I don’t know if I don’t look at it, but I’m startled when I see it.

Along the way, more than a dozen buildings in succession are emitting steaming smoke?

Moreover, there were continuous exclamations, which were surprise cries. Xiong Da recognized several voices, which belonged to the monks of the third battlefield.

What kind of magical power is it that makes the monks under him scream in surprise one after another, does this soup have some kind of magical ability like BESTORE?

But right now they don't have the chance to try it. Li Xiaobai and the others are still waiting in the City Lord's Mansion.

A few minutes later, in the City Lord's Mansion, the eyes of Xiong Da and the others were a little straight.

The sight in front of him was even more frightening than what he had just seen in the holy city. The entire hall had been completely transformed into a giant bathhouse.

Li Xiaobai, Yang Guang and the others are leisurely soaking in it at the moment.

Looking at the surroundings of the main hall, there is no trace of seriousness, not to mention the meeting hall, even the simulated map that Yang Guang has always valued the most has disappeared without a trace at this moment.

The whole person looks like a salted fish, as if he no longer cares about the size of the frontier.


"City Master Yang, are you bowing your head to reality?"

"I know that Roshan is recovering rapidly everywhere, and it is very difficult to deal with it, but you can't give up on yourself. There is still hope in life. As long as there is hope in your heart, our human race will not be defeated!"

"The more this is the case, the more we should unite!"

Xiong Da said with a dazed face that he could understand nothing that happened in the holy city.

"Uh... City Lord Xiong, you misunderstood. This City Lord is full of confidence in the border monks. I believe that it will not be long before Roshan recovers, and he will not be able to break through the blockade of my border."

Yang Guang said in embarrassment that he had been the one who cheered up the city lords all the time, but he didn't expect Xiong Da to steal his lines today.

But yes, but looking at the current appearance of my group of people, it is indeed easy to misunderstand.

"Oh? Full of confidence, but because of that Huazi, the old man heard that this Huazi was contributed by Mr. Li. I wonder if the old man can taste it?"

Ji Lao on the side ignored the conversation between Yang Guang and Xiong Da. For him, it doesn't matter what the frontier is, as long as Huogan Shengzi can get tangible benefits.

"In my holy city, there are many high-quality goods stores. I believe that some of you have seen it after entering the city. That is the place where Huazi is sold. If you want to taste it, go and buy it yourself."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile, and glanced at Er Gouzi beside him.

Er Gouzi understood instantly, and immediately returned to the normal bathing position from the dog-planing position. It understood that the main event was coming, and the Holy Son of Huogan was close at hand. The potential can be further improved.

"Ahem, Mr. Li, in fact, I came here this time mainly to thank City Lord Cai for sending troops to help the third battlefield clear Roshan. We have all seen the power of Huazi. It is really amazing. If it is possible, can you Let me also introduce BESTORE in the third battlefield?"

Xiong Da said straight to the point.

"Hehe, it's impossible to build a shop, but it's not difficult to build a teleportation formation on the third battlefield so that the monks under City Lord Xiong can travel to and from the holy city anytime and anywhere, but it all depends on the next performance of the city lord." .”

Li Xiaobai said lightly, the meaning is obvious, since the relationship with Huogan Shengzi has already been torn apart, then he should be more straightforward and talk about it directly, so as not to leave room for the two sides to join hands in small tricks in the future.

Naturally, Xiong also understands this truth. After seeing the changes in the Holy City, he has no burden in his heart. Compared with a mere Holy Son of Huolin Cave, it is more important to strengthen the strength of the monks on the battlefield.

"Mr. Li, I know that your identity is not simple, but I, Huolin Cave, have also existed in the Fairy Continent for more than a thousand years. I believe that even the young master will be interested in it."

"This old man doesn't like to beat around the bush. I, Huolindong, want the method of making Zhongzi in the hands of the young master. As long as the young master is willing to hand over the production method to the old man, the old man and the holy son can guarantee that Huolindong can meet any requirements of the young master. !"

Ji Lao, who had been watching coldly, suddenly said that this is the purpose of his visit this time. It is better to teach a man how to fish than to teach him how to fish. He just buys Hua Zi, and the initiative is still in the hands of others. , his Huolin Cave can truly produce and sell by itself!

"City Lord Yang has already asked about this matter before. In fact, Huazi's production method is not a secret, but some links in it are a bit troublesome. Even if I tell Mr. Ji, it may be useless."

Li Xiaobai shook his head and said.

"Oh? I don't know what kind of cumbersome link it is. Young Master, you might as well just tell me that there is also a master of alchemy in my Huolin Cave who is proficient in alchemy. I believe he will be able to understand the mystery."

Ji Lao's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked.

"The most important part of this is that the Huazi must be made by me to have a miraculous effect."

Li Xiaobai said slowly.

As soon as these words came out, the hall suddenly became deserted, and the atmosphere fell into a moment of silence.

Elder Ji's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said word by word, "Mr. Li, aren't you just entertaining me?"

Shengzi Huogan felt that something was wrong, so he hurriedly said, "If you are worried about money, you don't have to. If you are worried, I can swear with my heart!"

He still hasn't forgotten the fear of being dominated by that pitch-black flame that night, that thing completely destroyed the blood in its body.

The reason why Ji Lao dared to be so tough was mainly due to the prestige of Huolin Cave, but if he really caught someone's eye, he wouldn't care who the power behind him was.

In the world of cultivating immortals, strength is still the most important thing. At this moment, they are on the weak side.

"Hehe, it seems that you haven't realized that from the moment you step into this hall, life and death are already under my control, and you still have the right to bargain with me?"

A cold light flashed in Li Xiaobai's eyes, and he said in a deep voice.

"What does this mean, sir?"

Elder Ji's heart skipped a beat, he instinctively felt that something was wrong, the other party would ignore Huolin Cave and kill them directly in this hall, right?

That's why Xiong Da suddenly knelt down on one knee, and said loudly, "The third battlefield has been suppressed. According to the order of the young master, the Huogan Shengzi has been brought here. How should I deal with it?"

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