Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 411 Not Everyone Can Be A Younger Brother

"Thank you, Mr. Ergouzi!"

Huogan Shengzi showed joy, and said gratefully.

"Wang, Xiao Ganzi, follow your Er Gouzi from now on, so you can rest easy, it's much better than being the Holy Son of Huolin Cave!"

Er Gouzi laughed from ear to ear, he didn't expect that one day he could take in a younger brother, and he was rushed to swear by him.

"Don't worry, Mr. Er Gouzi. From now on, you will say the same thing. If you want me to go east, I will go east. If you want me to go west, I will go west. Fight wherever you want!"

Huogan Shengzi smiled very humblely, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. Although he had caught up with his future future and destiny, he saved his life after all, and that's all.

"Wang, Xiaoganzi is very good, but Mr. Ergouzi still likes your previous rebellious appearance."

Er Gouzi stood up, with his paws on his back, and said calmly.

"Come on, I understand, Master Ergouzi is a person of status, and the younger brother must also have a show, so as not to embarrass Master Ergouzi!"

Huogan Shengzi said understandingly.

"Yes, yes, you are very sensible, just stand aside."

Er Gouzi waved his paws, his eyes almost narrowed into a slit.

"Holy Son, how can you belittle yourself like this, you are the Holy Son of Huolin Cave!"

Ji Lao, who was also kneeling on the side, said hoarsely, Huogan Shengzi's move has completely embarrassed Huolin Cave.

"Old Ji, if you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood. If you lose your life, you will really lose everything. You taught me this truth."

Huogan Shengzi said lightly, life is the most important thing, if a person is dead, what is the use of more fame and fortune?

Ji Lao was silent and speechless, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Hehe, Shigou is so brave, he dares to accept the younger brother, and the deity wants it too!"

In the pool, Ji Wuqing jumped up and said that Er Gouzi's recent treatment made him jealous. Not only did he have a high status in Huolin Cave, but he was also accompanied by servants from the Mahayana period to protect the way, and now he even accepts it. The Holy Son is the younger brother.

It's the pinnacle of dog life!

"Wang, what kind of younger brother do you want, just obediently sink and float at the feet of your second dog!"

Er Gouzi made a backhanded paw, knocking Ji Wuqing over again and pinning him under him.

"Ahem, since this is the case, the old man is also willing to become Master Ji Wuqing..."

Elder Ji, who was kneeling on the side, said again, staring at Ji Wuqing, and he was about to swear to God that what he said was very reasonable, life is indeed the most important thing.

As for the face of Huolin Cave?

What is that, can I eat it?

But the words were only halfway through, when a strange wisp of black flame moved and enveloped him in an instant.

"What is the meaning of this, the old man is willing to surrender, the old man is willing to be a bull and a horse for Lord Ji Wuqing!"

Ji Lao screamed and crawled on the ground, unable to use his kung fu to resist, which made the spiritual power in his body burn faster.

It's just a matter of breathing, and the remaining spiritual power is less than 50%.

The threat of death terrified him.

"Hehe, not everyone can be a younger brother under his command, Mr. Ji, your strength is too weak, and your status is not as good as that of Huogan Shengzi. You are not qualified to be accepted as a younger brother, and you should honestly become the nourishment of Hellfire Bar."

A cold light flashed in Li Xiaobai's eyes, and Ji Lao's body disappeared in an instant, turning into nothing, not even a pool of ashes left.

The current coverage is 510 meters.

The initial coverage area increased by ten meters, which is not bad. With a backhand move, the flame disappeared, and calm was restored in the hall again.

"Heck, boy, why are you preventing me from accepting my younger brother!"

"This deity also wants a younger brother, boy, you are biased!"

Ji Wuqing screamed, he was a monk in the Mahayana period, and he was also a master of Huolin Cave. His younger brother had a lot of reputation, but he was directly burned by Li Xiaobai, which made him heartbroken.

"Hehe, it's useless to keep this old man. I want to take in my younger brother and find you a better one in the future."

"Little brother is not just anyone can be, if you want to be our little brother, you have to be a genius!"

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully, and casually released water from the space ring to fill up the pool again.

"Wang, don't bark, you bastard, be honest!"

Er Gouzi is very contemptuous, the current Ji Wuqing is no longer its opponent at all, from all aspects.

Xiong Da, who has been in a small and transparent state, is sweating profusely on his forehead at this moment, and his calves are a little cramped. He did not expect that what happened today would be such a rough briefing, without even basic greetings. No, he is not afraid of the power of Huolin Cave at all.

He even accepted the Holy Son as his younger brother, which is too cruel. I don't know how Huolin Cave would feel if he knew about it.

Now he just wants to get out of here quickly, for fear that Li Xiaobai will burn him if he is unhappy.

"City Master Xiong's performance today is not bad. Tomorrow I will go to the third battlefield to build a teleportation formation. In the future, our two families will communicate with each other. Don't play tricks anymore."

Li Xiaobai said.

"Understand, understand, this time I was deceived by the rhetoric of the Huolin Cave. From now on, the city lord will only be loyal to Mr. Li. If Mr. Li tells me to go east, I will never go west!"

Xiong Da wiped off his cold sweat and said hastily.

"The two of you have just arrived in the holy city, and I'm afraid you still have some doubts about the newly built store. You might as well go to the city to experience it first, and then summon you if you have something to do."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand, indicating that Xiong Da and Huogan Shengzi could go out.

"Thank you Mr. Li."

Xiong Da and Huo Gan ran out like they were approaching an amnesty.

The steaming heat in the room rose again.

"Young Master Li, you are really good at predicting things. Without spending a single soldier, you easily regained the third battlefield and Shengzi Huogan. I really admire it!"

Cai Kunxu laughed and said, Xiong Da's appearance just now made him feel very refreshed.

"That's right, my city lord has never thought that it would be such a simple matter to regain the city lord."

Yang Guang also laughed.

"If this goes on, I'm afraid that all four cities will be recovered soon."

"Food needs to be eaten one bite at a time, and the road needs to be taken step by step. The first and second battlefields are no different from the third and fourth battlefields. Whether it is the cultivation base of the city lord or the general strength of the battlefield, there is a big difference. If you want to regain it, you have to take it slowly. Come."

Li Xiaobai said slowly.

Mei Changqing is no bigger than Cai Kun and Xu Xiong, and with his current strength, he still cannot defeat them.

The opponent's cultivation base is too high, no matter whether it is 100% being caught empty-handed or being scorched by hellfire, it cannot cause damage to him.

If you want to regain these two cities, you have to think long-term.

"Then what will Mr. Li do next?"

"Take your time and develop the holy city first. The monks in the third and fourth battlefields alone are enough to make us suddenly rich."

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