Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 372: The Heavenly Knife Shot

"Huo Lin, you seem to be a little too arrogant and domineering. My Huo Lin Cave is sacred and inviolable. The ancestor Qilin beast is the ancestor of manners, and your mouth is full of some vulgar words. It is unimaginable that you are such a bastard. Ride alongside me."

"You have completely lost the face of Huolin Cave. If I were you, I would have killed myself long ago!"

In the first sedan chair, a faint voice floated out, the words were full of indifference, as if they didn't take Er Gouzi's words to heart at all.

"Wang, Huoyun, don't talk nonsense, come to fight if you don't accept it, Master Er Gouzi will fight you for 300 rounds!"

In the fourth sedan chair, Er Gouzi yelled angrily.

"Noisy, my little master is a genius, with the blood of Qilin, his cultivation is unfathomable, and his future is boundless. Not everyone is qualified to challenge."

"Master Huo Lin is just a dog picked up from a barbarian land by an elder with a low cultivation base. By chance, he has activated the power of blood, and is he worthy of yelling with my little master?"

"Who gave you the courage?"

One of the monks who carried the palanquin for Shengzi Huoyun said lightly, his words were full of contempt.

It is normal for the disciples to have different cultivation bases, but the three saint sons were born and bred in Huolin Cave, and only these two sons were brought back from the Northern Territory by Na Yunkun.

Moreover, he ran the train with his mouth full, and didn't have the slightest sense of being a Qilin beast. In the Huolin Cave, everyone looked down on this guy.

But this guy's reaction was the strongest when the bloodline was awakening, which meant that the two dogs resonated most with the ancestors, which made the monks in the cave unable to accept it.

The Qilin beast is the ancestor of manners, and it has nothing to do with this guy who talks about running trains.

"Wang, a mere wage earner dares to comment on your Ergouzi, what's his face?"

Er Gouzi was so angry that a coffin bearer dared to attack him.

"Vulgar language, bad habits are hard to change, Huo Lin, don't lose face to Huo Lin Cave."

In the second sedan chair, there was also an ethereal voice, without the aura of fireworks, as if it was a fairy from the fairy world.

"Cut, put half of garlic in one by one, Mr. Er Gouzi can kill all of you with one paw!"

Er Gouzi was furious, these bastards didn't give him face so much, it made him lose face in front of many monks.

"Stupid, shameful thing."

In the third sedan chair, there was also a voice of disdain.

"Let's not talk to it. This guy just wants to rub our heat. It's just a bastard who came from a barbaric land. Don't let him succeed."

"Right on my mind."

"Great goodness!"

The holy sons in the three sedan chairs in front stopped talking, leaving only Er Gouzi yelling angrily behind.

The old man surnamed Jiang couldn't help but persuade him.

"Holy Son, now that outsiders are watching, our performance has dropped a bit. Let's go to the battlefield and decide the outcome, shall we?"

"That's right, Lord Ergouzi is an invincible existence. When your Lord Ergouzi kills the Roshan battlefield, you won't even be able to drink soup!"

Er Gouzi nodded in agreement, his attitude still arrogant.

The team in Huolin Cave was still moving forward slowly.

At the gate of the city, Song Que sat on the steps, with a saber hanging from his waist, and he didn't even lift his eyelids for the ostentation and farce in Huolin Cave.

The person who carried the sedan chair at the front didn't care about Song Que, and didn't intend to talk to Song Que at all. He just stepped over the other person's body with one step.

This middle-aged man has spent most of his life in the frontier, and only monks in the frontier know the name of the Heavenly Sword.

All the melon-eating crowd held their breath and stared at the gate of the city, daring to break ground on the head of the sky knife. I have to say that the servant who carried the sedan chair was very courageous.

The servant in front had already stepped over Song Que's body with one foot, and a hint of teasing flashed in his eyes, as if mocking the other party's overreaching.

Song Que bowed his head and said nothing, and put one finger on the handle of the knife at his waist without a trace. Li Xiaobai's eyes narrowed slightly. He knew that Song Que was going to make a move.

A strand of silver thread floated in front of everyone's eyes in the void, and the leg that straddled his body fell off smoothly and naturally, not a single drop of blood fell from the smooth cut surface.

A thigh quietly rolled down the steps, and the scene was extremely weird.

The servant who carried the coffin suddenly froze, looked at his thighs with dull eyes, his pupils shrank suddenly, and shouted heart-piercingly.

"My leg is gone!"

The old guards were shocked, their hairs stood on end, they slapped the sedan chair beside them, and they retreated instantly.

"Rewind, this person is not simple!"

Just now they also didn't see anything clearly, they just vaguely saw the middle-aged man's finger lift up, and then the disciple's leg was severed at the root.


The old guard beside the first sedan chair threw out a pill and said in a deep voice.

He was mistaken, the person sitting on the steps in front of him was not an ordinary monk, but an existence of the same level as them.

"Thank you, elder!"

The disciple was grateful to Dade, and looked at the man on the steps with horror in his eyes. It was just too scary. Everything was so natural. He lost a leg without even feeling the pain. Fortunately, the Huolin Cave has a strong foundation. It is not difficult to regenerate a broken limb.

But after taking the pill, his complexion changed, and his legs didn't move at all.

This wound cannot be reborn with a broken limb!


The pupils in the old man's eyes constricted, and his complexion changed several times.

The mysterious runes flowed on the smooth and neat cut surface, forcibly sealing the gap, no blood flowed out, and no limbs could be reborn. This is the method of a truly powerful person.

The guards at the gate of this city are actually so terrifying, or is this deliberately arranged by the Holy City, in order to give them a blow?

While thinking, the Holy Son of Huoyun in the sedan chair spoke.

"Dare to ask which senior is in front of me, I waited for the Huolin Cave monk to come here to help the frontier, and there is no malice."

"There is no such thing as a senior or a senior. The Holy City has its own rules. Anyone who comes and goes needs to register, and Huolin Cave is no exception."

"Just now that person wanted to forcefully cross the boundary, I chopped off his leg as punishment."

Song Que said slowly.

"It turns out that all living beings in the world are equal, and I, Huolin Cave, are no exception. Since it is a rule, we must abide by it. Mr. Wang, please register our information for this senior."

Shengzi Huoyun chuckled, as if he didn't take what happened just now to his heart.

However, Song Que shook his head, pointed to the crowd where Li Xiaobai was, and said, "The rule is, first come, first served, you wait after you go back, let them register first."

As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere in the field froze instantly. The four guardians all narrowed their eyes slightly, exuding a dangerous aura. No one in this world dared to speak to Huolin Cave like this. Today, the holy city wants to kill The breeze in Huolin Cave is simply a dream come true!

The leader, the old man surnamed Wang, grinned and said with a serious smile, "If so, the old man is going in now?"

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