The four city lords gathered together early, and Yang Guang greeted them with a smile, and welcomed the Huolin Cave group into the hall very warmly, as if they didn't know what happened at the gate of the city.

Everyone is well aware of the situation at the gate of the city. Although the frontier is not a steel plate and there are constant struggles in it, if there are outsiders who want to intervene and want to show their prestige, they must be unanimous.

On this point, whether it is the four city lords or the people in the holy city, they all have a tacit understanding.

When reinforcements arrive, they welcome them with both hands, but if they act arrogantly and show off their prestige, they will destroy whoever comes, and Huolin Cave is no exception.

The old man surnamed Wang was in charge of negotiating. With a gloomy face, he led a group of people slowly into the hall, and the four sedan chairs were still brought in without haste.

Li Xiaobai also followed in, and he saw Yang Chen and Ling Feng sitting on the seats at a glance. These two are top talents and are qualified to participate in this meeting on behalf of the younger generation.

Nodding at the two, the brothers from the same school had the same heart, and when they saw Li Xiaobai's appearance, Yang Chen and Ling Feng immediately understood that their junior brother was going to make trouble.

The two looked at each other, nodded indistinctly, and played by ear for a while.

"Hehe, Huolin Cave can come to our holy city for reinforcements, it is really a radiance. I believe that with the help of all the saints, my frontier will become as solid as gold!"

Yang Guang got up to greet him with a smile on his face.

It's just that the rest of the city lords in the hall didn't mean to say hello at all, and each of them narrowed their eyes slightly, looking at the several big sedan chairs in the hall.

The mere Holy Son is nothing more than a descendant of Tianjiao, and seeing them, these peak powerhouses, didn't even intend to show their faces, which made them extremely unhappy.

Especially Cai Kunxu and Xiong Da, different from Li Xiaobai's situation, they clearly perceive that the saint sons in the sedan chair are at most only the strength of the Transcending Tribulation Stage, not the high-level ones, they can be manipulated at will .

This kind of weak chicken dared to talk in front of them. When they thought of Li Xiaobai's plan, the two of them sneered secretly in their hearts.

The scene was a little cold, and the faces of the four guardians were also a little ugly. It seemed that in the whole hall, only one of the weakest was greeting them, and the rest of the Mahayana stage masters didn't show any signs of expression.

However, the old man surnamed Wang also did not dare to be negligent. With the lesson learned by Song Que, the Heavenly Saber, at this moment, he is not sure about the strength of the city lords in the hall.

He also smiled enthusiastically on the surface.

"Well, it should be. This time I came here mainly to share the pressure of Roshan on the frontier. As we all know, Roshan is recovering rapidly, and it may explode at any time. At this time, I, Huolin Cave, as the top veteran of the mainland Power, come to help one or two, duty-bound!"

"Come again, I will take my holy son to sharpen it. If I can grow up on the battlefield, after returning, the old man and others will definitely ask for credit for the colleagues in the frontier!"

The old man surnamed Wang laughed out loud, and seemed to be having a happy conversation with Yang Guang.

Li Xiaobai was speechless in his heart, this old man Wang spoke very well, and he was obviously here to hold the magpie's lair competition, so he insisted on putting gold on his face.


The great hero serves the country and the people?

Damn, if you hadn't been abused by Tian Dao Song Quxue just now, would you have said this?

"The holy sons of Huolin Cave are all dragons and phoenixes among men, and I believe they will have great achievements in the frontier."

"Everyone, please take your seats."

Yang Guang still cheerfully invited everyone to sit down, the banquet in the hall had already been set up, and the etiquette was very thoughtful.

All the people present were old foxes, and their eyelashes were all empty. Everyone knew what the meaning of the old man surnamed Wang was. On the surface, it was just a polite greeting, but secretly pulled out the various ethnic groups in Zhongzhou.

Going back to Zhongzhou to ask for credit for the frontier seems to be a polite word, but it actually implies a threat. Behind the Huolin Cave are all ethnic groups in Zhongzhou. Zu's mood.

The protector surnamed Wang had just been frustrated at the gate of the city, and now he saw the high-level officials in the frontier, and wanted to fight for more rights and interests for the saints.

After all, it was about Huolin's struggle for hegemony. The greater the power of his own holy son in the frontier, the more he would be able to move freely, and the chance of winning this trial would also increase his points.

The other three guardians felt a little dissatisfied, and they secretly scolded Old Man Wang for not being a thing. They were preempted as soon as they entered the city. Now the frontier may give priority to the rights and interests of Huoyun Shengzi.

"It's been a long time since we got together like this. Not only did I think of my master's words before his death, the most important thing in life is that the whole family is neat and tidy!"

"Today, the four city lords and a few arrogances are all gathered again. It is really rare. I would like to offer a toast to everyone!"

Yang Guang picked up a glass of wine and drank it down.

Everyone also responded with a smile, and drank it all in one gulp.

Li Xiaobai looked around at the two city lords whom he had never seen before. The one sitting in the front seat seemed to be a young man, very elegant, with a calm expression on his face, as if he was detached from the world and didn't care about anything.

Next to him was a middle-aged man with an indifferent face and cold, sharp eyes. He didn't try to hide his sharpness at all.

Judging from this temperament, the young man should be Mei Changqing, and the middle-aged man should be Wang Guan.

I don't know how Mei Changqing takes care of it, she looks so young, it's really well taken care of.

Several guardians sat down, and the rest of the monks who carried the sedan chair stood beside the sedan chair, waiting respectfully.

"Presumably these four are the city masters guarding the frontier, the top masters in the mainland, I am honored to meet you."

The old man surnamed Jiang didn't want to let others seize the opportunity, so he said directly that he wanted to chat with several city lords.

"Well, with a mere Mahayana cultivation base, I still can't afford the name of a top master."

Cai Kunxu glanced at the old man surnamed Jiang, and said calmly, the first time he opened his mouth, he was an old hermaphrodite. If he didn't dare to be so arrogant on weekdays, but now that Mei Changqing and Wang Guan are sitting beside him, everyone is now unanimous. , to suppress the arrogance of Huolin Cave.

He is fearless, anyway, today he is only responsible for doing things, except that there are bigger people around.

As soon as this remark came out, the old man surnamed Jiang was choked up. He didn't expect the city lord to be so shameless and too arrogant.

"Wang, a mere Mahayana cultivation base is indeed not considered a top expert. Only a physical existence like Master Er Gouzi can be worthy of the name of invincibility!"

In the sedan chair, Er Gouzi's ear-piercing voice came out, and he spoke in mockery.

Hearing this, Cai Kun smiled sadly and said, "Hehe, then you are awesome..."

Two dogs? ? ?

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