BESTORE has also exploded in reputation among the monks. One word is no longer enough to summarize what it has done. This is simply treating the monks as fools again.

For a pack of Huazi, you only need one top-quality spirit stone when you buy it in the generation, but you need three pieces here.

In contrast, it only took them an hour or two to go to the holy city from the first battlefield. In such a short time, is it worth two top-grade spirit stones?

It's simply asking for a price.

"Don't think that you are the only ones who can go to the Holy City, we can too!"

"Brothers, these bastards don't want to do business at all, don't be fooled by them!"

"Let's go to the holy city, a top-quality spirit stone and a pack of Huazi, isn't it fragrant?"

"Let's go, don't pay attention to these unscrupulous profiteers!"

The monks dispersed in a rush, full of disdain for the shop, leaving only the shop owner who was beaten into a pig's head looking at Huazi in the shop, wanting to cry without tears.

"What's going on, why is the price set so high?"

Mei Changqing walked into the shop and asked, he saw the price on the wall at a glance, it was three times higher than yesterday.

"Reporting to the city lord, when our people went to Shengsheng to buy, they bid a pack of two top-quality spirit stones. We can't make money from one spirit stone when we ship it back, can't we? So we added another top-quality spirit stone, a pack Huazi has three superb spirit stones."

The store manager said with reason and evidence that he was strictly following Mei Changqing's instructions yesterday, and he thought there would be no problems.

"The price of Huazi in the holy city has increased?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Wang Guan's eyes.

"Fart's price increase, just now a monk just returned from the holy city, and they made it clear that Huazi is a pack of top-quality spirit stones, and after calculating the time, it should have arrived with our people. "

"It was calculated by that Li Xiaobai!"

A cold light flashed in Mei Changqing's eyes.

They purchased Huazi from the holy city in large quantities and carried them to their own shops for trading. Li Xiaobai did not stop them, but deliberately raised the prices when the shopkeepers in the first battlefield went to purchase, and made a lot of money. The price will be called back at the first time.

In this way, when other monks buy a pack of Huazi and a top-quality spirit stone, only shopkeepers like them will add double the price when they buy it.

When buying and selling in the city, if it is sold according to the purchase price of two top-quality spirit stones, no one will buy it. If it is sold according to the standard of the Holy City for one top-quality spirit stone, then they will lose money, let alone a pack of Huazi with three top-quality spirit stones at this moment. No, there is no monk who will pay IQ tax to buy this ridiculously expensive Huazi.

The spirit stones thrown by the shopkeepers may all fall into their own hands.

"City Lord, then Huazi..."

The store manager asked timidly.

"Sell it as you want, and sell it at the standard market price!"

Mei Changqing said angrily.

"The spirit stone pasted upside down, city lord, can you see if it can..."

The shopkeeper hinted frantically.

"No, it's your own problem to buy expensive things, and you can solve the problem by yourself, that's all."

Mei Changqing said something lightly, turned around and disappeared in the same place in an instant.

The store manager once again wanted to cry but had no tears. This time, he lost a lot of money, and his wife was completely cheated.

"Go and see Huazi's research results, and hope that the city lord will bring good news." Mei Changqing said with a gloomy expression.

On a certain mountain peak, dozens of old men were sitting together, frowning, as if they were thinking about something.

On the table in front of me, there are dozens of torn Huazi neatly placed. From the skin to the core material, all have been stripped and analyzed.

Even everyone used the cauldron to refine and analyze the secret recipe, but without exception, they were all stumped.

"Tell me, what do you think of this thing?"

"Hua Zi's effect is true. We have already tasted and verified this point. It does have the effect of improving the understanding of monks, clearing the spiritual platform, and even resisting the bloody aura of Roshan. However, no matter how I analyze it, the old man can only see It only contains Enlightenment Tea as an ingredient, maybe it’s because the old man’s eyesight is dull.”

"No, no, I admire Child Elder's skills, but the old man's conclusion is similar to Child Elder's. No matter how you look at it, this Huazi just rolled up a bunch of Enlightenment tea leaves with a piece of paper."

"I have already tried it. Simply wrapping the Wudao tea leaves with paper will not have such a miraculous effect. I guess there must be some kind of secret in it, but we have not discovered it yet."

"What other secrets can there be? I have checked everything that can be checked, and even confirmed whether there is a depiction of the formation on it. How else can I check?"

"This Huazi is really evil. No wonder they don't stop us monks from the first battlefield from making big purchases. They are not afraid that Huazi's secret recipe will be analyzed. In my opinion, if you want to find out the secret, you can only Go ask Li Xiaobai."

Dozens of old men talked to each other, and their words were full of frustration. They were all the monks who had the most research on elixir in the frontier, and some of them were even placed outside as the alchemy masters of their own school.

But now everyone is helpless, stumped by a small cigarette.

"A bunch of trash, what's the use of you if you can't do such a small thing well?"

In the distance, Mei Changqing came slowly with Wang Guan, his eyebrows were full of anger, since he opened a shop in the city, he felt that nothing went well.

Whether it is Liangpin Shop or Tangneng Yipin, everything is going wrong, and now even the analysis of this pair of Huazi has problems. You must know that these people are all great masters of alchemy, and they can even refine enough for him. The elixir of practice.

At this moment, he is frowning, could it be that Li Xiaobai's alchemy skill is even better than these great masters?

"The city lord!"

"This Huazi and I have tried our best, but no matter how you look at it, the only ingredient in the recipe is Wudao tea. It is impossible to have such a miraculous effect."

Seeing Mei Changqing and others coming, the elders were a little flustered, they were not doing well, and they might be punished.

"Then how do you explain how you felt when you drew Huazi before?"

Mei Changqing said angrily.

"Reporting to my lord, this matter is also a confusion in our hearts. If we want to solve it, I'm afraid we have to start with Li Xiaobai."

The old man clasped his fists and said respectfully, but before he finished speaking, the head on his neck flew out, and a round head rolled down at the feet of everyone.

"The city lord calm down!"

"I'm not good at doing things, please punish the city lord!"

Dozens of old men were so frightened that their faces turned ashen and trembled like chaff.

"Hehe, Li Xiaobai, it's really a good idea. It seems that only the city lord will go to the holy city in person!"

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