect again, and appeared in the trial place of the formation sect directly past the three suzerains. Countless monks have already been buried under his sword.

It will be their turn soon. At this moment, even if they have passed six formations in a row, they are a little nervous in their hearts. After all, they are fierce people who can cross the fierce formation. The flowers in the greenhouse like them Some lack of confidence.

"He's out!"

"Don't panic, I have already notified the suzerain with a secret method, and they will arrive soon!"

"That's right, there are so many of us, and many of us are masters in the tribulation stage. If you don't believe it, we still can't win a Li Xiaobai!"

"Pay attention to the good timing, be sure to launch an offensive at the first time, and don't let it cast that kind of immobilizing demon sword!"

A figure slowly walked out of the formation, and the cultivators were in a commotion. The internal exercises were running wildly, and the fluctuations in spiritual power swept across. They made a bold move and attacked Li Xiaobai.

Chains full of bursting aura flew all over the sky, trapping Li Xiaobai firmly.

Feeling the overwhelming attack, the corners of Li Xiaobai's mouth rose unconsciously. The number of monks in front of the seventh formation was not many, and it was obviously rare, only twenty or thirty people.

But in contrast, these people are real elites, and all of them are of good cultivation.

Attribute points +1000...

Attribute points +2000...

Attribute points +3000...

50000 attribute points.

All on defense!

Defensive power of physical sanctification (951,000,000) can be advanced.

There are only 50,000 attribute points left to advance to the next stage. Li Xiaobai's heart is a little excited, and his defense power is advanced again. In this world, there are only a handful of existences that can threaten him, and he can almost gone.

"Quick, he's bound!"

"Quickly suppress this person, don't hide it, show your true skills!"

"Demon Sword Li Xiaobai, I never thought you would have today!"

"Lead death!"

The monks broke out, seeing that Li Xiaobai was really restrained and attacked like chicken blood one by one, Li Xiaobai looked refreshed, this is the feeling, if you work harder, you will be invincible!

The hellfire was summoned casually, and it was attached to the bondage chains and burned blazingly.

After a period of cultivation, the current Hellfire is about the size of a fist. Although it still has no power, it has passed the weakest period and is no longer an existence that may be extinguished at any time.

At the same time, there was an extra line of small characters on the system panel.

Hellfire's current state can be advanced by attaching the right arm.

This should be the official opening of the Hellfire skill, which is the same as your own defense and can be continuously advanced. However, this thing needs to devour items to advance. It is now in the seedling stage and can only be attached to the right hand. It only needs some ordinary Spiritual grass and elixir are enough.

When the flame grows up in the future, it should be able to gradually spread throughout the body and even spread outward. At that time, I am afraid that even the best spirit stones will not be enough for it to swallow, and it will be a bit expensive.

Seeing a strange black flame suddenly appeared in Li Xiaobai's hands, many monks tensed up, and the strength of the attack in their hands increased a bit. Although they didn't feel any threat from the flame, they just felt it instinctively. Something is not right.

Li Xiaobai calculated the time, the three suzerains should have received the news and would rush over as soon as possible, and he didn't have the time to continue working here.

He turned on the anti-injury casually, and smiled slightly at the monks, "The game is over!"

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