Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 398: Cleaning Up The Third Battlefield

Ji Lao nodded, the current situation is really unstoppable by the monks below alone, the lightning-like twitching flesh whiskers in the blood mist keep taking the lives of the monks, the monks in the Mahayana period can't come out, no one can shake them its edge.

"Hunting Yuanjue!"

Xiong Da's internal skills were operating crazily, and the chaotic aura on the surface of his body manifested, and he rushed into the blood fog on the battlefield in the blink of an eye.

In the void, a god, demon, primordial spirit stood upright, the sky was reflected in black, and the tyrannical power of the primordial spirit swept across, pressing down on the battlefield.

The blood mist was torn into pieces in an instant, revealing large mountains of meat wrapped in tumors. Tentacles shuttled across the battlefield. Countless monks were pierced through their chests and fell down in a pool of blood.


Ji Lao's eyes suddenly became sharp, his hands evolved magma, and the air suddenly became hot. The land that had turned into pitch-black scorched earth was steaming with green smoke. The high temperature burned repeatedly in Roshan's body, and the weak Roshan was gone in the blink of an eye. The smoke cleared.

Just like what he said before, helping the Third Battlefield clear Roshan is a testament to his son.

If he is unwilling to help even with this matter, no matter how stupid Xiong Da is, he will not believe the promise of Huogan Shengzi.

It must behave well to consolidate its trust in the Son.

"The city lord is here!"

"The Holy Son of Huolin Cave is also here to help!"

"We are saved, hurry up and evacuate with the wounded, don't hold back the city lord!"

"Wait for the city lord to clean up Roshan, and then I'll clean up the battlefield!"

A group of monks on the edge of the battlefield showed joy, and two monks of the Mahayana period made a bold move. It was only a matter of time before Roshan's army was defeated.

Wisps of blood mist overflowed from the battlefield, Huogan Shengzi's face turned pale, it felt that its soul had been polluted, its figure flickered, and it retreated quickly, with a frightened light in its eyes.

No wonder the frontier needs to be guarded. The powerful aura emanating from this kind of meat mountain can't be resisted by even a master of the tribulation period with the power of blood. If you are not careful, you will lose your mind and get lost in it.


The battlefield was once again covered by bloody aura, and the situation inside could not be seen clearly. In the void, fiery red runes manifested one after another, and a fire Qilin stepped into the air, dragging a long red magma tail and roaring towards the sky.

The scorching breath came over the surface, and even though they were far away, the monks felt signs that their bodies were being burned again.

Huo Qilin joined the battlefield, rampaging through the meat mountain, as if entering no one's land, the sharp claws easily tore the enemy in front of him into pieces, the stinky juice splashed everywhere, and every tentacle was cut off by the waist, and then It instantly turned into a puddle of puddles under the burning of the terrifying lava.

"Ji Lao is worthy of being a master of Huolin Cave. With the power of blood to evolve Qilin beasts, it is not an exaggeration to say that this Qilin secret technique has reached the pinnacle."

Xiong Da looked at the fiery red lava repeatedly charged in the mountain of meat, his eyes were full of astonishment, he was also at the Mahayana stage, but this Ji Lao's strength surpassed him by more than a notch.

With the suppression of his cultivation and the power of his bloodline, if he is an enemy, he has no confidence in winning.

"Hehe, City Lord Xiong is absurd. After all, my Qilin is just relying on Qilin's blood to take advantage of it. It is not as reliable as the City Lord's Hunyuan Jue."

Ji Lao stretched out his hand to stroke his beard, and said with a smile.

While talking, the two had already pushed aside the Roshan battlefield. This time, both of them shot with all their strength. Ordinary Roshan would die if they hit it. It was also quickly defeated under the offensive.

One died, and the rest wrapped themselves in whiskers, and quickly retreated from the battlefield to the depths of the frontier.

Xiong Da frowned, he and Ji Lao didn't kill Roshan who came out today, it seems that the black flames had already greatly stimulated Roshan deep in the frontier and accelerated the recovery of Roshan Progress, the characters that come out are becoming more and more ruthless.

Elder Ji also realized the seriousness of the matter. Just now, his Fire Qilin chased and chopped down a few meat mountains, but apart from leaving behind tentacles all over the place, there was no substantial result.

Those Roshan who fled into the depths of the border can resist the burning of lava for a short time!

"Clean the battlefield and bring the wounded back to the city for treatment!"

Xiong Da didn't say much, and shouted at the monks below, and then returned to the city with Huolindong.

In the city.

Xiong Da clasped his fists and cupped his hands, "I really want to thank Ji Lao for his action today. If Ji Lao hadn't used Qilin's blood to force Roshan back, I'm afraid I would have to fight hard for a while."

"It's a trivial matter, it's nothing to worry about, now City Lord Xiong and my son are still united front, and it's my job to help the old man."

Ji Lao said with a smile, he didn't take the battlefield matter to heart.

He and Huogan Shengzi knew very well that only when the third battlefield was completely stabilized, Xiong Da could help them deal with the other Shengzi. Therefore, it was necessary to cut through the mess quickly and solve the problems on this battlefield as soon as possible.

"That's right, City Lord Xiong, don't take it to heart. If you encounter difficulties in the future, just say it out loud, but I will definitely do my best if I can help you."

"I don't know the matter, why did the black flame on the third battlefield suddenly disappear?"

Huogan Shengzi also said with a smile, but it was more concerned about the flame issue. After all, the night of the first two days frightened it.

The mysterious black flame swallowed all the blood power in its body, and now its strength has been greatly reduced, which is why it anxiously wants to kill other holy sons as soon as possible. Only by devouring the blood of other holy sons can it It is possible to regain strength.

"I originally wanted to talk to you two about this matter, but it was delayed by the battlefield."

When mentioning the black flame, Xiong Da's face became serious.

"Could it be that City Lord Xiong knows the origin of the flame?"

Huogan Shengzi's expression changed, and he was keenly aware of something.

"Yes, I do know some things, and Cai Kunxu from the Fourth Battlefield also knows these things."

"The weird black flame is actually not a treasure at all. Its true identity is the flame released by a senior with unfathomable cultivation. Let its flame devour more powerful monks."

"As for what was said in the Xianling Daily, it was all false and fabricated, and it was just a story written by the old man who communicated with Tianji."

Xiong Da breathed out all the information he knew. As soon as he said this, Ji Lao and Huogan Shengzi all had their pupils constricted and their hairs stood on end. That fairy daily.

"Who is that powerful senior?"

"I swear an oath of Dao heart, but I can't tell my true identity!"

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