Cai Kunxu left with a group of cursing monks.

The monks in the third battleground didn't look very good, because they didn't need to listen to know that the other party was calling them bumpkins and disliked them for having nothing here.

Their third battlefield is also considered a big force, when was it mocked like this, but after looking at the series of Huazi slipping in his hand, the words that came to his mouth were abruptly choked back.

There is no way, they are really rich, and Huazi is calculated according to the package. In comparison, their side is indeed a bit poor.

However, this also aroused the curiosity of all the monks, and made the monks under Cai Kunxu so fascinated. What is there in this holy city?

Xiong Da commanded the monks on the battlefield to quickly move the wounded and re-consolidate the defense line. I don't know if it was because of Huazi that there was no more Roshan on the battlefield.

The speed of Roshan in the depths of the border seems to have slowed down, and there is no sign of swarming.

This made the monks breathe a sigh of relief. If there is another wave of Roshan, only the city lord will go to battle in person and guard a battlefield alone.

There was nothing to say all night, and there was nothing wrong with each other.

next morning.

In front of the holy city, three figures stood.

Looking at the scene in front of them, Xiong Da and the others were stunned. At this time, there was a huge crowd of people at the gate of the city, and monks came and went in and out, shoulder to shoulder. There was no depression like the previous few days.

On the steps in front of the gate, it was still Tiandao Song Que guarding the city gate, constantly interrogating the purpose of the monks entering the city.

"This... is this a holy city?"

"What's going on here? It's just a few days. Why is there such a huge flow of people in the holy city?"

"Compared to a few days ago, it's a world of difference!"

"What is there in the city that has so many monks flocking here!"

Ji Lao and Huogan Shengzi were horrified. When they first came here two days ago, it was just a run-down city with little popularity. How come it has become a popular place now?

"Go in and have a look."

Xiong Da ignored the shock of the two of them, and walked into the city at the first, feeling a little nervous in his heart, selling teammates is always a little nervous, especially in front of others, it always feels a little unnatural, let's make a quick decision and hurry Bring people to Li Xiaobai.

Tiandao Song Que knew about Li Xiaobai's plan early in the morning. Now that he saw Xiong Da, Huogan Shengzi and others, he immediately understood what was going on.

On the surface, he was still meticulously interrogating "Why did you enter the city?"

"It was City Lord Yang who invited me to come. I already greeted City Lord Cai Kun and Xu yesterday."

Elder Ji hurriedly said that he still remembered the terrifying power of the knife field that day, and the guards in front of the gate were not a little bit perverted.

"Well, let's go in."

Song Que didn't make things difficult, and put the three of them into the city as a matter of routine. A smile flashed in his eyes. He finally waited for this moment. Li Xiaobai's previous layout finally began to exert force at this moment.

This is a typical point-to-point operation, with the holy city as the center, constantly expanding the territory of power outwards, and bringing in various battlefield forces through commodity output.

"Thank you very much."

The three of Xiong Da entered the city in a file and quickly entered the city. They couldn't wait to see what happened in the holy city.

There were also many monks from the Third Battlefield who rushed over privately. Hua Zi was too attractive to the monks, so he had to get it as soon as possible.

Xiong Da also acquiesced to this, and didn't say much. The role of Huazi on the battlefield is obvious to all. If it can be equipped on the third battlefield, there is naturally no need to worry about safety.

The inside of the city is also crowded with people, and almost all the shops that can be seen are lined up in a long queue.

There are words like BESTORE and Tangneng Yipin written on the shop.

The monks scrambled to snatch the bags of Hua Zi, and Xiong Da and the others were dumbfounded. It turned out that the huge flow of people in the Holy City came from this way, and the use of commodities made the monks feel dependent on the Holy City. Did not drive the surrounding economic development.

Without Li Xiaobai's supply of goods, it is absolutely impossible to do this step.

At the same time, somewhere in the soup can be a product.

The monks on the third battlefield tentatively set foot on this piece of pure land, and the house was filled with smoke. In addition to the fragrance of Huazi, there was also steaming heat from the bathhouse.

A young girl in a bathrobe was walking towards her, her fragrant shoulders were crystal clear, and a few drops of water slipped from her hair.

"Welcome, how long is the soak?"

" hour!"

"Oh no, Baotian, all day long!"

"I'm going to live here forever!"

The monks showed Brother Pig's appearance and said in unison.

"Okay, here's a newcomer again. I feel that Mr. Li's shop is getting more and more insufficient. We need to build more, otherwise we will have to make an appointment several days in advance to take a bath in the future."

"Who says it's not, but recently my cultivation base has been rising steadily. In a few days, I will be able to break through the realm."

"Hey, I'm coming too!"

In the bathhouse, a group of monks looked at the newcomers who came in, and they talked one after another. Many monks stood up directly from the pool and began to show off their figures without any trace, trying to attract the attention of the beauties.

The monks in the third battlefield were full of bewilderment. Are all the monks in this holy city in good shape? Looking at their physiques, they must have worked hard on body training.

In contrast, their full stomachs of fat feel a bit overwhelming.

"Ahem, let's not take off our clothes, just soak in."

Several monks walked into the pool with embarrassing expressions, and looked at the monks surrounded by them with some embarrassment. This was the first time they had experienced such a scene, and it felt weird.

"Hey, the stars and human beings who just arrived are like this. Don't be nervous. You will get used to it after a long time. There are many beautiful links in our Tangneng Yipin."

The old man in the bathhouse said, looking at these monks in the third battlefield, they seemed to see themselves a few days ago.

But it doesn't matter, now they have successfully developed eight-pack abs, and they already have the capital to take off their clothes.

"Well, thank you fellow daoist."

Several monks still said in embarrassment, leaning against the edge with their bodies stiff, feeling the temperature of the water silently, but then they realized that something was wrong.

After the body touches the water surface, the spiritual power in the dantian is slowly increasing. In just a few breaths, the spiritual power in their bodies has grown a little bit.

"This bathhouse can improve your cultivation!"

"Just after soaking for a while, the spiritual power in my body has actually grown a little bit!"

"I'm a master of the tribulation period!"

Several monks looked shocked, and their exclamations penetrated the small building on the third floor.

The surrounding bathers were obviously accustomed to this situation, and said indifferently, "Small scene, don't be so excited..."

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