Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 370 Preparations Must Be Done Well

"Well, it's not very pretty."

Yang Guang still didn't come back to his senses, he still remained in a dazed state, and said foolishly.

Li Xiaobai sighed inwardly, it was hard for the city lord, the amount of information about what happened recently was too much, and he was shocked.

"It is the unanimous decision of Huolin Cave and Zhongzhou to put the battlefield of Huolin Hegemony in the border area. We can't refuse it. We can only prepare early for the arrival of the Holy Son."

"I just don't know which battlefield these holy sons will choose. These weak grasses living on the mainland regard the frontier as a toy."

Song Que's eyes flickered coldly. In his opinion, the struggle for hegemony in the Fire Lin was nothing more than a competition among juniors. The fight was ultimately for the resources of the Fire Lin Cave, but now he wanted to put this kind of farce on the border, It is simply humiliating the majesty of the frontier.

But now that Zhongzhou has spoken, he alone can't make the decision. After all, the biggest supporter of the frontier is Zhongzhou, and most of the monks here are from the Zhongzhou area.

Huolindong is playing around here, and it is not easy for Bianjiang to criticize, and he dare not criticize, so he can only accept it silently.

Li Xiaobai was not worried at all. Now that the Holy City, the third and fourth battlefields were all his territory, and Er Gouzi was also his own. If they really wanted to fight, the chances of winning were great.

"Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, except for the first and second battlefields, this frontier is almost all our territory, so what are you afraid of, if they dare to do something, they will do it directly."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"Heck, that's right, it must be killed, especially the Holy Son of the Huolin named Er Gouzi, the deity will be the first to destroy it!"

Ji Wuqing popped a head out of Li Xiaobai's arms, and said fiercely with two flashes of light shooting out from her eyes.

Li Xiaobai was speechless, and slapped him back, this shit is so unreliable.

"Mr. Li can now control the third and fourth battlefields, which is equivalent to mastering the movements of the two Huolin sons. We are not passive."

Yang Guang finally recovered from the shock at this moment, and said in a somewhat astringent tone.

He felt that the world was changing too fast, and he couldn't keep up with the times. Why did the group of people in front of him accept the fact that Li Xiaobai is a boss so easily?

But if he knew the experience of Cai Kunxu and Xiong Da, maybe he would not think so.

"That's right, I'll just leave the matter of the third and fourth battlefields to me. City Lord Yang can go to the holy city to prepare for the work."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile, with himself, Roshan on the battlefield is basically not a threat.

"Yeah, it's your time now, I'm useless, I just need to do reception work, you guys can do the battlefield."

"If you have time, come back often..."

Yang Guang's eyes were a little empty, and he walked out of the hall slowly with his hands behind his back. Tiandao Song Que sighed, followed, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Li Xiaobai was speechless in his heart, this Yang Guang was hit too badly, it may take several days before he fully recovers.

"Boss, I'll go and persuade my father, see you in the holy city."

Yang Huan hesitated for a moment, but still caught up with his father. After all, the daughter is his father's caring little padded jacket, and she still has to be on top at critical moments.

And it seems useless to stay by the boss's side. The boss doesn't like women, and her only advantage as an iceberg beauty is useless in front of the boss.


Li Xiaobai didn't know what to say, he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Senior, what are the next arrangements?"

Cai Kunxu asked.

"Let's go, let's go to the battlefield and leave some gifts for the coming sons."


Half an hour later, the fourth battlefield.

The group of people were stunned by the scene in front of them. The battlefield in front of them had turned into a prairie fire. Most of the battlefield was filled with darkness, and Roshan was repeatedly roasted and burned in it, and finally turned into a pool of ashes.

The monks who were originally fighting in the battlefield all retreated to the edge very consciously at this moment, chatting with each other.

Seeing Cai Kunxu coming, they were all refreshed and immediately got up to greet him.

"The city lord!"

"What's going on in this battlefield?"

Cai Kunxu asked.

"Returning to the city lord, this flame suddenly burned today, and the subordinates and others don't know where it came from. Anyway, the fire spread all the way, and all the meat mountains along the way were burned by it. .”

A monk reported.

"Understood, you go back to the city first, this battlefield does not need to be guarded."

Cai Kunxu waved his hand, signaling the monks to hurry in.

He knew that this flame was definitely set by Li Xiaobai, probably it was set by his own elite team during the attack.

Murder and set fire, really is a terrible man!

"Senior, how do you see Zhe Huo deal with it?"

"There's no need to deal with it. The fire will only envelop this side of the battlefield and won't spread any further. The two of you will come here with your ears. When the Holy Sons arrive tomorrow, do what I say."

Li Xiaobai gave a few words silently, Cai Kunxu and Xiong Da were shocked, their hearts couldn't stop the chills, the senior boss was so bold that he even dared to touch the Holy Son of Huolin Cave.

But people do have this strength.

I can only wish these holy sons good luck in my heart.

"Go, let's go to the third battlefield!"

Li Xiaobai's eyes shone brightly. This time, he wanted to cut a lot of leeks. The fourth and third battlefields were all his own territory, and he had to consolidate it to maximize his benefits.

Xiong Da actually refused in his heart, but when he saw the appearance of the third battlefield, he suddenly realized that this might be the best way to prevent Roshan from crossing the line.

With this flame, as long as there is a mountain of meat that crosses the border, it will be burned to nothing. In this way, there is no need for monks to fight bloody battles on the battlefield.

Half an hour later, a wisp of hellfire seedlings began to slowly spread across the third battlefield.

Controlling the Hellfire to only burn the land within the battlefield, Li Xiaobai nodded in satisfaction, this wave has stabilized.

"Go back home, and go to the Holy City tomorrow to meet the saints of Huolin Cave."

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully, he couldn't wait any longer.


In the city lord's mansion of the fourth city, Li Xiaobai drove Cai Kunxu and Xiong Da out.

"Heck, boy, Er Gouzi is coming, this dead dog is ungrateful, and he's making a living in Huolin Cave, let's work together to get rid of it!"

Ji Wuqing jumped out and shouted, a faint light could be seen in the pupils of the phoenix blood that had awakened at this moment.

The matter of Er Gouzi can't be known to others, it has been patient in front of people, and now it is finally released.

For Er Gouzi's happy life, it can be said to be all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred.

Li Xiaobai rubbed his chin, his eyes flickering coldly, "I think your idea is very good, all the leeks will come tomorrow, everyone will be cut, no matter if it is a fool or a fool, cut it first and then talk about it! "

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