The old man Tianji left in a hurry. The news this time was too big, bigger than the disturbance in the holy city.

Originally, he thought that the sales of the Fairy Daily reached its peak when the Fairy Spirit was competing for it, but at present, it seems that there is still room for sales to rise before the Fairy Spirit is released.

Li Xiaobai is really a genius!

Seeing the disappearing figure of Old Man Tianji, Li Xiaobai smiled slightly. This time, he only wrote one thing, but this one is enough to cover ten things.

There is no other reason, this report is only written for one person to read.

The head of the Daughter Kingdom, Ling Xueer!

"The end of the female cultivator is brutal and inhumane. In this era, can girls still stand up?" "

"Thank you for the invitation, I was already bullied by the prince surnamed Wang in the first battlefield!" "

"Dare to ask the heavens, beasts are in power, and female cultivators are reduced to playthings, who will decide! "

"The First Battlefield" Qin Huan tells you from his own experience that in the frontier frontier battlefield, female cultivators have no human rights! "

These reports were the inspiration given to him by Qin Huan and his party that day. In fact, if he hadn't met him, he probably wouldn't have known that the situation on the first battlefield was so chaotic.

This battlefield has been mixed with such a dregs surnamed Wang, it has helped me a lot.

These reports are all facts, and they have not added fuel to the picture, because what the young man surnamed Wang did was already very cruel and inhumane.

Even an irrelevant bystander would frown upon seeing it, but I don't believe that Ling Xue'er would remain indifferent after seeing it!

After he enters the first battlefield, he can start to prepare for the task of capturing Mei Changqing. At the same time, facing Wang Guan and Mei Changqing, the opponent may be more difficult, but with the old beggar and Tiandao Song Without it, the situation will be reversed.

As long as the balance of the frontier is broken, no matter whether it is Mei Changqing or Souei, they will all be caught, there is no pressure.

With a smile on the corner of Li Xiaobai's mouth, he opened the door and walked into a nearby Tangneng Yipin, lit a Huazi, and enjoyed it silently.

In the days to come, all that's left is to wait, before Ling Xueer kills her, just concentrate on making money.

Attribute point +100...

Attribute point +100...

In the steaming heat, Li Xiaobai fell asleep in a daze.


next morning.

Li Xiaobai was dragged out. He felt that someone was carrying him. He stretched out his hand and pinched him. It was soft and had a faint fragrance. He couldn't help but took a deep breath.

Opening his eyes, he saw that it was Yang Huan who was dragging him. At this moment, his hands felt soft, and he kneaded them without any trace.

Yang Huan's face turned red to the ears, his body stiffened instantly, and his eyes were extremely flustered.

Li Xiaobai was quite calm, silently withdrew his hand, climbed back into the bathhouse again, and said lightly, "You know the reason why men and women can't kiss each other, what's the point of coming here so early in the morning to flirt?"

"We are not that kind of people!"

"Young master, something has happened!"

Yang Huan looked very flustered, as if he remembered something, and said anxiously.

"Is Mei Changqing calling?"

Li Xiaobai asked with some doubts.

"It's the Tangneng Yipin store we opened in the holy city, and the bath water in all the bathhouses disappeared overnight!"

"What about the Liangpin store?"

Li Xiaobai laughed.

"The sales of Huazi in Liangpin Shop are very large. Recently, many monks from the first and second battlefields have poured into the city. They are very hard to buy Huazi. Because the distance is too far and it is inconvenient to come here, they are all at once. Buy a thousand packs of Huazi for sex."

"Boss, I feel like there are thieves in our holy city!"

Yang Huan said mysteriously, the bathhouse is a big deal. The monks in the entire holy city are frying pans at the moment. How can they wash without water in the bathhouse? Anyone knows a bathhouse that can drive monks to improve their cultivation. Bath water must be very precious, such an important thing was stolen.

Yang Guang was also very furious, and specially ordered her to invite Li Xiaobai to the city lord's mansion to discuss.

"So it's like this, it's a small problem, just ignore it."

With the presence of the old god Li Xiaobai, he thought that some masters wanted to storm the holy city, but it turned out that it was just such a trivial matter as theft.

"But the bath water is gone. If you want to make it again, you need very precious materials."

Yang Huan asked with some doubts.

"Hehe, those are just ordinary water, no matter what, I'll fill it up right now."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile, the water source of Tangneng Yipin was stolen, which is expected. Some people must be jealous of its efficacy and want to take it away for their own use.

It's just a pity that Tangneng Yipin will only be useful if it is built by one's own hands. No matter how much water is removed from it, it will be useless.

"How can ordinary water have such miraculous effects?"

Yang Huan was even more puzzled.

Half an hour later, Li Xiaobai refilled all the pools in the holy city with water, and the monks soaked in it, feeling the wonderful feeling of rapid improvement in cultivation again.

Yang Huan followed the whole process and witnessed the whole process with her own eyes. She found that Li Xiaobai really just refilled the ordinary water source into the pool casually, and then the bathhouse regained its former vitality.

What's going on here? Could it be that some precious materials were put into the bath water, but that the bathhouse itself has been treated in some way?

It must be the formation. I heard that the powerful formation has the effect of gathering spiritual energy and helping monks improve their cultivation.

In this regard, Li Xiaobai just laughed it off. Only he knows the secret of the bathhouse, and the props produced by the system do not need logic.

"Thank you Mr. Li!"

"Mr. Li spent a lot of money. I originally wanted to make a breakthrough today. I didn't expect the water source in this bathhouse to be stolen by thieves. I simply need Mr. Li's help, otherwise I will have to delay for a few days."

"Yes, yes, thanks to Mr. Li, otherwise, our cultivation would have been stuck here!"

"I really don't know who the hell is, who dared to steal in the holy city, or committed crimes in multiple shops at the same time. If I catch him, I must make him look good!"

The monks were furious, and their path of practice was almost cut off, and everyone was full of anger.

"Hehe, put your heart in your stomach, it's nothing more than a water source, it's nothing, let's practice well."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and said calmly.


In the city lord's mansion.

In the main hall, Yang Guang and the others soaked in the pool, but they lost their usual smiles, and all the bath water was swept away. This loss cannot be made up for by mere millions of top-quality spirit stones.

This broke the foundation of his Holy City's prosperity!

Except for Er Gouzi and Ji Wuqing who were still enjoying themselves heartlessly, the faces of the others were covered with a layer of gloom.

Even a prisoner like Huogan Shengzi understands that the situation in the holy city is not good, and someone is starting to target him.

"Wang, what are you doing with such a stinky face? It's just that the water source has been stolen. It's nothing. I'll make your Ergouzi lord angry!"

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