Inside the City Lord's Mansion.

Yang Guangzheng paced around the room with his brows furrowed, repeatedly reading the letter in his hand, as if he was anxious about something.

"City Master Yang, why are you frowning?"

Li Xiaobai laughed and walked slowly into the hall with a few people.

"Mr. Li, come back so soon, could it be that you have obtained the treasure from the Black Flame?"

Yang Guang's expression changed, and he looked at Cai Kunxu and Xiong Da behind him, a flash of astonishment flashed in his eyes, he didn't even arrive for a day, why did he come back?

His small actions against the two cities have not yet started, which makes it very difficult for him!

"Hehe, Hei Yan, are you talking about this?"

With Li Xiaobai's casual move, strands of pitch-black flames flickered, dimming the light in the entire hall.


Yang Guang's pupils shrank suddenly, and he was dumbfounded at the black flame.

"This flame was actually released by you, Mr. Li!"

"It's all a trap?"

"You can't say that. At the beginning, I just set a fire on the wasteland. I didn't expect several city lords to flock to it. However, City Lord Yang can rest assured that the flames have been taken away. There is no need for me to come down here." malicious."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

Hearing this, Yang Guangcai remembered that there were two city lords present, but when his eyes turned away, he was stunned.

At this moment, the two city lords actually have a submissive look, which is very similar to the appearance of being taught by the teacher in the school when they were children.

What happened, why did the two city lords who wanted to kill Li Xiaobai suddenly followed each other's lead?

What did he miss?

"City Master Cai, City Master Xiong, what do you mean?"

Yang Guang asked.

"What are you talking about, Mr. Li will be the master of the third and fourth battlefields in the future, don't talk too much, just be obedient!"

"Where did you come from so much nonsense, it made Mr. Li unhappy, be careful and kill you with a sword!"

Mentioning the sword, Cai Kunxu's body shuddered uncontrollably.

He thought of the scene of being dominated by the sword just now, and now just mentioning the sword made him a little scared.

"Who are you?"

"If you can make Cai Kunxu and Xiong Da bow their heads and bow their heads, you will never be an unknown person!"

"Hide your identity, get close to Huan'er, what do you want to do!"

"Heavenly Knife!"

At this moment, Yang Guang's complexion completely changed. Although he didn't know what happened, he understood that Cai Kunxu and Xiong Da had already been taken back by Li Xiaobai, and depending on the situation, they were still subdued.

This is definitely not something that a genius can do, the other party is at least a Mahayana cultivation base!

The Heavenly Knife must be brought over!

Yang Chen and Ling Feng, who were watching coldly from the sidelines, were also puzzled. They followed Li Xiaobai's arrangement and retreated early, but they didn't see what happened.

But from the expressions of these two city lords, it is not difficult to see that they are very afraid of Li Xiaobai.

It seems that my junior brother is hiding his secrets, and unconsciously, he has already surpassed them as senior brothers and sisters.

But at the same time, they were also very puzzled in their hearts. The situation in the younger brother's body was completely different from theirs. It seemed that he didn't feel that he would stop practicing all the time. What kind of adventure was it that he could practice faster than them.

It's appalling!

"Father, my daughter told you earlier that Senior Li is definitely a boss, it's just that you have been refusing to believe it!"

"The boss has been helping us along the way, so father doesn't need to be on guard."

"Although the boss sometimes likes to treat monks as nourishment, he is actually a good person!"

Yang Huan said anxiously that his father was an old-fashioned old man, he only acted according to his own judgment, and he didn't consider other people's thoughts at all.

Li Xiaobai was speechless, unexpectedly being issued a good card.

Still being sent a good person card by such a girl with a clear brain circuit who thinks she has the best of Longyang.

It feels a little weird.

"Huan'er, it's not that simple. This person has even deceived the ancestors of all ethnic groups in Zhongzhou. He is definitely not an ordinary monk. I am afraid that a thousand-year-old monster has changed his face and turned into this appearance!"

"Let your senior Heavenly Sword try your hand first!"

Yang Guang's expression was serious, and he said in a deep voice.

Cai Kunxu and Xiong Da in the rear nodded secretly. Yang Guang thought of going with them. Li Xiaobai is definitely an old monster who has never been born. It's too scary!

"Ahem, Yang Guang, there is no need to be so alarmed. A few days ago, I fought against Mr. Li. I was able to receive a knife from me without any injuries. The world is only a few fingers. I am very satisfied with Mr. Li's cultivation. admire."

Song Que walked in slowly from outside the hall, and said with a smile.

He and Li Xiaobai have been friends for years. Although he doesn't know how this young man cultivated, he doesn't want to delve into it. Who doesn't have a little secret?

It is not an easy task to run into an existence of the same level and have a good conversation.

"Ah this..."

"Senior Tiandao, you are familiar with Mr. Li, and have you fought against each other?"

The shock in Yang Guang's heart never stopped. Li Xiaobai not only regained the two city lords, but also fought against the Heavenly Sword without any injuries?

I'm afraid this strength is comparable to the second or even the first battlefield city lord, right?

"That's right, don't worry, Mr. Li won't act recklessly, and he came here this time because of the matter of Roshan."

"Aren't you worrying about the letter from Zhongzhou? It just happened to ask Mr. Li to give you a staff officer."

Song Que said with a smile, everyone noticed that Yang Guang was holding a letter in his hand.

Yang Guang's expression was extremely complicated. Since Li Xiaobai entered the door, until now, the reversal has been one round after another. It is difficult for him to accept such a huge amount of information for a while.

Some mechanically threw the envelope in their hands in front of everyone.

When they looked down, they all had different expressions.

Li Xiaobai's expression is wonderful, this letter is actually written by Huolindong.

"The Huolin Contest is about to start. After a unanimous decision by the top management of Huolin Cave, the four Holy Sons of Huolin Cave will be sent to four battlefields in the frontier to assist the monks in the frontier to resist Roshan. It will last for three months. Obtain the winner of this competition."

"This matter has been approved by the ancestors of all ethnic groups in Zhongzhou. The four holy sons will arrive tomorrow. I hope City Lord Yang can receive them in time."

"Fire Lin Cave, don't read it."


It turned out that the competition for the hegemony of Huolin Cave started. The four Huolin Cave Holy Sons competed, on the surface, to see merit, but in fact, it was to divide life and death. This is a mess for the frontier, and it is no wonder that Yang Guang is so worried.

However, Er Gouzi is now one of the Holy Sons of Huolin Cave, and he seems to be developing well. This time, he may have a chance to get in touch with him.

"City Master Yang, what do you think of this matter?"

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