Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 410 Harvesting A Little Brother

Huogan Shengzi judged the situation and hurriedly said, this familiar feeling and shameful posture reminded him of the fear when he was dominated.

At this moment, he could be 100% sure that the person standing in the black flame that day was the demon sword Li Xiaobai.

Fill the entire battlefield with flames first, and then lure them to investigate. After all the people arrive, they will directly control a wave of harvesting. It is terrible. From the very beginning, they just want to kill all the saints Yes, there is no fear of the forces of Huolin Cave.

It's ridiculous that they still think that they have the support of Huolindong, and the other party dare not do anything to them blatantly.

Now it seems that Li Xiaobai and Er Gouzi are already a united front, and the purpose is to make Er Gouzi devour him.

"Wang, why doesn't your Lord Ergouzi know what resources Huolin Cave has? Don't lie to your Lord Ergouzi!"

Er Gouzi flicked his tongue and said grinningly, he had been in Huolin Cave for a long time, and he could clearly see what was inside. There were indeed resources, but none of them could compare to Tangneng Yipin and Liangpin Shop. of.

"Ahem, Huolin, your time in Huolin Cave is short, and it's normal if you don't know. I have a lot of good things in the thousands of years of my Huolin Cave. As long as Mr. Li can let me go, Even if I risk my life and risk the displeasure of the world, I will offer these things with both hands!"

Huogan Shengzi hurriedly said, it does know some good things, but whether it can be taken out is another matter.

"However, Er Gouzi is also the Holy Son of Huolin Cave. After winning this trial, his status will rise. You can get the treasure, and he can get it. This condition is not convincing."

Li Xiaobai continued, everyone is a holy son, and what a fire can take, a dog can take as well.

This is a good way to get resources. From now on, these two dogs will call the wind and rain in Huolin Cave. Whatever resources they want, just let them get them out.

I'm afraid Huolin Cave never dreamed that there was a traitor among them.

"Wang, that's right, Huogan, what you can get out, Er Gouzi can also get out, what's the use of you, hurry up and honestly let your Er Gouzi swallow Qilin's blood, and you can spare me Life!"

Ergouzi also became excited when he heard this, and said excitedly, why didn't he think of this level.

Now it is the holy son of Huolin Cave, and its status is higher than many high-level elders. It is not easy to get some treasures. This is a good way to make money. Why didn't I think of it before?

"I, ah this..."

Huogan Shengzi's complexion changed, what the other party said made sense, but it was speechless.

Indeed, its only advantage is that it is the Holy Son of Huolin Cave, but now there are two dogs, who are also Holy Sons, and they are also the Holy Son with the highest talent. The treasures it can get, the other party will sooner or later Inquired.

"Okay, don't leave the ink marks, the Fire Lin Contest is just a small episode of the frontier, let's end it quickly, Er Gouzi, swallow its blood."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and said calmly.

"Wang, hehe, that's right, Huogan boy, hurry up and donate your blood to your second dog!"

Er Gouzi sneered, trotted to Huogan Shengzi's side, opened his mouth and bit down on his neck.

"Wait, wait, I still have something to say!"

Looking at the bloody mouth in front of him, Huogan Shengzi was scared out of his wits.

"Wang, you don't have to be clever, just obediently be eaten by your second dog!"

Er Gouzi looked at Huogan Shengzi with displeasure on his face and said.

"Holy Son of the Fire Lin, I no longer have the blood of the Fire Lin in my body. As early as that night in the flames, the power of the blood in my body was burned by the black flames. Even if you eat me at this moment, you will not enter. The power of super blood!"

Huogan Shengzi hurriedly said, this is its last struggle.

"Wang, who are you fooling? We were charged together that night. The blood power of your second dog is good. What can you do!"

Er Gouzi scoffed, not believing it at all.

"No, no, I was the first one to arrive that night. Before you arrived, Holy Son of Huolin, you had already been forcibly controlled for a wave. Coupled with the burning afterward, the power of blood in my body was indeed There's nothing left."

"At this moment, I no longer have the qualifications to become the Holy Son of Huolin Cave. I am just an ordinary monk who has cultivated in the Tribulation Period."

"If the Son of Fire Lin doesn't believe it, I can swear with my Dao heart that I will not participate in the trial of Fire Lin's hegemony."

Huogan Shengzi said.

Li Xiaobai rubbed his chin, it seems that this is really the case, he had already sucked up the Huogan Shengzi twice in a row before, and there was indeed no blood power in his body.

"Wang, kid, is what it said true? The power of the blood of Master Er Gouzi was swallowed by the black flame?"

Er Gouzi turned his head and asked.

"Well, roughly, it should be like this."

Li Xiaobai nodded and said seriously.

"Wang, without the power of its bloodline, what will Master Er Gouzi do to improve his cultivation, boy, how will you make up for it!"

Er Gouzi was furious and furious. He managed to get the Son of Fire Lin, but now he was told that he no longer had Qilin blood in his body. How could he bear it?

"Ahem, Er Gouzi, don't panic, isn't it Qilin's bloodline, without a Huogan Shengzi, isn't there a Huoyuan and a Huoyun left?"

"Don't worry, what's yours is yours after all, and eating them later will improve your cultivation."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile, signaling Er Gouzi to stay calm.

"The most urgent thing now is, these two people have been brought here, how should we deal with it?"

"What I mean is, since Er Gouzi is no longer needed, you might as well give it to my Hellfire. Anyway, it is nourishment, and keeping it is a waste of resources."

Li Xiaobai flipped his wrist, wisps of pitch-black flames flew wildly, watching Huo Gan and Ji Lao tremble with fear.

"I am willing to be loyal to Mr. Li. From now on, I will stand on the saddle of Mr. Li and do whatever I want, just in exchange for my life!"

Huogan Shengzi hurriedly said.

"I already have a dog, what do I need you for?"

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"Wang, boy, you are despising your second dog!"

Er Gouzi was furious.

Huogan Shengzi turned his eyes, looked at Er Gouzi and said hastily, "I, Huogan Shengzi, would like to swear with my heart that I will follow Master Ergouzi from now on, without any complaints!"

Er Gouzi's eyes lit up, he didn't expect to have an unexpected joy, although he didn't get Qilin's blood, but it seems very good to get a younger brother!

"Wang, boy, Master Ergouzi accepted this guy, and he will hang out with your Master Ergouzi from now on, and you will get good food and spicy food!"

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