Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 374 Reunion, The Arrogant Ergouzi

The group of monks in Huolin Cave were completely stunned, not to mention other monks who were surprised, even they had never seen such a method, what kind of operation is it to turn a hundred miles around into a knife domain with a knife?

Are all monks in the frontier so coquettish?

Looking at the criss-crossing saber energy, it must be condensed by a strong man who has experienced many battles. The middle-aged man in front of him has understood the saber technique to the extreme.

At this moment, they felt that they had kicked the iron plate.

The surrounding cultivators were also stunned at the moment, and it was the first time they had seen the strength of the Heavenly Saber Song Que, it was too strong.

The surrounding saber energy consciously avoided these bystanders, and did not accidentally injure others. This control alone is enough to make people amazing.

Moreover, the middle-aged man in front of him actually called the old men in Huolin Cave boys, and his tone was completely as if he was lecturing the junior monks. How many years has this Song Que practiced!

Li Xiaobai quickly calmed down, this kind of strength is worthy of the Heavenly Saber Song Que, the previous saber at the gate of the city was far from the opponent's true strength.

The body repeatedly rubbed against an edge without a trace, and the attribute value soared all the way.

On the steps, Song Que silently lit a Huazi, and Xiaopo said slowly, "How do you say it?"

"Dare to ask senior's name and name. Today, I was really ignorant and offended senior. I'll go to the back to be courteous, and please calm down senior."

Huoyun Shengzi said slowly in the sedan chair, the surrounding sword light gave it a great sense of oppression, just looking at it, it seems that the soul is about to be torn apart, such an existence, even the Huolin Cave Not willing to provoke easily.

"It's just passers-by on Wudi Road. Names don't matter. Stand aside first. Come and talk after I call you."

Song Que waved his hand casually and said calmly.

"Understood, I'll do as I wait."

The servants carried four large sedan chairs and ran to the side of the monks to stand obediently. Their appearance was in stark contrast to when they came.

The surrounding cultivators were completely dumbfounded. My good fellow, even the Huolin Cave suffered a loss in the hands of Tiandao Song Que. At this moment, they felt extremely proud in their hearts.

Sure enough, the frontier is where the strongest gather, and this is the most sacred and inviolable area.

For the monks in the holy city, the Heavenly Sword Song Que is their backbone.

The monks lined up and started to enter the city in an orderly manner. One by one, they made reports earnestly, wishing to give a clear account of their eighteen generations of ancestors. At this moment, all the monks present respected Song Que to the extreme.

The Huolindong group seemed very frustrated. They originally came to the frontier as reinforcements on a major mission, and wanted to flex their muscles and suppress everything. They didn't expect that this was just a city gate to beat them down.

The arrogance of being a veteran force disappeared in front of others, and he lost all face.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is definitely the intention of the Holy City. For such a long time, no city lord came out to greet Huolin Cave amidst the din of gongs and drums. I am afraid that he had planned to kill the prestige of Huolin Cave today to prevent doves from occupying the magpie's nest. The situation arises.

Song Que was meticulous in his work and carefully recorded everyone's formation. When it was Huolin Cave's turn, Huoyun Shengzi negotiated with Song Que as a representative.

Song Que didn't make things difficult for anyone, and just let it go, as if he was really just doing his duty.

Li Xiaobai hurriedly followed, nodded towards Song Kuang, moved to the fourth sedan chair, and heard Er Gouzi mumbling.

"Made, where did you come from, the old pervert? This strength is simply outrageous. It scares your second dog to death."

"The sword technique is a bit like the sword king in ancient times, but if Mr. Ergouzi activates the blood, these are just Xiaodaoer."

"Well, as long as your Er Gouzi grows up, even if that kid comes, he will be a small character who will be slapped to death!"

"I am the only one in the sky and on the earth, Master Er Gouzi is indeed the supreme existence!"

Listening to the soliloquy coming from the sedan chair, Li Xiaobai was speechless, this dead dog is still the same as before, running the train with his mouth full, and his ability of self-hypnosis is the best in the world.

Leaning to the side of the sedan chair, he said calmly, "Er Gouzi, I haven't seen you for a long time, and you are not a little bit arrogant now."

"Wang, it's you, kid, and you're also in the frontier, Mr. Ergouzi thought you were slaughtered by an old monster from Zhongzhou!"

The voice in the sedan chair immediately became excited, as if an old friend who hadn't seen him for many years was reunited.

But in the next second, the warm and harmonious atmosphere was destroyed by it.

"Boy, do you know how much Lord Ergouzi misses you!"

"The life without Huazi is not for Mr. Er Gouzi at all. My good brother is loyal, so hurry up and get two bags of Huazi!"

Li Xiaobai's complexion was terribly dark, and in the first half of the sentence, he thought it was Er Gouzi showing his true feelings, but in the next second, his work was broken, and he wanted Huazi when they met. This operation is still as bad as ever.

"Heck, the dead dog still wants to smoke Hua Zi, Hua Zi belongs to the deity, you dead dog eat shit!"

Ji Wuqing's emergence from Li Xiaobai's arms was a taunt, Er Gouzi's happy life made him jealous.

It also wants to have this kind of treatment like the stars holding the moon!

"Wang, you are not dead yet, but in the eyes of Mr. Er Gouzi at this moment, you are no longer a threat. The native chicken Wagoer, I don't bother to talk to you!"

Er Gouzi taunted ruthlessly. Now that it has activated its blood and found the strongest cultivation method, it is just a little grass chicken, and it doesn't pay attention to it at all.

Li Xiaobai was speechless, didn't this dead dog realize that it scolded itself too?

Tujiwagou, after confirming his eyes, it is still the second dog with a bad brain.

"The two of you are indeed chickens and dogs, so don't mock each other for half-baked goods. You will enter the city lord's mansion in a while, so you can cooperate."

Li Xiaobai said lightly, Er Gouzi should have a lot of information about Huolin Cave, so I'll ask later.

I have never forgotten the grudge that my heavy armored vehicle was taken away at the beginning. Although there are high-end sports cars like Lamborghini for transportation, every yard counts, and if you dare to take your own things, you have to pay the price.

Walking slowly along with the team, the old man surnamed Jiang had met Li Xiaobai in Danzong, and now he turned his face away and pretended not to see him.

My son seems to be very familiar with the other party, which is a good thing, and being able to get Tianjiao's support is also a very important part of Huo Lin's hegemony.

As for Yunyan Yunkun, he and Li Xiaobai were even more familiar, and he didn't dare to look at each other more, for fear of being caught again.

Looking at that familiar smile, they seemed to have returned to the days when they were excrement shovel officers in the Holy Demon Sect of the Northern Territory. Thinking of those days and nights when they delivered papers to the disciples of the sect, their eyes couldn't help but get a little moist.

The remaining two sedan chair disciples didn't dare to talk casually when they saw this weird scene. They just came to make up for it, and everything should be done according to the boss's wink.

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