Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 399: Scored Twice, Roshan's Counterattack

"It turned out to be such a thing!"

Ji Lao and Huogan Shengzi were all shocked. Even if Xiong Da didn't know clearly, it was not difficult to deduce his identity based on the information he had now.

There are only three young Tianjiao in total, Yang Chen and Ling Feng are actually in the transcending tribulation period cultivation base, only Li Xiaobai looks like he has no cultivation base at all.

Before, they just thought that the other party was practicing some aura restraint technique to hide his strength, but now it seems that it may be because his cultivation base is too high that they can't sense anything at all.

Apart from arrogance and arrogance, the young Tianjiao gave them the impression that there was no other outstanding point.

Unexpectedly, this person was actually pretended by a big boss, and he also deceived the ancestors of various groups in Zhongzhou. His cultivation level may not be comparable to that of ordinary Mahayana monks.

"City Master Xiong doesn't need to be discerning. We can roughly guess the identity of this person. So, that day, he accidentally dropped the Fairy Daily, did he deliberately want me to see the writing on it?"

"His purpose is to lure me to the place where Black Flame is, and then we'll end up in a nest?"

Huogan Shengzi recalled the situation that day, and couldn't help feeling horrified in his heart. He didn't expect that there was a super boss hidden in the black flames, watching him covetously.

"I'm afraid that's it."

"Although I don't know his strength, it seems that he has been looking for nourishment for the black flame. I have personally heard that person call the nourishment for the monk. I think he must be some unborn magician in disguise. "

"Only in this way can it be explained why he was able to escape from the hands of the boss every time, even the ancestors of the various ethnic groups in Zhongzhou failed to take him down."

Xiong Da nodded with a serious face and said, he didn't say Li Xiaobai's name, which was not a violation of the Dao Xin oath.

"Why did such a dangerous person come to the frontier? What is his purpose?"

Elder Ji also showed shock, and his eyes shone with fear. That night, the four holy sons and four guardians, one counted as one, were all forcibly controlled and rushed into the flames, kneeling on the ground and moving No, they didn't have the slightest power to resist in the face of that unknown trick.

If Mei Changqing hadn't rushed to take action at the end, they might have all been buried in the black flames at this moment.

When he touched the tip of the sword, he only thought that the flame was released by a magic sword. Who would have thought that there was a person standing on the other end of the sword tip.

This scene, just thinking about it, makes people panic.

"I don't know about that, but as far as I know, the current Yang Guang and that Cai Kunxu have all been taken back by him."

"The flames of the third battlefield suddenly disappeared this time, and I think it is very likely that it has something to do with him."

Xiong Da felt that it was very tricky. Opposite him was a super boss who could make him kneel with a wave of his hand. There was no chance of winning if he was tough.

If he went to interrogate him, I'm afraid it would immediately expose the fact that he had joined forces with Huolindong, and he hadn't contacted him for so many days, so the other party must have become suspicious of him.

He can guess what the fate of betraying the boss will be, and he will definitely die miserably.

"After all, I still have to ask. The disappearance of the flame is not a trivial matter. It is reasonable to go and ask. City Lord Xiong does not need to be too flustered. If possible, it is best to let that big man take action and use the flame again. Block the battlefield and stop Roshan's attack!"

There was a strange light in Ji Lao's eyes, and he began to speak persuasively.

It's easy to deceive Xiong Da, so it shouldn't be too simple.

Xiong Da's only value in his eyes is being used. What he looks at is not the opponent's cultivation, but the opponent's connections and the power of his subordinates.

Now is the time for him to use his identity. If the battlefield is blocked by black flames, they can completely free up their hands to kill other holy sons.

"Well, what Ji Lao said is reasonable. The matter of the flames was originally done by Li Xiaobai. He should also be clear about the situation on the battlefield. This time the flames suddenly disappeared and Roshan attacked on a large scale. If he reports it, then he really has a ghost in his heart."

Shengzi Huogan also nodded and said slowly.

Xiong Da was taken aback by what the two said. He felt that what Ji Lao and Sheng Zi said was not unreasonable. It was indeed such a big matter. If he kept it from him, he would have a ghost in his heart.

It is better to go to that senior to understand the situation. The best situation is to ask him to take another shot to release a ball of flames on the third battlefield to stop Roshan's invasion.

Just as he was about to say something, another spies' call came from outside the hall.

"Report, a large number of meat mountains flooded into the third battlefield. Our monks were caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties. Please make a decision early!"

"What did you say?"

"What's the situation, come in and talk!"

When Xiong Da heard this, his face twitched and his eyelids twitched wildly. He had a bad premonition.

Ji Lao and Huogan Shengzi also looked puzzled, they didn't understand what the monks who came to report meant, didn't they just take action to clear the battlefield? The rest should be just some cleaning and the like.

"Haven't Ji Lao and I defeated Roshan just now? What do you mean by the heavy casualties of the monks?"

Xiong Da stared at the cultivator who reported the letter in front of him. Half of the cultivator's body was already stained red with blood. It looked like he had just been killed from the battlefield.

"Reporting to the city lord, just now you and the elders of Huolin Cave took action, and it was true that the future offender Roshan killed every single one of them, but not long after you left, more Roshan suddenly appeared on the battlefield. Although the meat mountain that can only compete with the Mahayana stage has not come out, there are a lot of meat mountains that can rival the monks in the tribulation stage."

"Almost all the monks on our side were caught off guard. They were unconscious and killed each other. At this moment, the number of casualties is probably more than half!"

The monk was short of breath, his chest was heaving, and he said eagerly.

"How we should deal with ourselves, please make a decision early!"


Xiong Da was completely stunned, he couldn't understand why the mountain of meat would fill the battlefield again so quickly.

According to past experience, this Roshan's movement speed is not fast. It will take at least half a month for Roshan in the depths of the border to appear on the battlefield. What is going on today and why is it so? quick?

It was only half an hour before and after, right?

"I don't have time to explain. The lives of monks in the frontier are important. City Lord Xiong, how about I just accompany you on this journey?"

Elder Ji said in a deep voice, since there is no meat mountain comparable to the Mahayana period, then there is nothing to be afraid of. This is a good opportunity to sell favors, and he has been on the battlefield twice in one day. Will accept my love.

It will be much easier to ask later.

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