Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 431: Stupid People With Lots Of Money

"One hundred thousand packs?"

The shop owner was taken aback, and glanced at Li Xiaobai indiscriminately.

Li Xiaobai squinted his eyes and said with a smile, "You guys, don't come here to make trouble. Huazi is very expensive. If you say that you can buy ten packs, I will believe it. If you buy a hundred thousand packs, you are bragging."

"It's useless to say more, here are 100,000 top-quality spirit stones, count them."

The leader of the man in black robe was very indifferent, didn't say much, just shook his hand and threw out a space ring, said.


The shopkeeper glanced at it briefly, and was shocked again. There were really 100,000 top-quality spirit stones in the ring.

His instinct for Lingshi made him have the urge to send Huazi immediately, but then he remembered that he had just received a price increase notice, and he knew in his heart that the young master was about to start collecting wool.

The wool comes from the sheep, so it is natural to start from the consumer.

"I'm sorry, the price of Huazi in the small shop has increased. Now there are two top-quality spirit stones for a pack of Huazi. Your spirit stones are only enough to buy 50,000 packs of Huazi."

The shopkeeper pointed to the wall beside him and said.

The men in black robes were a little stunned, but when they took a closer look, the price had really increased, and it had already increased before they came, and it was not a temporary thing.

"But when I came here two days ago, it was only the price of a top-quality spirit stone. Why did the price double after two days?"

The leader of the man in black frowned and asked.

The owner glanced at Li Xiaobai, who waved his hands casually, not intending to participate in the conversation.

"Ahem, to be honest, Huazi's production cost is extremely high, and selling a top-quality spirit stone is almost already cost price. Although people are popular, it is not profitable. The reason why it was sold so cheap a few days ago is that Just to hit the market fast."

"Now that the market has been won, it is natural to start raising prices. After all, we sellers also want to earn spirit stones, don't we?"

The shop owner said with a smile, and began to display his own sales quality, and all kinds of professional terms were at his fingertips, which made all the people in black robes stunned.

The headed man in black looked a little shocked. Indeed, what the other party said made sense. They also thought so before, so they sold it directly at the purchase price. I didn't expect that the shops in the holy city would do the same.

"Well, the boss is a real person. Since the price has increased, let's add more money. This is the remaining 100,000 top-quality spirit stones. Please have a look."

The black-robed man nodded, without further entanglement, he quickly took out one hundred thousand top-quality spirit stones and handed them to the shopkeeper.

He has a task, so it is inconvenient to waste time by pestering him.

"Hehe, thank you for your patronage."

The shopkeeper's face was full of joy, and he increased the income of 100,000 top-quality spirit stones for no reason. All this was due to Mr. Li's great wisdom. Mr. Li, he is really a god!

Watching the men in black go away, Li Xiaobai smiled slightly.

"How, is this considered a big customer?"

"Forget it, of course it does. Mr. Li is really good at predicting things, and he can predict that such a fat sheep will come."

"Hehe, it's a trivial matter, it's nothing. After the wool is collected, the price can be changed back."

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully, this wave, the first battle was bloody.

Get up, and leisurely go up to the second floor to enjoy the comfort of the bathhouse.


In the first battlefield.

Mei Changqing and Wang Guan personally urged their staff to build the store.

Tangneng Yipin reopened, and the shop owners started to rebuild the bathhouse after being busy.

"Master Meicheng, this time, whether it is the water source or the bricks used to build the bathhouse, all are directly taken from the holy city, and it is absolutely effective."

Several monks vowed to say.

In the shops in the holy city, everything was emptied, not even a stool was left for others.

"Well, let's see the effect."

Mei Changqing nodded slightly. Although this method is a bit stupid, the result is as long as it is good. From the construction materials to the water quality, all are transported from the Holy City, and it must be able to have corresponding effects.

But when a group of monks walked into it with suspicion again, his hope was shattered.

"What the hell am I..."

"Didn't you say that this kind of black shop is prohibited in the city?"

"Shop, do you think we are stupid!"

"Excuse me, do I look easy to bully?"

"Shopkeeper, you will die today, I don't want to say anything, brothers, smash this black shop!"

"Call me!"

After a short silence for a minute, Tang Neng Yipin in the city collectively fried the pot, and the two consecutive unscrupulous operations made the monks completely erupt.

A burst of powerful coercion swept across the shop, the shop was destroyed in a bad way, the shop owner was so frightened that he shivered in the corner and dared not speak, he really didn't understand why it didn't work, all the materials were all original, why a little No effect?

"Is that what you told me there was absolutely no problem?"

Mei Changqing's face turned blue, it's just moving a bath house, but there are frequent loopholes, is it so difficult?

"I usually raise you, not to let you eat dry food, each of you is such a waste of work, I really want to throw you all into the depths of the border to feed the mountain of meat!"

Mei Changqing's face was gloomy and cold.

"The city lord calm down, I'll find out what the problem is right now!"

A group of people in black robes flinched and hurried away to their respective shops for testing.

"City owner, I don't think it's their problem. It should be Li Xiaobai who saved it. Otherwise, he wouldn't let us steal the resources of the bathhouse unprepared."

Wang Guan said from the side.

"Li Xiaobai is not an easy person. He has done a good job in anti-piracy work. Let's put aside the matter of Tang Neng Yipin. How is Hua Zi's research?"

Mei Changqing's expression softened a lot.

"There should be some progress by now."

"Go and see Huazi's shop first, if these idiots still sell at the cost price, the city lord will definitely kill them!"


A few minutes later, in front of a good product store, a group of monks were arguing.

"Why do you sell it so expensive?"

"Haven't I been to the holy city? Huazi in the holy city clearly only needs one top-quality spirit stone per pack. Why did you raise the price to three yuan? Isn't this bullying honest people?"

"That's right, do you really think I'm stupid, or is your shipping fee just two top-quality spirit stones?"

The store owner had a bitter look on his face.

"You guys don't know, this Huazi was also imported from the holy city. Today, the good products store in the holy city has raised the price. A pack of Huazi sells two top-quality spirit stones. We can't buy any spirit stones in this small business. No money, no?"

"I hope you can understand a lot!"

"Bullshit, I just came back from the holy city, why don't you know about the price increase, everyone, don't believe these bastards, Huazi in the holy city has always been a pack of top-quality spirit stones, and there has never been a price increase. This unscrupulous profiteer clearly wants to pluck the wool, but he is so righteous, beat him up!"

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