"City Lord Yang, I haven't introduced these geniuses to us yet. I'm also very curious about the geniuses in the frontier. How strong are they?"

"Compared to my holy son in Huolin Cave, how is it?"

The old man surnamed Wang smiled and said that he was very comfortable with the old man surnamed Jiang and Er Gouzi being deflated. He glanced at old man Jiang with a little satisfaction. This world still depends on faces.

Wanting to compete with him for the diplomat's seat is simply overkill.

His eyes swept over Yang Chen Lingfeng and Li Xiaobai one by one, and when he looked at Li Xiaobai, he couldn't help but take a few more glances. He always felt that the young man in front of him was somewhat familiar, but he couldn't think of where he had seen him before.

"Hehe, the Holy Son of Huolin Cave is the benchmark of the younger generation. Let them talk about the young people's affairs."

Yang Guang said with a smile.

"Hidden dragon and crouching tiger in the Fairy Continent, even as the Holy Son of Huolin Cave, he dare not underestimate any genius. In Xiahuoyun Cave, the Holy Son of Fire Lin, I haven't asked the names of several young talents."

In the first sedan chair, a faint voice came out, very elegant, giving people the feeling of a breeze, but the other party still did not show up, which made the monks in the hall even more unhappy.

The eyes of several city lords were also completely cold. Could it be that these holy sons are going to stay in the sedan chair all the time?

Doesn't this make it clear that they don't take them seriously?

"Yang Chen, can the cultivation base of Dzogchen during the tribulation period still be seen?"

Yang Chen shook the feather fan lightly in his hand, stared at the sedan chair in front of him and said, he had the urge to smash the sedan chair immediately, but he endured it.

"Ling Feng, the cultivation base of Dzogchen during the tribulation period can still enter the eyes of Huolin Cave?"

Ling Feng also said lightly, their cultivation level is top-notch anywhere, and among the younger generation of disciples, except for a few seniors, it is impossible for anyone in the world to surpass them.

The Holy Son of Huolin Cave looks majestic and talented to outsiders, but in their eyes, that's all.

"You two were joking. As we all know, Tianjiao, the first echelon on the Fairy Continent, is only able to cross the transition period. Even if he is in the lower class, he is now only a fourth-level cultivation base in the transition period. Kneeling and persevering rely on the polishing of time, but you can't speak nonsense."

Huoyun Shengzi said meaningfully.

"I have persisted in cultivating the Tao for more than 20 years. It is only natural to have this achievement. According to the Holy Son, the progress of Huolin Cave seems to be a bit slow."

Yang Chen said without haste, shaking the feather fan lightly, which was also extremely refined.

"Hehe, I, Huolin Cave, attaches great importance to the background of monks, and only by laying a solid foundation can a towering building be built on the ground. I don't agree with what you two said."

The voice in the sedan chair said lightly.

"How can I cultivate the Dzogchen Transcending Tribulation Period for more than 20 years, and the monks in the frontier are all such big talk?"

"That's right, even those powerful people who have ascended to the upper realm, which one of them didn't spend hundreds of years of cultivation to reach this point, the important thing in cultivation is to be down-to-earth, and you can't talk nonsense!"

The Son of God in the other two sedan chairs also spoke, Yang Chen's words stimulated them.

At their age, at their stage, it is impossible for anyone to achieve such a high level of cultivation. Even Donghai, which is famous for its cultivation aptitude, its mysterious arrogance is now only the fourth floor of the Tribulation Stage, similar to the Huolin Cave.

The two geniuses in the frontier dared to claim to be the Great Perfection of Transcending Tribulation Period, they are simply big talkers.

In order to suppress the arrogance of Huolin Cave, he actually lied about his cultivation, this method is too low, and it makes people disdain.

"It seems that Huolindong knows nothing about real geniuses."

Li Xiaobai shook his head and sighed at the side, it was rare for his senior brother to tell the truth, but no one believed it, he was really blind.

"Which one is your Excellency?"

Huoyun Shengzi asked, his voice was still calm, as if nothing could break his state of mind.

"My name is Li Xiaobai, my cultivation is invincible."

Li Xiaobai drank a glass of wine lightly and said lightly.

"You are so loud, have you eaten celery?"

"Wait, you said you were Li Xiaobai?"

There was finally a wave of fluctuation in that voice, not only it, but also the several guardians in the hall were all staring at the young man in front of them.

They finally remembered where they had met each other. Isn't this guy the young man on the arrest warrant issued by Zhongzhou?

God is really helping them, I didn't expect to meet each other here, others don't know, but they know very well, there is a big secret in Li Xiaobai, if he can master it, the cultivation of the Son of God will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

Among other things, the giant steel beast that was brought back to Huolin Cave a few months ago was a great help.

It's just a pity that the chariot was pulled away by Er Gouzi. If they can get another one out, they will be more confident in this trial.

"That's right, next is Li Xiaobai, the invincible existence who smashed West Desert and pierced Zhongzhou!"

Li Xiaobai nodded and said without blushing.

"Wang, boy, you're too arrogant. You simply don't take Mr. Ergouzi seriously. In front of Mr. Ergouzi, who dares to call himself invincible, who dares to say invincible?"

"In this world, only your second dog is the real supreme existence!"

Er Gouzi broke through the door of the fourth sedan chair, cursed and bit Li Xiaobai violently.

Originally, it thought that Li Xiaobai had some plan that needed its cooperation, so it has been patient and silent, but it didn't expect that this group of people was pretending from the beginning to the end.

This is unbearable, pretending in front of it, and not letting it speak, is absolutely impossible!

The monks around looked shocked. This was the first Son of Fire Lin to come out, and it looked quite different from what they had imagined.

And what kind of operation is biting someone, what's your cultivation level?

Attacking with supreme supernatural powers, what the hell is such a primitive attack method?

Attribute points +3000...

Looking at the attribute value panel in front of him, Li Xiaobai's heart moved. This value has already reached the standard of the Transcendence Tribulation Stage, and the casual bite of this broken dog can actually increase so many attribute points.

From this point of view, it was not in vain to go to Huolin Cave. There is indeed something to activate the blood, but the brain is still not working well.

With a wave of his hand, Er Gouzi was thrown out.

"Walk aside, I'm talking with the strongest son of your family, how can you speak!"

"Wang, boy, you look down on your second dog!"

Er Gouzi was furious, and wanted to rush up and bite, but was firmly held down by the old man surnamed Jiang behind him.

"Holy Son, don't be reckless!"

His complexion was very ugly. With this wave of operations, Huolindong's face was completely wiped out.

The Holy Son blatantly bit someone, if it got out, it would be a dark history that Huolin Cave could not erase.

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