Mei Changqing was furious, and originally wanted to get off to a good start, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

The people under his hands are really a bunch of trash, and they can't do such a small thing well.

"City Lord, our Huazi is in short supply!"

A monk hurriedly ran to report and said.

"How is it possible, at least Huazi in this city has hundreds of thousands of skills, how could they all be sold out in one morning?"

Wang Guan asked with a frown.

"Because all the monks from the first and second battlefields have come, and the quantity of Huazi bought by each person is calculated on the basis of hundreds of packs, so the inventory has basically been emptied before the morning is over."

said the monk.

"It's a good thing. Being able to sell out in such a short time shows that Huazi's market is huge. In the future, we can safely and boldly purchase from the Holy City. How much did we earn this morning?"

Wang Guan nodded and continued to ask.

"Not only didn't make a profit, but also lost a lot."

The monk said tremblingly.


"How could it be possible to lose!"

"So many monks bought it, and you told me that you lost it? Are you kidding me?"

Mei Changqing was furious, cold light burst out from his eyes, and thunder roared in the void, making people breathless, and the monk who came to report did not dare to breathe.

"How did you pay, tell me!"

"Reporting to the city lord, the selling price of our Huazi is a pack of top-quality spirit stones, which is the same as when purchasing from the Holy City. It broke a lot."

"Calculating back and forth, I lost about hundreds of fast top-quality spirit stones."

said the monk.

"What the hell am I..."

"Then why don't you raise the price of Huazi?"

"The selling price is the same as the purchase price, are your brains out of whack?"

Mei Changqing was about to be pissed off, and they worked together for a long time, but they didn't get any benefits here, which was equivalent to being a free porter for the monks in the city.

"Back to the city lord, those monks said that if our prices are too high, they will go directly to the holy city. It is not difficult for them to take a detour, so we dare not raise the price rashly."

"However, City Lord, let's use equivalent Huazi to break down the market in the city first, and then slowly raise the price in the future. I believe it won't be long before we can start making profits."

The monk who came to report said.

"How long is it?"

Mei Changqing asked.

"It can be as short as a month, and as long as half a year. As long as the monks have a sense of dependence on our shop, they will not go to the Holy City in the future."

The monk said confidently that he felt that his views were forward-looking.

"By that time, the daylilies are all lit up, waste, really waste, get lost!"

Mei Changqing suppressed the urge to slap the opponent to death, and growled with a ferocious expression.

"Yes, yes, get out of here, little one!"

The monk was so frightened that he scrambled and ran away.

"City Master Mei, what should we do now?"

Wang Guan asked, originally thought that the holy city could be brought down easily, but now it seems that things are not that simple.

"What else can I do? Continue to work as a porter in the holy city. In addition, the research on Huazi must produce results as soon as possible. I want to master the production method of Huazi as soon as possible!"

Mei Changqing's breathing was a little disordered, and today's wave really made him very angry.

The reversal was too big, and the people under him were too stupid, and he couldn't get used to it for a while.


next morning.

Holy City, inside the City Lord's Mansion.

Li Xiaobai was taking a bath with everyone with a refreshed face, when a monk's call came again from outside the hall.

"Report, Tangneng Yipin in the Holy City has been stolen again!"

"Come in and talk."

With the previous experience, Yang Guang was very calm this time, he hummed softly, and called the monk into the hall to speak.

"Reporting to the city lord, early this morning, it was discovered that not only the water source in Tang Neng Yipin had been taken away, but even the bricks for building the bathhouse had been looted. Now there is only a bare piece of the bathhouse."

Come to the monk and say.

"This group of people are really desperate, even bricks."

Li Xiaobai was quite speechless in his heart, he could already imagine a group of naked men sitting together, the picture was simply not too beautiful.

"How about the sales of Huazi in that city?"

"Returning to my son, Huazi is still in a stable sales trend for the time being. Compared with the usual sales, there is a slight downward trend. The main reason is that the market in the third and fourth battlefields is temporarily saturated. There isn't much demand."

Come to the monk and say.

"Very good. Immediately after returning home, the price of Huazi will be doubled, and a pack of Huazi will be two top-quality spirit stones. After today, the price will be lowered."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.


The monk was very puzzled, but he didn't ask any questions, agreed, turned and left.

"Young Master Li, look..."

Yang Guang was a little uncertain. In his guess, there should be some kind of pattern engraved on the brick to gather spiritual power.

"It's okay, it's just ordinary bricks. If they want it, then give them it."

Li Xiaobai smiled lightly.

"Then why did you suddenly increase the price of Huazi?"

Yang Guang asked.

"Well, naturally, because a big customer will come to buy soon."

"There's nothing to worry about about the bathhouse. I'll rebuild it for them. It's a small problem."

Li Xiaobai waved his hands, got up and walked out of the hall.

An hour later, amidst the joyous exclamations of the monks, Li Xiaobai refurbished all the shops, and everything returned to the original track again.

He casually walked into a good product store and sat down. The price on the wall had been changed by the boss to a package of Huazi and two top-quality spirit stones.

All shopkeepers in the city know Li Xiaobai, who is their God of Wealth and the source of their suppliers, so they have to pay for it.

"Mr. Li, there are few monks buying Huazi recently, so why raise the price? In this way, no monks will come to buy it?"

the shopkeeper asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, don't worry, big customers will come over soon, and we will be able to open soon."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

While speaking, several monks walked in front of the door, all of them were dressed in black, with masks covering their faces, so they couldn't see their true faces clearly.

This shape is not uncommon on the battlefield. Many monks would use magic weapons such as masks to block Roshan's burst of blood, but after getting Huazi, they abandoned this backward approach.

"Boss, big deal."

The first person said softly.

"How many want to buy Huazi? Should I say less?"

The owner's eyes lit up, and he realized that this was the arrival of the big customer that Li Xiaobai just said, and it really was a big customer, and the moment he opened his mouth, it was a big deal.

The leading man in black looked around and said flatly, "One hundred thousand bags of Huazi."

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