Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Three Hundred And Twenty First Chapter Slip Away

The monks in Zhongzhou were in a mess, and the ancestors of all ethnic groups recovered together. They didn't dare to relax for a moment until they found out the truth.

The phantom of the golden monkey head in the sky just now was not covered up. The stick made them feel like they would die if they touched it.

In the past, he had only heard of the name of Donghai Aolai Country, but he didn't expect it to be so strong, but just one person can make the whole of Zhongzhou panic.

What the cultivators knew was only the tip of the iceberg, and the most angry thing in their hearts was the ancestors of various races. The figure in the sky was just transformed by a sea-fixing needle, which can be prevented by using a little background in Zhongzhou.

But it was because the people under his command were not broad-minded, and mistook the other party for the second head of the Aolai country in the East China Sea, which caused the old guys like himself to be awakened in advance.

In fact, if they could have a good fight after waking up, they wouldn't be so angry. The most annoying thing is that the monkey in the void didn't plan to fight to the death. Hurts the most.

Now they feel that all their anger is on the cotton, and they can't express their pain.

In a certain tea house in the city, a woman in white smiled lightly and took a sip of her tea.

"It seems that junior brother is fine, Zhongzhou is full of disturbances, so let's leave for now."


However, all of this has nothing to do with Li Xiaobai. After a few thousand-mile instant-moving talismans, Li Xiaobai is already thousands of miles away from the central city.

The smashing cloud released by the Dinghaishenzhen just now really opened his eyes. The golden monkey that was transformed was too fierce, and it completely crushed the entire Zhongzhou. It's truly an artifact.

These tens of millions of top-quality spirit stones are worth the money!

The only fly in the ointment is that this skill does not bring him attribute points. Unlike Godzilla and sports cars, the monkey released from Dinghaishenzhen has a little sense of autonomy. This is due to its violent and unrestrained posture It can be seen.

When trapped in the small world, the monkey is obviously unwilling to release the skills, but has to break the shackles and jump up to the clouds to start the real operation. Strictly speaking, it has its own spirituality and is not controlled by itself, so it cannot bring attributes point.

But even so, Li Xiaobai's confidence was assured by the power it produced. This move is completely unsolvable. When encountering a strong enemy in the future, he directly takes out the Dinghaishen needle with the flower spirit stone, just like that monkey. All must die.

Flip your wrist, take out the Lamborghini, get on the car, and drive away.

In the cockpit, Li Xiaobai was thinking about the matters of the Sea Clan. He had heard from the boss that the Dinghai Shenzhen Needle in his hand was a treasure from the Aolai Kingdom of the East China Sea, and they looked exactly the same.

I have never been to Aolai Country myself, but I heard that there are three half-step immortals over there, who are only one step away from Feisheng. Could it be that those three are also monkeys?

What does this divine weapon have to do with it?

Li Xiaobai felt a headache, and still suffered from being uneducated. If he read more books, he might be able to understand the connection.

But it doesn't matter, Donghai himself will go there sooner or later. I heard that the sixth senior brother ran over there, so I found time to see him, and reached out to pull Ji Wuqing out of his arms. The chicken has been resurrected, but just now Shocked by the power of Dinghaishenzhen, there was no words for a while.

"Heck, boy, did you release that monkey just now?"

Ji ruthlessly blinked his eyes and asked.

"That's right, it's next!"

Li Xiaobai nodded slowly.

"Where did that monkey come from? It's almost catching up with the deity!"

"Hehe, someone can crush you to death with one finger, don't talk in your sleep!"

"Heck, kid, you look down on me!"

Ji Wuqing was furious. After it died again, the blood power in its body was awakened again. Now it is confident that it can beat everyone in the younger generation.

But this is just its wishful thinking. If it really meets a master, it will still have to be hanged and beaten.

"Where are you going next?"

"Let's go to the frontier. We can't survive in Zhongzhou anymore. The ancestors of all ethnic groups have collectively recovered and wanted us. Let's avoid the limelight first."

Li Xiaobai said slowly.

This time the incident became serious, and the ancestors of all ethnic groups recovered collectively. With the previous sea clan as a reference, Li Xiaobai did not dare to make too much noise. Among other things, his own shortcomings are too obvious. Only the defense is strong and cannot be broken. control.

Now Hellfire hasn't fully grown up yet, if they are caught and they suppress themselves like they imprisoned the big boss of the sea clan, they will definitely be hurt.

"Hehe, where is the frontier? Didn't the person at the Dao Discussion Conference say he would take us there?"

Ji Wuqing thought of Tianba at the previous Dao Discussion Conference.

They were one of the few monks who were willing to speak out for Li Xiaobai, and they met by chance, which was a little touching.

Li Xiaobai also remembers, but he is too famous now, even if he goes to the frontier, he can't go with Tianba and his party. kill yourself.

Walking with it will only implicate others.

If he had known this earlier, he should have been more cautious and used Liu Jinshui's name to cause trouble in Zhongzhou.

However, with my current defense power, it is not a big problem even if I am recognized by others. Even the stomach of the sea clan boss can't kill me in seconds. can recover quickly.

Looking at the human skin mask in his hand, Li Xiaobai chose to put it away. After all, he is also a hot figure now, so he should be a little more arrogant.

And the endless pursuit is equivalent to endless attribute points, such a good thing, but it is hard to find even with a lantern.

"Heck, boy, give us a mask too!"

Ji Wuqing came over and said.

"You chicken has no face, what's the use of a human leather mask?"

Li Xiaobai glanced at it, and said lightly, a hairy chicken face, where does it need a human skin mask to modify it.

Ji Wuqing was furious when he heard the words, "Hey, what a bunch of nonsense, you actually turned a blind eye to this noble and handsome face of this deity?"

Li Xiaobai "..."

The Lamborghini galloped all the way, driving directly towards the no-man's land. There is not only one frontier area. There are such areas in Zhongzhou, Western Desert, Northern Territory, Southern Ming, and East China Sea.

Although Li Xiaobai couldn't find the specific location of this frontier, it was definitely right to head towards the no-man's land.

Roshan lived in no-man's land. To find Roshan was to find the frontier. As for cooperating with monks to repel the flesh body, it was not within the scope of Li Xiaobai's consideration.

My trip this time is mainly to collect attribute values, and joining the camp of monks will make my hands tied and it is difficult to let go.

The power of the sports car is turned to the maximum, the surrounding scenery is blurred, flashing quickly, the huts are gradually becoming less populated, and the towering ancient trees are gradually increasing.

After continuing to walk for a while, Li Xiaobai stopped the sports car, and a familiar numerical value jumped from the system panel.

Attribute point +1...

Attribute point +2...

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