Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter Four Hundred And Twenty Eight

"The bathhouse is the main means to improve the spiritual power of monks. Now it is stolen under the nose, which is a fatal blow to the holy city!"

"This matter must have been done by people from the first and second battlefields. I have already sent people to investigate. The guy who stole the water source must be caught!"

"I just don't know if Mr. Li is still willing to prepare a water source for bathing. Presumably, it will cost a huge amount of materials?"

Yang Guang and the others still looked bitter, turning a blind eye to Er Gouzi's remarks.

"City Lord Yang, don't worry, my subordinates will have news soon. If it was really done on the first and second battlefields, we will take back the water source no matter what!"

Cai Kunxu said with a gloomy expression, now that the old beggar and Tiandao Song Que are both in the holy city, they have no fear of anyone.

Li Xiaobai led Yang Huan into the hall.

"Master Yang, why are you frowning, but are you worried about what happened in Tang Neng Yipin?"

"Mr. Li, it can be regarded as coming. Last night, some monks sneaked into the city, stunned the monks with the ecstasy formation, and quietly took away the water source in the first grade of Tang Neng. Now the monks in the holy city are all blown up."

Seeing Li Xiaobai coming in, Yang Guang looked overjoyed, and hurried up to meet him and said that the only one who can solve the problem of the holy city's bathhouse is the other party.

"At this point, I already know that City Lord Yang doesn't need to worry about anything. The water in the bathhouse is just ordinary well water. When I came, I had already filled it up."

"As for the guy who stole the water, if you want to steal it, let him steal it. It's useless anyway."

Li Xiaobai waved his hands with a smile, signaling everyone to be calm.

Hearing this, Yang Guang was stunned. The water used for bathing was just ordinary water?

Could it be that the ability to quickly improve a monk's cultivation was due to the incorporation of geniuses and earthly treasures?

How could ordinary water have this effect?

Everyone couldn't help but carefully looked at the quality of the water around their bodies. Indeed, nothing could be seen. There was no fluctuation of spiritual power, but the body was soaked in it, and the spiritual power in the dantian couldn't stop rising.

"Could it be that Mr. Li's Tang Neng Yipin is using the formation method to make a fuss?"

"Describe some kind of spirit-gathering formation on the building materials of the bathhouse, so as to ensure that spiritual power will pour into the monk's body at all times!"

Cai Kunxu tentatively said cautiously, other than this, he couldn't think of any other explanation.

"Hehe, well, it's a secret. You don't have to worry about anything. Unless they can remove the entire store, it is absolutely impossible to get any benefits."

Li Xiaobai said calmly.

"Wang, Master Ergouzi has already said that the bathhouse water has been stolen not once or twice, it's fine."

Er Gouzi muttered in the pool.

When these words fell into everyone's ears, it suddenly became clear, no wonder Li Xiaobai didn't panic at all, he had experienced feelings.

That's right, people opened a shop, and the effect of the bathhouse is so good, it must be commonplace for someone to steal the water source to research the formula, and it is normal to have countermeasures long ago.

They are experts in opening a store, so they don't need to worry about anything.

"Mr. Li, this bathhouse is indeed miraculous. It's just that after soaking for one night, the spiritual power in my body can actually increase. Before that, I thought that at this stage of cultivation, there is nothing that can improve my cultivation except for the spirit of the fairy. treasure."

"I owe you a favor, it will be useful in the future, just ask!"

Song Que said, his eyes were full of unstoppable surprise. In just one night, the spiritual power in his body had improved a lot. After soaking for a few more nights, he might be able to restore his strength to its previous peak. status.

The most important thing is that he didn't cultivate from the beginning to the end. He just soaked in the pool, took a nap, and when he woke up, his spiritual power had increased a bit.

It is really unbelievable, even if it is a top-notch formation, it has never been heard that this step can be achieved.

"It's a small matter that can help seniors, and this bathhouse is worth the money."

Li Xiaobai nodded and said.

Everyone wanted to continue to say something, but a disciple's shout suddenly came from outside the hall.

"Report, there is a letter from Mr. Yang Chen in the first battlefield!"

"Submit it!"

Yang Guang's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said, Yang Chen and Ling Feng are the monks lurking in the first battlefield, they have been silent for a while, and they didn't expect a letter to be sent suddenly today.

Li Xiaobai took the letter and read it softly.

"Today, Tang Neng Yipin and Liangpin shops were built on the first battlefield wantonly, which seems to compete with the holy city. Junior brother must be cautious. Senior brothers suspect that the water source of the shops in the holy city has been replaced."

"Today in the first battleground, Tangneng Yipin and Liangpin Stores officially opened, and they are very popular. I am afraid that monks from the first and second battlegrounds will not go to the holy city again."

The letter is very short, only a few sentences, but the content expressed is somewhat appalling.

"Damn, I knew it was the first battlefield. I didn't expect them to be so shameless and shameless to come to the Holy City to steal!"

"And they also opened Liangpin Store and Tangneng Yipin. They didn't even change the name of the store. It's really shameless. Is our popularity so easy?"

Cai Kunxu was furious. Just as he had guessed, the bath water was stolen by the first battlefield, and the other party even opened Tangneng Yipin and BESTORE.

The purpose of this is obvious. It is to attract traffic and make the first battlefield self-sufficient. In the future, if the stock is insufficient, they will directly buy in the holy city, and then go back and continue to sell.

Maybe Mei Changqing and others are analyzing the secret of Huazi's bath water at this moment. If they master the refining method, they will completely get rid of the control of the holy city, and even become the dominant family at a faster speed.

"Don't talk about it, let's go to the theory now, this kind of low-level behavior is absolutely unbearable!"

Xiong Da said in a low voice.

"You don't need to be angry, I just said it below, no matter what you do on the first battlefield, it is impossible for their shops to have the miraculous effect of improving their cultivation."

"We just have to let it go, and their machinations will unravel."

Li Xiaobai signaled to the few people to be calm and calm. This kind of low-end operation of embedding flowers and trees is unlikely to have any impact on their own business territory.

Apart from advertising for BESTORE and Tangneng Yipin for free, it will not have any effect.

"Since Mr. Li has said so, I will listen to you. I won't bother with this matter anymore. But if the thief steals again, what should we do?"

"Hiding among the monks, it is difficult to distinguish and arrest."

There was still a hint of worry on Yang Guang's face, and he always felt that the holy city was very passive now.

"It's okay, let them steal whatever they like. It's worthless anyway, and I'll make up for what's missing later. As for Huazi, as long as it's a normal purchase, we'll sell as much as they want!"

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