The golden monkey head is very violent, and it became even more violent after breaking away from the small world.

Jumping up and down in the clouds, the golden light was shining brightly, and the eyes were full of ecstasy, staring straight at the central city below.

The golden stick in his hand danced like a stick flower, and the Dinghaishen needle in his hand instantly became bigger, and he raised the stick towards the central city and smashed it.

The big stick covered the sky and the sun, the golden Dao mark manifested, and the four characters of Dinghaishenzhen were clearly engraved on everyone's heart.

"The monkey is calling!"

"Dinghaishenzhen, this kind of power, this kind of Daoyun, is definitely the boss of the East China Sea!"

"Where's our boss in Central City?"

"The big guys are fighting, and the people will suffer. Let's go!"

The giant golden stick above the central city quickly magnified in the eyes of the monks at a speed visible to the naked eye. The lines carved on the stick were clearly visible.

At the same time, in the central city, more than a dozen formations rose up, the formations flowed, and the powerful fluctuations of spiritual power also pierced the sky.

But when it touched the golden giant stick, it instantly melted like ice and snow, and fell apart.

These formations at the level of protecting the sect are like paper in front of Dinghaishenzhen, and they will be broken with a single poke.

Without the slightest stagnation, the golden stick smashed straight into the central city.

Several towering spiritual mountains instantly turned into puddles of dust.

"How courageous, you dare to come to Zhongzhou to play wild, dare to ask who is the head of Aolai country?"

A few flashes of light shot up into the sky, and several gods, demons, primordial spirits in the void stood upright, pinched the seal formula with their hands, and the Dao rhyme flowed, forcibly resisting the golden giant stick falling from the void.

The spiritual power fluctuated, and the surrounding buildings and mountains were razed to the ground in an instant.

Several old men paced in the void with gloomy expressions, their eyes were filled with radiance, as if they wanted to see through the golden monkey head in the clouds.

In the crowd, Li Xiaobai saw the old man Tianji, who looked exactly the same as in the Xianling Daily. This was the first time he had seen this deity, with a fairy-like demeanor, but his expression was extremely ugly at the moment.

The rest of them are ancestors of various races. They had already awakened at the moment Dinghaishenzhen appeared. At this moment, they were very angry in their hearts. They hibernated to compete for the spirit of the fairy, and now they have left the customs nearly a year earlier. For no reason, they lost a lot of blood.

Seeing that the attack was blocked, the golden monkey head on the cloud became even more irritable. With a swing of the golden giant stick in his hand, it slammed down even more violently.

The complexions of the several old men changed, but they didn't expect that the other party would show no face at all, and they started without saying a word.

How much hatred and resentment is this?

Moreover, the golden monkey's head in the void really made them a little puzzled. The threat that this monkey brought to them was stronger than that of the masters of the East China Sea, which had never been seen before.

"Do it, dare to come to Zhongzhou to act wildly, I really think that the old man and others are nothing!"

"Kill me!"

Several phantoms of gods and demons in the void raised their fists and smashed them together. They joined forces to attack the giant golden stick in the void. After a moment of stalemate, the Dinghaishen needle shrank rapidly and was picked up and flew out.

On the cloud layer, the pale golden monkey head jumped like thunder, trying to pick up the flying stick and fight again, but its figure turned into a puff of green smoke and dissipated for a while.

The fallen wooden stick also turned into a mist of light and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The upper part of the central city returned to normal, as if nothing had happened, leaving only a few big bosses in a daze.

What the hell, it disappeared after hitting it?

They were planning to start a killing ring, but what does it mean to disappear ten after finishing a set.

"Several, what do you think, it seems that the three heads of the East China Sea are here."

Old Man Tianji asked with his brows furrowed.

"Hehe, looking at it with your eyes, the monkey on the cloud is just a phantom, not a real entity. It's not a person, it's just a stick. It seems that Donghai has come to demonstrate, but this power is stronger than before. !"

"I'm afraid that the Second Master's cultivation has gone a step further, and he also wants to intervene in the competition for the spirit energy. Today, he came here just to mention something?"

"I'm afraid it is. The battle for the spirit of the fairy is imminent. I am afraid that I am here for a demonstration."

"Yes, this is very proud to come to the country."

Several old men looked at the void and said with gloomy faces that they were forced to leave the customs early, and they were consumed for a while. No.

This is so fucking rascal.

"They are all the juniors of the family, and they panic when they make a fuss over a trivial matter. If they can distinguish it carefully, why bother me!"

The ancestors were furious in their hearts, and there was nowhere to pour out their grievances, and they felt very uncomfortable.

Old Man Tianji is very calm, he has not retreated, nor hibernated, he has been showing his face outside all the time, he doesn't care about these things.

"Waking up is also an opportunity. Let's take this opportunity to help all ethnic groups develop well."

"The old man's Fairy Daily still needs someone to take care of it, so let's take a step ahead, everyone, please take care of yourself."

"Take care of yourself!"

After all, the old man Tianji didn't pretend, he clasped his fists, turned around and disappeared in place.


Half an hour later, the Zhenzong was crowded with people.

All the monks with a little bit of status from all ethnic groups in Zhongzhou gathered here, to be precise, they all gathered in front of the tenth formation altar in the place of trial.

They all knew that the golden monkey head shot up from here, and they all came here to find out.

At this moment, a big hole has been poked out of the altar, and the small world inside has completely collapsed.

Several ancestors looked gloomy and terrifying, looking at the lake below, their lips were trembling.

"Who broke through this small world?"

"Where are the sea people in the lake!"

"Soul search, or explain yourself?"

An ancestor looked at Zhen Tiannan, and said in a cold tone, the sea clan boss imprisoned in this lake is enough to make them fearful, but at this moment the lake is empty, not even a fish scale can be seen, Apparently he was let go.

Zhen Tiannan trembled all over, and said tremblingly.

"For the younger generation, this matter has to be told by a monk named Li Xiaobai..."

Zhen Tiannan reported Li Xiaobai's every move after coming to the three sects in detail. After an explanation, all the monks were surprised to find that the root of all these things seemed to point to the other party.

In this small world, only Li Xiaobai and the old man of the Mahayana period were imprisoned. The sect to which the old man of the Mahayana period belonged has been found dead by special secret methods, and now the mystery is only Li Xiaobai.

Afterwards, the Sea Clan was out of trouble, and the golden light erupted from here. Could it be that their guess about the East China Sea was wrong, and Li Xiaobai actually did all of this?

"Find it for me. Even if the entire Fairy Continent is overthrown, you have to find the trace of Li Xiaobai for me. The highest reward order is issued!"

"There is also the monk who was suppressed by the Hai Clan. Recently, he has been checking the movements of the Hai Clan. If this person returns to the Hai Clan, he will definitely set off a bloodbath."


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