Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Four Hundred And Thirtieth Ix: Daughter Country Arrives

There was silence in the camp.

Both Mei Changqing and Wang Guan are thinking about how to deal with various unexpected situations.

Qin Huan sat at the side, quietly waiting for the moment when the boss arrived. In the arena, only Wang Ling was trembling all the time. He could clearly feel that the breath of death was approaching.

A few flashes of light flickered, and a few figures stepped out of the light, they were the people from Huolin Cave.

Huogan Shengzi and Huoyuan Shengzi took the lead, followed by two guardians. In fact, they were unwilling to get involved in this kind of thing, but they had no choice. Now they are in the first and second battlefields. Interests are tied to their success or failure.

It has been firmly bound to the battlefield, if Ling Xue'er is allowed to make a fuss in the frontier, the two holy sons are also very likely to be in danger, and must be stopped immediately.

It is best to be able to block the opponent from the first battlefield to prevent it from wreaking havoc on the battlefield.

"Two city lords, how is the situation?"

Shengzi Huoyun came and asked slowly.

"Holy Son Huoyun, I believe everyone has seen the news on the Fairy Daily. It's all done by me, a rebellious son. I didn't expect to raise such a bastard for decades. When Lord Ling arrives, I will immediately kill him. Leave it to City Lord Ling to do as he pleases!"

Wang Guan's face was gloomy, and he said apologetically that he had to rely on the signboard of Huolin Cave for a while, so he had to be more polite.

"So that's the case. I've heard a little bit about what the prince did, and it's indeed a bit inappropriate. It's no wonder that he will be named by the daughter country."

Shengzi Huoyun shook his head and sighed, such a incident had greatly hindered the progress of Huolin's hegemony, and he also felt resentful towards the Wangling.

It is because of the other party that its series of plans may be temporarily stranded.

And if Ling Xue'er desperately fights with the frontier regardless, maybe it will be affected?

"That's right, this rebellious son is to blame for angering Daughter Kingdom, but I don't know what attitude that Lord Ling has. I'm afraid the two holy sons will need to come forward to persuade them."

Wang Guan said with a smile.

"Well, it's easy to say, I, Huolin Cave, is the top power in the mainland, and I don't know how many times deeper than Daughter Kingdom. I believe Lord Ling will give my son a face."

Wang Ba, who had been silent all this time, said cheerfully.

In terms of strength, he is just a weak chicken among this group of people, but the powerful force standing behind him makes him quite confident.

With Huolin Cave's relationship, no one dared to touch him. It shouldn't be difficult to act as a peacemaker to persuade Ling Xue'er.

"It's just that the number of times my holy son can swipe his face is not many. Today's life can end safely. Please pay more attention to my holy son's affairs in the future."

Wang Ba continued to say that it is natural to reap benefits by helping others.

"It's only natural that the city lord will help Huolin fight for hegemony!"

Mei Changqing said slowly.

"Hehe, the two city lords may have forgotten the existence of my Holy Son. Although the Huolin Cave has a big card, I am afraid that the Huoyun Holy Son alone can't speak."

The guardian behind Huoyun Shengzi was not happy.

This Wang Ba and the two city lords seemed to be chatting happily, as if they didn't need them at all, which made people very uncomfortable.

"Of course it doesn't mean that. The two of you are able to speak for the frontier on behalf of Huolin Cave today. I am very grateful to the city lord. If this matter is over, the city lord will help the two of you to kill Huolin and Huogan. In the fight between the two, the city lord can guarantee that the frontier will not intervene!"

Mei Changqing said seriously.

These words have reached the heart of Shengzi Huoyuan, and anyone can see that Shengzi Huoyun lives in the first battlefield, so he will naturally get more resources from Mei Changqing, and Wang Guan uses Mei Changqing If Son Huoyun gets help from the first battlefield, he will be alone.

"It's so good."

Holy Son Huoyun nodded, and didn't say much. It had already seen that both Wang Guan and Mei Changqing were facing Holy Son Huoyun. Talk, and in terms of strength, Huoyun Shengzi is indeed stronger.

It is understandable to be able to gain more favor from the city lord.

"Who is this?"

Huoyun Shengzi looked at Qin Huan who was at the side, and asked with some puzzlement in his eyes.

"This is the girl Qin Huan mentioned in the Xianling Daily. Although she is the person involved and has gone through all these dirty things, she has feelings for the battlefield after all, and she is willing to speak out to dissuade Ling Xueer."

Mei Changqing smiled lightly.

"So that's the case. Indeed, if Miss Qin could speak up, the Lord of the Daughter Kingdom would not have made too many troubles."

Shengzi Huoyun knew it in his heart, and Wang Ba behind him felt relieved. With this relationship, the possibility of conflict is very small. People are taken away, and the episode of the frontier ends here.

At this time, there was a loud thunder in the void, like rolling thunder, and a shocking aura enveloped the entire first battlefield.

In just a split second, the bodies of the people in the tent froze. Even though they couldn't see the outside scene, they still felt a shadow cast over their hearts at this moment.

An unprecedented sense of trembling spread throughout the body, as if a certain terrifying existence had descended.

Mei Changqing and Wang Guan looked at each other, they both saw the horror in each other's eyes.

"What's going on, Ling Xue'er doesn't have this kind of ability!"

"This aura has far surpassed any of us, but the aura is indeed Ling Xue'er, so what's going on?"

"No, this crazy woman didn't come here alone, go out and have a look!"

Mei Changqing seemed to have thought of something, threw out the tent in a panic, and raised his eyes to the sky, followed by the rest of the people, who also rushed out of the tent and looked at the magnificent scene in the void.

For just a moment, they were stunned.

On the horizon in the distance, a palace is looming in the clouds, slowly approaching the first battlefield.

The expected woman did not appear, what was there was only a palace, white jade palace, han cicada carvings, quiet stone steps, and the iconic female statue in front of the palace, all of which told the world about its origin.

"This is Guanghan Que of the Daughter Kingdom, the Daughter Kingdom in the palm of her hand, damn it, that crazy woman directly moved Guanghan Que here!"

Wang Guan screamed in shock, and the pupils in his eyes trembled uncontrollably. At this moment, he realized that the seriousness of the matter had far exceeded his expectations.

Wang Ba and the others were also completely panicked at this moment, the palace in the void broke all their fantasies.

"What's going on, City Lord Mei, didn't you just say a few words of consolation and persuasion and everything will be settled?"

"This fucking is going to an all-out war!"

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