Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 304 Holy Son, I Am Very Disappointed In You

As soon as the anti-injury is opened, the game is over.

The damage bounced back, only in an instant, the faces of all the monks were as pale as paper, and blood spurted wildly from their mouths. They had just shot with all their strength, and all of them were seriously injured when they were suddenly counterattacked.

"what is this?"

"That guy obviously didn't do anything, why did we suffer internal injuries instead?"

"There is no injury. There is something wrong with Li Xiaobai. It's not just a simple sword technique. If we go on like this, this person has almost no injuries. His physical body is extraordinary!"

"That guy is coming!"

The monks' eyes were terrified. It was the first time they met such a monk. They couldn't help but say, but they were injured themselves. This wave may be suspended.

The chains bound in the void disappeared, and Li Xiaobai walked slowly into the formation. The inability to escape the restraint was always his shortcoming. Fortunately, this time he took the initiative to attack him. Otherwise, it would be easy to be captured alive. Finally, we have to think of a countermeasure to make up for this shortcoming.

Hellfire is a good skill, but it takes some time and resources to develop, and it is a long-term investment.

Ignoring the monks' attacks, Shi Shiran walked into the seventh formation.

Flipping his wrist, a long sword appeared in his hand. He raised the sword and slashed at a group of monks.

100% being caught empty-handed!

In an instant, the monks who were prostrate on the ground in the arena suddenly jumped up and rushed towards Li Xiaobai's location with all their strength, submerged in the formation.

"The body is not listening!"

"This is the skill of the demon sword!"

"We're all locked down!"

"Damn it, why haven't the three sects arrived yet?"

The monks looked terrified, but their bodies didn't stop at the edge of the formation. They ran quickly in the formation as if they didn't know the pain. Flesh and blood flew across the formation, and their bodies gradually turned into bones and scattered on the ground.

The seventh formation also turned into a sea of ​​blood.

Picking up the space ring on the ground, Li Xiaobai continued to move forward.

Except for the tenth formation that no one knows about, the remaining nine formations are about to come to an end, and the eighth formation will be the next one. There are only a handful of formations that can get here, and they are definitely the best of all races. The top Tianjiao powerhouse among them.

The change in the seventh formation also aroused their vigilance.

When Li Xiaobai walked out of the formation, there were only a few people standing in front of the eighth formation, thinking about how to break the formation, and one of them was the holy son of the formation sect, Qiankun.

This is an old acquaintance.

Zhen Qiankun also saw Li Xiaobai, his eyes fixed involuntarily, he vaguely saw a familiar figure on the other party, and had some bad thoughts in his heart.

The big thing is not good, this person must be Li Xiaobai, if this is the case, it will be a big deal, the other party killed the carbine, looking at it, the monks in the front few formations have been killed.

The three suzerains hadn't appeared yet, and he knew that they were by no means opponents of the other party, so he had to find a way to escape quickly.

"Who are you, dare to come here to play wild, have you ever thought about the consequences?"

A young man shook the feather fan lightly in his hand, and said calmly that he is a true disciple of a certain power in Zhongzhou. Although he is not the top genius in the sect, he can be regarded as a number one in Zhongzhou.

Recently, Li Xiaobai has gained a lot of fame, but not many people have really seen his true face on Lushan Mountain, let alone Li Xiaobai's disguise at this moment.

The rest of the Tianjiao also stared at Li Xiaobai with cold eyes, and dared to make trouble in the formation test, clearly provoking these geniuses.

"My lord, Li Xiaobai, I'm here today, and I want to borrow some of your interspatial rings."

Li Xiaobai laughed.

As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere in the arena froze instantly, and the pupils of several Tianjiao shrank suddenly. Recently, Li Xiaobai has been making a lot of noise, and he successively engaged in affairs in Danzong and Qizong, and managed to escape from the suzerain's hands.

Now the three suzerains are staying in the Zhenzong to prevent Li Xiaobai from continuing to come over to make troubles.

He never expected that even so, the other party still sneaked in, and even started to kill. Judging from this appearance, the first few formations may not be alive.

"You are Li Xiaobai, you are so daring, the three sect masters are right outside the trial zone, how dare you show up!"

The young man in white has cold eyes, and geniuses are always competitive. Recently, Li Xiaobai has been in the limelight, making them eclipse those geniuses who should have been noticed. In his opinion, Li Xiaobai is just rubbing against the three major sects The heat is just a hype topic.

In itself, there is not much real talent and learning.

It's just that he could do it with some special means to kill the monks in a formation, so the blood in that formation didn't frighten him.

"Hehe, brother, there are no three suzerains here, there are only you and me. Here, even if you shout out your throat, no one will come to save you. If you want to save your life, honestly hand over the space ring!"

Li Xiaobai said lightly that the three holy sons still have some good feelings for them. After all, it is because of the other party that they can get in touch with the secrets of the frontier. It is impossible to say that they will fight side by side in the future.

However, the geese have plucked the feathers, and the brothers have settled the accounts clearly, and there is no less money that should be paid for their lives.

"You are dreaming!"

"It's just a monk who is lucky enough to catch the heat. I really thought that I could be my opponent. I will capture you today and hand it over to the three sects!"

The young man in white raised his eyebrows with murderous intent, staring straight at Li Xiaobai.

The rest of the Tianjiao looked like they were watching the show. They were considered the first echelon in Zhongzhou. Not to mention invincible at the same level, at least they had never been defeated. Although Li Xiaobai was somewhat famous, they didn't take it seriously.

They are dismissive of this kind of grandstanding and attracting people's attention.

But at this moment, an abrupt voice suddenly came from the side.

"Here, Brother Li, this is my interspatial ring. Please check it. In the next battle, I hope Brother Li can look at the old feelings and let these young masters go."

Zhen Qiankun took off the interspatial ring in his hand very well and handed it to Li Xiaobai. He understood the rules, and he had experienced Fang Yanguo's hair-plucking style in Tianbei Secret Realm.

Li Xiaobai glanced slightly, the treasures in the ring are very rich, it should be all the wealth brought out by the other party this time.

He nodded and said with a smile, "That's right, the Holy Son is still on the way, and I like to deal with people with eyesight."

"Holy Son, what do you mean?"

"Li Xiaobai is the enemy of the Three Sects, you actually submissive to him, you are nothing but the Holy Son of the Sect!"

"That's right, we are the real pride of heaven in Zhongzhou. How could a mere sensationalist be able to ride on our heads? I didn't expect the Holy Son to be a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death!"

"Holy Son, I am very disappointed in you!"

A few people said something to you, and I said something, and Qiankun turned pale with anger, and suddenly roared, "Shut up!"

Grandma, these geniuses can't figure out the situation at all, and they don't have any vision at all.

I am saving them, these geniuses are lucky, if they keep trying to kill themselves, if it makes Li Xiaobai unhappy, I am afraid that no one alive will be able to get out here today!

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