The deeds of the old man Tianwu are actually not a secret, many people know about it.

After the fairy spirit was taken away by him for the first time, the old guy disappeared. Since no one had seen him, many people thought he was dead.

After a lapse of tens of years, the fairy energy was released again. It seemed that God knew that the monks' fairy energy had been robbed, so it was specially arranged again.

But never expected that at this juncture, this old immortal thing ran out again, snatched away the fairy spirit without saying a word, then turned around and ran away, leaving no excuses for other monks at all.

This is the most irritating thing, if you want to die, die well, what kind of operation is it to suddenly jump out and snatch the spirit of the fairy?

Don't other monks want to become stronger?

Li Xiaobai was speechless, but on the surface, this matter was indeed done by an old beggar.

Although this treasure is for those who are capable, you can't directly cut off people's livelihood, and it's still a sneak attack. Old things don't talk about martial arts!

"Hehe, it sounds like Old Man Tianwu has gone too far."

"It's not just excessive, it's simply excessive!"

"But it doesn't matter, now he is worse than me, when we meet again, I must be the one who tortured him with blood!"

A cold light flashed in Song Que's eyes, and he sneered again and again.

Li Xiaobai felt a little terrified, Song Que, the Heavenly Saber who had always been amiable, actually changed his temperament after mentioning the old beggar, it seemed that the grudge was too deep.

Well, I still have to get rid of the relationship with the old beggar, don't say that I know him for the time being, it's too dangerous.

"Senior is mighty. With these Huazi, I believe that senior will be able to rise to the next level in a few days. There is a Tang Neng Yipin bathhouse in the holy city, soaking in it will also have a miraculous effect on improving cultivation. In leisure time, senior You can also relax for a while."

"It's nothing to leave the job of guarding the city gate to others temporarily."

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Li Xiaobai didn't dare to stay for long and left quickly.

I always feel that there is something wrong with Song Que's eyes, as if he will lose control at any time. The old beggar is really harmful. It has been decades, and people still remember his account.


Back in the small shop, he picked up Ergouzi and Ji Wuqing who were swimming in the bathhouse.

These two guys ran off to enjoy the blessing after seeing each other for a day, and they haven't done their business yet.

"Wang, boy, what are you doing, Master Er Gouzi hasn't finished soaking yet!"

"Heck, boy, this deity wants to upgrade, don't stop this deity from becoming stronger!"

A chicken and a dog all looked displeased, and they were about to relax.

"Stop talking nonsense, don't forget to do the right thing, several saints are watching, how can you take a bath in the mood?"

"Strike while the iron is hot, quickly follow me to the third battlefield!"

Li Xiaobai's forehead was full of black lines, without further ado, he motioned to Jiang Yi, who was waiting at the side, to grab the two little ones and pack them up and take them away.

Seeing the figures of several people going away, all the monks in the bathhouse let out a long breath involuntarily, and finally sent the plague god away.

The chicken and the dog announced their supremacy when they came up, monopolizing nearly half of the pool, driving all the monks to the corner, and even asking all the monks to worship.

They are also angry and dare not speak out. He is the Holy Son of Huolin Cave, so he can do whatever he wants. Ordinary frontier monks like them can't afford to offend them.

Seeing the dead dog being taken away at this moment, they felt extremely happy.

At the city gate, Li Xiaobai flipped his wrist, and the Lamborghini landed.

Jiang Yi was very smart, he couldn't help but stuff a chicken and a dog into the back seat.

Li Xiaobai nodded in satisfaction, stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, and left in the dust.

"Wang, boy, why did you choose to go to the third battlefield at this juncture, why don't we develop a wave of wretchedness first?"

Er Gouzi was quite dissatisfied at the moment, especially when he found out that his guardian Jiang Yi actually obeyed Li Xiaobai's advice, he became even more furious.

"How do you want to develop, devouring other holy sons is a shortcut for you to become stronger quickly, and we are all for your own good."

Li Xiaobai glanced at it and said calmly.

"Damn! Boy, you just want to make money, quickly occupy the third battlefield, and your Huazi market will become bigger. Don't use your second dog as an excuse!"

Er Gouzi said disdainfully.

"I haven't seen you in a few days, but you have become smarter. You can actually see this kind of high-end operation, but I can earn more spirit stones, and you can get the blood of Qilin. This is a win-win method that kills two birds with one stone."

"Could it be that you are not tempted by other Holy Sons?"

"The blood flowing through them should belong to you!"

Li Xiaobai said persuasively, feeling that after enjoying Huazi and the bathhouse, the poor dog became more at ease, without the sense of crisis it had before.

Maybe it's because I'm here.

But I don't have much time to spend here, and there are still many things waiting for me to do in the frontier. In comparison, this dog's trial is just a small episode.

If Mei Changqing hadn't suddenly intervened that day, the Huo Lin struggle for hegemony would have come to an end long ago.

"Heck, kid, get some benefits for this deity, and this deity will also become stronger!"

Ji Wuqing yelled from the side.

Er Gouzi slapped him with a backhand, knocking him to the ground, "What do you need to become stronger, you bastard, just be a pendant honestly."

"Heck, dead dog!"

Ji Wuqing flew into a rage, and there was another flutter in the carriage.

The third battlefield was far away from the holy city, and it only took about an hour for Li Xiaobai to arrive.

Because I was afraid that the noise from the Lamborghini would be too loud to scare the snake, so I kept driving at a lower speed.

The sports car bypassed the densely populated city of monks and rushed directly into the battlefield. The third battlefield was also occupied by a black ocean at the moment.

There are no monks around anymore, just like the previous fourth battlefield, with this hellfire as a natural protective barrier, the monks' awareness of prevention has weakened a little, and they all went to rest.

Cai Kunxu didn't tell Xiong Da about the situation on the fourth battlefield, so the monks on this battlefield didn't know how violent the fire would be after the disappearance of the fire.

Without Huazi as a support, the monks on the frontier would not be able to stop Roshan's invasion.

"Wang, kid, what are you going to do?"

Er Gouzi asked.

"Bring back the flames."

Li Xiaobai walked into the black flames and said calmly.

"and then?"

"Just go back to the city and wait."

Li Xiaobai smiled lightly and walked into the hellfire.

After several days of burning, all the meat mountains on this battlefield have been swallowed up by the hellfire. Now that they were put away by Li Xiaobai, the values ​​on the system panel began to increase sharply.

The current coverage area is 430 meters...

The current coverage is 450 meters...

The current coverage is 480 meters...

Hellfire currently covers five hundred meters.

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