Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 373: The Terrifying Strength Of The Heavenly Knife

"Then you try?"

Song Que raised his eyelids and said calmly.

"My Huolin Cave has never given way to others. When we come here, the Holy City not only does not send people to greet us, but blocks them. My Huolin Cave's century-old reputation must not be destroyed here. Lose!"

"It is said that the frontier monks have been fighting with Roshan all year round, and the power of the soul far exceeds that of the mainland monks. Today, I will meet this frontier master to see how good it is!"

The old man surnamed Wang stood up with a pair of eagle eyes, and stepped out, piercing the sky with a fierce momentum and approaching Song Que at the gate of the city.

The powerful coercion raged, and there was a faint fire in the void. The surrounding monks retreated again and again, their chests were cracked and heaved. The oppressive feeling was too strong, and they felt like they couldn't breathe.

Attribute points +2000...

Attribute points +3000...

Attribute points +4000...

Li Xiaobai looked at the system panel in front of him, and nodded secretly in his heart. This old man's strength was much stronger than that of Cai Kun, Xu Xiong and others.

Just the blowing of the wind pressure increased thousands of attribute points, which is worthy of the strength of Zhongzhou's old brand. This kind of background is beyond the reach of ordinary monks.


On the steps, Song Que still didn't lift his eyelids, tapped the handle of the knife lightly with one finger, and a metallic groan echoed. Disappeared without a trace.

The field once again fell into an eerie calm.

The old man surnamed Wang was so shocked that his eyes almost popped out. He is a Mahayana cultivation base. Although he is not the top group of masters, he is still a figure at the level of a big boss. What kind of operation did his momentum collapse in an instant?

Are all monks in the frontier so strong?

The rest of the old men also didn't feel very good. They thought they would kill randomly in the frontier based on their cultivation.

But looking at it now, it seems that their cultivation level is placed here, and they can't make waves. Just entering the city makes them so difficult, which is a little bit different from what they imagined.

The middle-aged man in front of him was far stronger than them, and it was impossible to force his way in, but if they were honest enough to line up at the back, their power in Huolin Cave would be gone.

"Who is your lord? With such strength, he is by no means an unknown person. The coming of my son today is the unanimous opinion of the ancestors of all ethnic groups in Zhongzhou. Even though the holy city has the rules of the holy city, it must be considered Consider the feelings of the ancestors of all races, right?"

"Behind the old man and the others, standing is not only the Huolin Cave, but also the ancestors of various races!"

The old man surnamed Wang said with surprise and anger in his eyes, and said in a deep voice.

It was his first time to visit the frontier. Before, he only heard people say that the water is very deep here, but he only realized how deep it is today.

Among other things, as far as the strength of the middle-aged man with the broken arm in front of the city gate is concerned, even if his own elders come over, it is useless. Only the cave master and the older generation of masters can come to suppress it.

However, he was not too worried. Behind him were the figures of various ethnic groups in Zhongzhou, and they were the foundations of great forces.

But then he froze.

Song Que in front still didn't say a word, didn't lift his eyelids, and slowly pulled out the saber from his waist with his only remaining right hand. It was a short knife, covered in blood, the blade was broken, and the blade The gaps are numerous.

It seems to be telling the world about its glorious achievements in the past. When the knife is released, a stench of iron and blood pervades the entire space in an instant.

Li Xiaobai frowned slightly, the smell smelled like a combination of blood, rust and the stench from Roshan, quite pungent.

"Fellow Daoist, do you still want to have a real fight with the old man and others before letting go?"

"If this matter is known to all the ethnic groups in Zhongzhou, I'm afraid fellow daoists will have to bear the blame!"

The old man surnamed Wang was shocked and angry. The knife in the opponent's hand made him feel terrified from the bottom of his heart. If he wanted to fight, he might be beheaded.

That tattered knife is definitely a big killer, killing countless peerless weapons!

"Are all the ethnic groups in Zhongzhou amazing, boy, even if your cave master came, he would not dare to disobey me. I think you flowers in the greenhouse are living too comfortably. You don't know it at all. What a majestic mountain in front of you."

Song Que's words were astonishing, and he didn't give Huolindong any face at all. He raised the knife and dropped it, and the blade stabbed fiercely into the steps beside him.

In just an instant, with Song Que as the center, a hundred miles around turned into an ancient sword array in an instant.

The steps, city gates, wasteland, and weeds all disappeared. In the eyes of many monks, there were only knives in front of them, and countless knives criss-crossed in the void.

The one on the ground is also a knife, and the one floating in the sky is also a knife, and the one sitting on the steps is a knife that seduces people's hearts and minds!

The sound of metal screaming continued, and bursts of ancient atmosphere filled the air, sweeping the entire blade field.

It seems that in this world, the only thing left is the knife.

"what is this?"

"Senior Tiandao is angry!"

"Senior Tiandao calm down, there are old and young in my family, please let me go!"

"Don't move around, be careful of being hurt by the knife!"

"The Huolin Cave angered Senior Tiandao!"

The cultivators immediately exploded. The scene in front of them was too appalling. It was the first time they saw Song Que, the Heavenly Saber, make a move after traveling to and from the city gate for so long.

Being in such an environment, they dared not move at all, for fear that if they were not careful, they would be cut off by some saber energy.

Li Xiaobai's eyes were surprised, this is the first time he has seen this kind of operation, directly turning a hundred miles into his own domain, this method is a bit similar to Hellfire, but his own Hellfire can grow infinitely.

This world is more like a formation, but the power of this formation looks a bit too terrifying. The fierce aura on the blade light and the ancient aura emanating from it are not just a joke.

Quietly reached out and touched the edge beside him.

Attribute points +10000...

Attribute points +20000...

Attribute points +30000...

Attribute points +40000...

The attribute points soared all the way, and Li Xiaobai was horrified in his heart. They said that the Tiandao lost an arm and his strength was greatly reduced, but at this moment, the increased attribute points were too appalling.

Just touched the sharp edge of saber energy for a short time, and the increased attribute points are actually comparable to the stomach of the sea clan boss.

It's hard to imagine how strong the Heavenly Knife will be in its prime. No wonder it can kill through the Roshan battlefield. This strength is not hidden.

Turning his head to look at Song Que on the steps again, his body manifested between the man and the knife, and the phantoms overlapped and overlapped, making people dizzy for a while.

A sound of saber blare resounded, stirring in the hearts of the monks.

"Go to the queue honestly, otherwise, I will put an end to the Huolin hegemony right now."

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