Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Three Hundred And Ninetieth Chapters Old Things Do Not Talk About Martial Arts

However, there are only a few male cultivators with a good figure. Most cultivators don't pay attention to body training, and the muscles on their bodies are not obvious. Looking at the well-defined bodies around them, they feel a little inferior in their hearts.

After returning home, shouldn't I practice a body training method?

The female nuns' cheeks were flushed, and they wanted to look but didn't dare to look, so they had to lower their heads and glance up with many marks in their eyes.

Eye waves flow in the beautiful eyes.

However, more female cultivators glanced at their waists and calves indiscriminately, um, they are a bit fat, and they have to work hard to train their bodies when they go back, so that they can completely blow up the audience when they come back next time!

at the same time.

On the fourth battlefield.

Cai Kunxu sat on the edge of the battlefield, narrowing his eyes slightly, watching waves of monks rushing into it.

As the night passed, many Roshan appeared again, and the battlefield was vaguely covered with a faint smell of blood.

But this time the monks showed no signs of fear, they lighted a Huazi very calmly, and took a few sips, looking very leisurely.

"Senior brother, look at this meat mountain is really fucking ugly."

"Yeah, this scarlet mist is too stinky."

"Don't talk about it, hurry up and take a Huazi to suppress the shock."

"With this thing, we no longer have to worry about being eroded by Roshan."

Huazi was able to perfectly defend against the stench brought by Roshan, and the monks hardly suffered any harm in it.

It was only at this moment that they discovered that after losing the ability to erode one's mind and drive people crazy, these meat mountains are nothing more than ordinary pieces of meat with rough skin and thicker flesh.

With a little exercise, a few bombardments can wipe it out.

Never felt that it could be so easy on the battlefield, the monks had the illusion that they could sweep the entire battlefield at this moment.

"I can hit ten of these things!"

"Cut, I'm not afraid of hitting a hundred!"

"Don't talk about it, you all go back, I am enough for the meat mountain on this battlefield!"

Looking at the monks who are calm and even chatting and joking below, Cai Kunxu smiled, and it was done, Huazi can really be completely immune to Roshan's blood, so that, as long as he does not encounter the With the existence of Roshan, monks don't have to worry about safety issues at all.

In the future, the fourth battlefield can be stabilized in a short time.

In the holy city, Li Xiaobai entrusted Yang Huan to take care of the store. Although this woman has a problem with her mind, she will not be greedy for her own money.

Taking Huazi with him, Li Xiaobai was going to give some to Song Que, the Heavenly Sword. This big man had been guarding the gate of the city, and would not enter the city unless he had something important to do. Naturally, such a trivial matter as buying Huazi would not let him move.

At the gate of the city, on the steps.

The middle-aged man is looking into the distance, wondering what he is thinking.

"Senior Tiandao, I brought you Huazi."

Li Xiaobai flipped his wrist and threw out a small pile of Huazi. This thing is very useful for the Heavenly Sword, and maybe it can help it recover its strength in the future.

"Well, Mr. Li is worrying."

Song Que's expression changed. This is definitely a good thing. Recently, all the monks who have entered and left the city have mentioned the Liangpin shop. Just take a sip, and you can realize the Tao in an instant. Li Xiaobai gave him a taste before, but it's a pity that he soon passed away. Pumped up.

I don't have a spirit stone, so I am too embarrassed to lick my face to ask for it.

I didn't expect Li Xiaobai to take the initiative to send it here today, it's really kindness.

"Small idea, senior can smoke more if you have nothing to do, maybe you can recover your cultivation after smoking!"

Li Xiaobai laughed.

"Hehe, I'm missing an arm, so I don't dare to hope to restore my cultivation base, but I can do it with a little improvement in strength. I was able to release the sword domain before, thanks to Mr. Li's Huazi."

Song Que was in a good mood and said with a smile.

The restart of the knife domain is all due to Huazi. If it weren't for Huazi's improvement of understanding, it would be difficult to open it directly with him now.

"So that's the case, just now I saw the sad face on the senior's face, I don't know what he was thinking?"

Li Xiaobai nodded and continued to ask.

"It's a strange thing to say. I saw a faint flash of light in the depths of the frontier, but after careful perception, I didn't find anything. I don't know if it's an illusion or something happened."

Song Que said slowly.

Li Xiaobai was startled. Song Que couldn't possibly have made a mistake in his perception. He said that if there is a divine light, then there must be a divine light.

The known special existences in the depths of the frontier are the fragments of the blood sacrifice, and the other is the old man Tianwu who is suspected to be an old beggar. It seems that there is something wrong with one of the two.

"Senior, do you know the blood sacrifice fragments?"

"I don't know, the name sounds like a method of evil spirits and heretics."

Song Que shook his head, ignited a Huazi, swallowed the clouds for a while, and looked a little dazed.

"Then senior, did you know old man Tianwu?"

Li Xiaobai continued to ask.

It's just that Song Que, who was still a little confused in his eyes when he said this, was instantly refreshed, and a cold light suddenly shot out from his eyes.

A dangerous aura filled the air, and even the saber around his waist kept buzzing.

The whole person is like a sharp knife piercing the sky, staring at Li Xiaobai firmly.

"Mr. Li is talking about the old man Tianwu?"

"Um... I just had the honor to meet once before I came down, and I don't know each other very well. What kind of grudge does Senior have against him?"

Li Xiaobai was quite speechless, why did everyone mention the old beggar with a gnashing of teeth?

It seems that the former Tianji old man also said that he wanted to kill the old beggar.

What kind of outrageous things did this wretched old man do before? Even Song Que, the sky knife who has been entrenched in the border area all year round, is full of resentment.

"Thirty years ago, he stole my fairy spirit. Back then, I made a full-scale attack and slashed out. Even the three masters of the East China Sea had to avoid the edge for the time being. The fairy spirit was already in my pocket. middle of the way."

"I didn't expect Mr. Wu to be born that day. Taking advantage of my unpreparedness, he made a left jab and a right whip kick. His speed was very fast, but I was able to defend against it."

"I reasoned with him a few words. A gentleman doesn't take what others like. I didn't expect his primordial spirit to attack him directly. That's when the fairy spirit fell into his hands. Old things don't talk about martial arts!"

Song Que's tone was quite gloomy. If the old man Tianwu hadn't intervened in the past, he would have obtained the spirit of the fairy, and he would have been promoted to a half-step immortal. How could there be such a ruinous attack by Mei Changqing and Wang Guan? thing?

Breaking off is even more impossible.

All of this is all due to the old man Tianwu, because of this old thing, he missed a chance to ascend to the upper realm in vain.

Li Xiaobai was silent, and it was because of the spirit energy. How many times did the spirit continent put in the spirit energy, and how many times did the old beggar take it away?

It seems that many bigwigs have been robbed by him.

Seemingly seeing what Li Xiaobai was thinking, Song Que continued.

"Originally, the spirit energy was released once every 100 years, but it has been released twice in a row in the past 100 years. I don't know why."

"Almost all of the fairy energy these two times was taken away by Tianwu old man, but I heard that because he has accumulated too much fairy energy in his body, it is difficult to control the power in his body, and now his body has a big problem , a body of strength is gone.”

"What an eye-opener!"

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