"Your Excellency is the demon sword Li Xiaobai who is making trouble in Zhongzhou. I didn't expect to meet in the frontier. It is also a fate."

Huoyun Shengzi said lightly, it was a little upset. According to the original plan, Shengzi would not leave the sedan chair, in order to create a sense of mystery and put pressure on the border monks, but he didn't expect Huo Lin to be so vulgar, so he directly gave popped out.

Moreover, they also bit people randomly, seriously endangering the reputation of Huolin Cave.

"Jiang Yi, take good care of your holy son, how can it be proper to tear and bite indiscriminately in this city lord's mansion?"

The old man surnamed Wang was full of displeasure. He had been observing the situation in the arena. The four city lords had been silent all the time. Even Yang Guang had become less talkative. Juniors are talking.

Looking at the situation, the city lords thought the same as him.

The holy son of Huolin Cave did not show up, and only let the guardians talk and communicate. The city lords in the frontier also ignored them, and just let these young Tianjiao talk to them.

Both sides do not want to talk about friendship as equals, and must let the other party be inferior first.

The scene became a little awkward, and no one would give in. I didn't expect that the holy city of Zhongzhou would be so difficult to deal with.

"Hmph, my holy son has a clear mind, and every action has its own deep meaning. When is it your turn to dictate, Wang Ba, play the role of your slave well."

Jiang Yi snorted coldly, and simply sat down with Er Gouzi.

"Hehe, it's a small matter, Huolin Cave, I'm used to biting people, just pay more attention in the future."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and said calmly.

Wang Ba's complexion is not very good-looking. Doesn't this sarcasm mean that since he entered the city of Huolin Cave, he has been putting on airs to show his superiority and want to fight for power?

"Mr. Li is open-minded, but I, Huolin Cave, am not an overbearing person. These four sedan chairs are made of yew and sandalwood, and there are Buddhist scriptures engraved on them. When I am inside, I feel calm and relaxed. It’s refreshing, and it’s a treasure.”

"By giving these four sedan chairs to the frontier today, it's an apology to everyone."

The voice of Huoyun Shengzi came out, and the words were astonishing as soon as he opened his mouth. He directly gave away the car dedicated to the Shengzi, which is a big deal.

But Li Xiaobai's words immediately made everyone in Huolin Cave furious.

I saw the young man waved his hand, with a look of disgust on his face, "Why do I need this coffin in the frontier? It's unlucky. You Huolin Cave is more professional in carrying the coffin."

The hall suddenly fell silent, the old guardian stopped talking, his eyes flickered coldly, staring at Li Xiaobai, this young man's mouth is too bad.

"Boy, what did you say?"

"Have you thought about the consequences of saying this?"

The holy children in the sedan chair exploded in an instant, and someone said that their sedan chair was a coffin. Isn't this saying that all the holy sons in the Huolin Cave are corpses?

No one has dared to humiliate them like this before, this Li Xiaobai must pay the price!

"The Huolin Cave has stood in the Fairy Continent for thousands of years, and its rich heritage is beyond your imagination. If you dare to talk to us like this, you are still the number one."

"Cutting off an arm, I won't kill you."

In the first sedan chair, Huoyun Shengzi still spoke indifferently, as if everything was as it should be.

"I think Mr. Li didn't say anything wrong. In fact, I also want to ask, is lying in a coffin a tradition in your Huolin Cave?"

Mayor Mei Changqing had a smile flashing in his eyes. He thought of himself and looked calm. His purpose was to suppress the arrogance of Huolin Cave. The reason why he came here today was to let everyone Everyone understands who is the real talker in the frontier.

"Master Meicheng, I have a different opinion. Lying in the coffin may be a special ritual for Qilin beasts to remember their ancestors. Do as the Romans do. We are not old and stubborn in the frontier. We respect the culture of big forces."

Yang Chen smiled sadly, and his words were also extremely damaging.

The temperature in the hall suddenly dropped a few points, and Wang Baqi's face turned green. He felt that this could not go on like this. From entering the city to now, neither force nor words have taken advantage of it.

Originally, he wanted to use the trick of the Holy Son not to show his face to lower the value of Frontier, thereby raising the status of the Holy Son.

But in the eyes of others, it directly becomes the coffin culture and respects the tradition of Huolin Cave. In contrast, they are ignorant.

When you come to other people's fields, you have to follow your own way. Obviously, you don't understand the world. If it spreads, people will only say that the Huolin Cave monks are barbaric and domineering.

"He is also a kind person. I can't refuse. Over the years, my frontier monks have thrown their heads and blood outside, causing countless deaths and injuries. They are all meritorious officials. After death, they have not been put into coffins. These four coffins will be taken away. Be buried with them."

Mei Changqing said lightly, tapped the teacup lightly with his fingertips, and a layer of invisible waves spread out, rolling straight to the remaining three sedan chairs. In an instant, everyone in Huolin Cave felt their hairs stand on end. The three Qilin The divine beasts soared into the sky, jumped three feet high, and fled behind their respective guardians in a flash.

Just now they felt a strong breath of death, as if they would die here in the next second, their eyes were full of horror.

The four sedan chairs trembled slightly, and Mei Changqing took them into his pocket.


The expressions of several old guards also changed drastically. They were a little familiar with the move just now. Tiandao Song Que at the gate of the city had also used a similar method. It was really inconceivable that just a light tap could produce such power.

The most important thing is that none of them reacted. Doesn't this mean that if the other party wants to take their heads, it's just a thought?

What kind of cultivation is required to do this?

Mahayana period? Or a half-step fairyland?

The frontier has become so terrifying. Before leaving, didn't the high-level elders say that everything in the frontier is under control, and there will be no too strong threat?

In just one or two hours, they encountered two super masters one after another. This frequency is too high.

Li Xiaobai also nodded secretly. With such strength, it's no wonder that he can rival Song Que who lost an arm. He is indeed very strong.

"Thank you for the generosity of Huolin Cave. The monks in the frontier will definitely thank you. I will take this coffin away."

Mei Changqing took a sip of tea and smiled lightly.

The several holy sons were honest, and after they clearly realized the difference in strength between each other, they began to reorganize their language and prepared to have a good conversation.

The early temptation was that they were completely defeated, and now they can only fight for as many rights as possible.

The guardians went back behind the Holy Son and stopped talking. When the Master came out, they had no part to speak.

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