Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 440: Daughter Kingdom In The Hand

In the void, the cold white jade palace was getting closer and closer, almost hovering above the first battlefield, without any intention of giving the frontier any face.

The palace is condescending, as if it is despising the entire frontier battlefield, watching everything below indifferently.

The monks on the first battlefield were in a mess at the moment. The sudden appearance of this unknown palace in the void made them feel terrified from the bottom of their hearts. Just touching the palace with their eyes made them feel like their hearts were splitting with fear.

It can be concluded that the palace in the void must have been sacrificed to become some kind of extremely powerful magic weapon.

"What happened?"

"The enemy, the enemy, an enemy is coming!"

"Out of Roshan, where did the enemy come from? This should be the residence of some kind of big shot. I heard that big shots are very famous when they go out!"

"Don't guess, it's the enemy who came here. I feel the killing intent. We are in the frontier battlefield, and we have nowhere to escape. If the other party starts killing, none of us can escape!"

"Hurry up and find the city lord. Only the city lord can handle this level of existence!"

The monks said in horror that the unknown is the most terrifying, especially such a powerful unknown existence.

In front of the camp, Mei Changqing stared at the white jade palace in the sky with disbelief in her eyes.

"There is a Buddha Kingdom in your palm, and the great supernatural power of Buddhism. It seems that the rumors are true. This crazy woman has an affair with Monk Xuanku, and she even mastered this great supernatural power!"

"It's just that I didn't expect it to be so crazy. It was just for a few female cultivators, and it worked so hard to move Guang Hanque here!"

"It seems that today can't be good."

Mei Changqing murmured, his eyes turned completely cold. He wanted to avoid disputes, not because he was afraid of the other party. Ling Xueer was suppressed with force!

"Who dares to provoke the first frontier battlefield!"

In the battlefield, the sound of shouting suddenly came, and a ray of light shot up into the sky, approaching Guanghan Que in the void.


In the void palace, a cold voice floated out, a jade hand as white as wings appeared out of thin air, it just crushed the ray of light, and with a flick of the fingers, the man spurted blood from his mouth and flew upside down out.


Mei Changqing's complexion changed below, he didn't expect that Blue Wing would be so impulsive, he would directly contradict Ling Xue'er, but he could see through this, that it might be useless to talk about affection today.

The Holy Son Huoyun and the Holy Son Huoyuan looked at each other and said loudly to the palace in the void.

"Master Ling, I am the Holy Son of Huolindong. I already know about the first battlefield. I also hope that Lord Ling can give me face in Huolindong, and I can sit down and resolve this matter calmly."

"I believe City Lord Mei will definitely give a satisfactory answer!"

Mei Changqing nodded secretly. At the critical moment, the two sons are still somewhat useful.

But the voice in the palace was full of disdain.

"Holy Son of Huolindong, does Huolindong have a part in this matter?"

A cold voice murmured, as soon as this remark came out, a bad premonition rose in the hearts of the people in Huolin Cave, and they hurriedly said, "That's not the case, I'm just a guest of City Lord Mei. Dude, I hope this matter can be reduced to a minor one.”

"Noisy, you are just a victim, you are not qualified to talk to me!"

A jade hand was stretched out from the palace again, and with a flick of the fingers, the chests of several people were sunken instantly, blood gushed from their mouths, and suddenly flew upside down, like a few flies that were swat away casually.

"The first frontier battlefield, who is the owner of the city, come and talk."

The cold voice drifted out again, without any trace of fireworks, condescending, with the tone of a superior.

Mei Changqing's face was very ugly, the other party acted too aggressively, and severely injured the group of people in Huolin Cave when he came up, and the tone at this moment seemed to be ordering him, which made people very uncomfortable.

But the matter has to be resolved, and with a flick of his figure, he strode in the air and floated towards Guanghan Que.

"Xiamei Changqing, City Lord Ling, long time no see."

"Hehe, stop, Guang Han Que is not someone like you who can climb up, don't be profane!"

The cold voice wafted out again, and at the same time, an invisible wave spread, and Mei Changqing was blown away abruptly.

"Ling Xueer, this is the first battlefield, not a place for you to run wild. The city lord already knows your intentions, the culprit has been caught, and all the monks who participated in bullying the nuns have been dealt with. Now I will kill the culprit. Let it be handled by you, what do you think?"

Mei Changqing said coldly.

"It's not urgent. He will die sooner or later. If he dares to make small moves, the whole frontier will be buried with him."

"Where are those nuns? Bring them over here!"

The voice in the palace said, the words were full of undeniable taste.

"Miss Qin Huan, come up."

Mei Changqing stretched out his hand, lifted Qin Huan who was in a dazed state below, and gave him a wink to signal the other party not to talk nonsense.

At this moment, Qin Huan was completely overwhelmed by the mysterious strong man in the void.

She had thought of many ways for this boss to appear on the scene, but it turned out that her cultivation limited her imagination. This ruthless man from Nanming actually brought the kingdom directly, and directly sent his daughter to the palace of the kingdom. Bringing it over, this sense of oppression is unparalleled.

It's hard to imagine what kind of cultivation it is to have this kind of immortal means. It's not an exaggeration to call it an immortal, right?

She was very happy in her heart, the stronger the lord of the daughter country, the more she could help her fulfill her wish.

"You are Qin Huan?"

The voice in the palace softened a lot, and asked softly.

"That's right, the little girl is Qin Huan, thank you senior for coming to rescue me!"

Qin Huan's gratitude was sincere. He had never met such a warm-hearted boss who was willing to make an enemy of Frontier for the sake of a stranger like her.

"Small meaning, the female cultivators in the world are one family. What I don't like the most in my life is that female cultivators are treated unfairly, let alone this kind of behavior of bullying female cultivators. Frontier, you are stepping on thunder."

"Tell me, how are female nuns treated here?"

In the palace, the voice of a female cultivator said.

"Senior, it's useless to talk too much. It's better for seniors to see it in person. The female cultivators in the frontier here will not be treated as human beings at all. They can only be used as tools for men to vent their desires!"

Qin Huan ignored Mei Changqing's murderous eyes, and said respectfully to the female cultivator in the palace.

"Alright, words are the most feeble thing in this world, Yun Bing, you go follow and see."


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