Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Three Hundred And Nineteenth Chapter Dinghai One Stick Ten Thousand Demons Court

The eyeballs of the Sea Clan boss at the bottom of the lake were about to pop out of shock.

If anyone is most familiar with this thing, it is none other than the monks of the Sea Clan. Back then, the ancestors of the Sea Clan were directly hammered over by such a stick, without the slightest ability to resist.

This Dinghaishenzhen needle is a treasure of the Aolai Kingdom of the East China Sea. It has always been in the hands of the second master. Everyone in the entire Fairy Spirit Continent knows it. Why is there an identical one in Li Xiaobai's hand?

And looking at the momentum and power, it is obviously not something that high imitation can achieve.

The golden phantom that appeared in the sky that day was clearly the ancestor monkey of Aolai country. When it was fighting for the spirit of the fairy, it had seen the second leader of the East China Sea perform it once. It is absolutely impossible to imitate the aura of looking down on the world.

But at this moment it actually saw exactly the same scene, and even the aura of the golden monkey head was stronger than that of Donghai's Dinghaishenzhen!

"How is this possible, who are you!"

The big boss of the sea tribe at the bottom of the lake became uneasy for a moment, and he could see through nothing that Li Xiaobai took out.

And if it's Dinghaishenzhen, I'm afraid it can really break through this space barrier.

"Hey, I'm Li Xiaobai, let's see how I crush the clouds!"

Li Xiaobai laughed out loud, feeling extremely happy in his heart, the system sincerely did not deceive him, not to mention anything else, the special effect of Dinghaishenzhen alone was worth 10 million top-quality spirit stones.

In the void, the pale golden shadows gradually solidified, converging into a giant golden monkey with a slender figure and eyes that pierced the sky, looking out into the void.

In his hands, the ordinary small wooden stick instantly turned into a giant golden stick carved with dragons and phoenixes, full of divine brilliance.

As if sensing the space barrier in front of him, the golden monkey looked a little irritable. With a wave of the golden giant stick in his hand, the small world was instantly torn into two halves. Through the crack, Li Xiaobai could clearly see the buildings in front of him.

This Dinghaishen needle was so fierce, the monkey just swiped and pulled it casually, and this small world was torn apart directly.

However, Li Xiaobai was also a little puzzled. He originally thought that Dinghaishenzhen would release the skill immediately, but looking at the current appearance, the golden monkey obviously had some self-awareness, and did not cast the Cloud Breaker as soon as it came up.

Dinghaishenzhen was originally an intelligent product?

While thinking, the golden monkey jumped out with the stick in his hand, turned into a golden lightning and shot straight into the sky.

"Boss, I'm leaving, goodbye!"

Li Xiaobai didn't dare to be negligent, and followed closely behind, the small world was torn a hole, and it was easy to get out.

What he didn't know was that the sea monster deep in the lake also showed a weird smile at the moment.

"Three hundred years later, this seat can finally see the light of day again. Human monks are still as arrogant as ever, and they can control their actions with a little bit of tricks. This is a bit interesting for Li Xiaobai. They actually broke the barrier of space."

"There is a big secret in this son. The Dinghai Shenzhen Needle is actually on him. Could it be that he is the descendant of Donghai?"

"The most urgent thing is to restore your strength first. It has been three hundred years, and this hatred will be avenged! Human race, we must pay the price!"

In the darkness deep at the bottom of the water, a scarlet tongue stuck out, lightly and casually tearing up a golden talisman, and the dao rhyme rune engraved on it dimmed instantly.

A group faintly squirmed a few times in the darkness, setting off a wave, then twisted and disappeared.

At the same time, above the central city.

The entire sky turned into a golden ocean, and along with lightning and thunder, a huge monkey-headed figure could be vaguely seen moving in the clouds.

The entire central city, whether monks or ordinary people, was stunned at the moment.

what is that in the sky

It seemed to pop out suddenly. They didn't know what was going on with the golden monkey, but they could feel that the figure in the void leaked a trace of energy that almost made them collapse.

This level of cultivation is no longer something they can touch.

"what is that?"

"It seems to have rushed up from the territory of Zhenzong!"

"Could it be some kind of formation newly developed by the formation sect?"

"Don't be stupid, the strength of the golden boss above is definitely far above the three suzerains. This kind of terrifying existence is definitely the top powerhouse in the mainland. If he attacks the central city, we may all die!"

"Run quickly!"

The monks were panicked and fell into a fierce quarrel.

The figure in the void made them feel the threat of death.

However, the hearts of more high-ranking monks in the city at this moment have set off a turbulent wave.

Within the three sects, the big and small sect masters looked horrified, and their eyes were fixed on the golden figure in the void.

Patriarch Zhong Daoquan swallowed his saliva, "If this suzerain is right, it is a monkey, right?"

"Ao Lai Wu, fragrance of flowers and fruits, Dinghai is a stick of ten thousand monsters!"

"This damn thing is Dinghaishenzhen, the artifact of Aolai country. Why did it appear here? The second master of the East China Sea called it?"

"Why did the people from Donghai suddenly call here? Don't talk about it, hurry up and invite the ancestors of all ethnic groups!"

"If the monkey is shot down, it will definitely be a disaster for us!"

The monks were panic-stricken, all of them were big bosses, either the suzerain of a certain sect, or the senior elders, ordinary monks with cultivation level and vision of the Yuan Dynasty recognized the origin of the golden monkey head in the void at a glance.

Originally, they all relied on Sanzong to seek justice for their disciples, and took this opportunity to put pressure on Sanzong to gain a wave of benefits.

I didn't expect to see such a scene, it was really appalling.

"No, that golden light came from the Zhenzong, Zhen Tiannan, tell me the truth, what is that!"

"That's right, the old man saw it too!"

A sharp-eyed monk reacted and immediately asked sharply.

"My suzerain doesn't know either, so why did Dinghaishenzhen appear in the formation sect?"

Zhen Tiannan's face was full of confusion, he also saw that the golden light rushed out from the formation sect, but the problem was that there was no such existence in his formation sect!

But looking at the position where the golden light is rising into the sky, it seems to be in the direction of the altar?

A bad premonition faintly rose in his heart, if it was really as he guessed, things would be a big deal.

"Don't talk about those useless things. The monkey in front of you is the most urgent thing. You have to figure out what it wants to do. Hurry up and invite the ancestors of all races to leave the customs. Only the existence of the same level is worthy of talking with it. We are not qualified! "

"hurry up!"

These usually majestic and majestic bosses were all in a mess at the moment, and they all drove towards their respective sects.

With the enemy at hand, the only thing they can think of is their ancestors. This situation is beyond their ability to solve. Only the ancestors can stop it when they go out of customs.

But at this moment, the furry golden figure in the void moved...

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