In the palace, a flash of light flashed, and appeared in front of Qin Huan in an instant.

This is a woman in armor, heroic, with a ridiculously large hammer on her shoulder, her eyes are full of disdain.

Qin Huan's eyes lit up, she could see that the strength of this female cultivator in front of her was outrageous, although she didn't reach the level of the Mahayana stage, she was definitely at the top of the tribulation stage.

To be able to send out such an existence at will, the cultivation of the owner of the palace must be good luck, and the scene of shooting many Mahayana monks flying away just now is vividly visible at this moment.

Daughter Guoguo's major is unfathomable, and she is not afraid of those big forces, she is a big boss who can really make decisions for her!

"Ahem, Miss Qin, you can eat indiscriminately, but don't talk indiscriminately. Haven't you already mentioned what happened here before? At that time, you didn't say that there were still places that hadn't been checked. Did you remember wrongly?"

Mei Changqing coughed and said slowly.

"City Master Mei, I just had a lot of things to say, so it's inconvenient for the little girl to say more, because the big boss who gave the little girl a head is not present, it's different now, with Lord Ling making the decision, the little girl can say a lot of things boldly!"

Qin Huan's eyes suddenly turned cold, and his expression was very gloomy, changing from the meekness before.

Mei Changqing's complexion changed. This woman actually played tricks and hid her tricks secretly. There are still things he doesn't know!

After all, he has only been here for an hour, how can he figure out what tricks in the battlefield have not been exposed?

All he could do was to kill all those who committed the crime. If something ulterior was revealed in front of Ling Xueer, the other party would probably go crazy immediately, right?

Still wanting to say something more, the woman in armor suddenly smashed the giant hammer in her hand to the ground, the whole battlefield trembled violently, and there was a constant rumbling sound, like an earthquake.

The monks who were still watching from below were frightened and ran away, and the discipline of the barracks disappeared at this moment.

"City Master Mei, don't talk too much, right or wrong, I will judge for myself, Miss Qin, lead the way."


The joy in Qin Huan's eyes was even greater. Are all the monks in this daughter's country so rebellious? They even waved a hammer at Mei Changqing with the cultivation base of the transcending tribulation period. This courage is really amazing.

It seems that today the battlefield can be completely wiped out.

On the battlefield, the faces of several big bosses in the Transcendence Tribulation Period were all pale. No one expected that such an episode would happen, and this party would actually turn against him temporarily.

Among the ruins somewhere, a group of people from Huolin Cave crawled out in disgrace.

The eyes of the armored woman looking forward were full of disbelief.

"It's impossible. This girl is about the same age as us, but she has attained the Dzogchen Transcending Tribulation Period. How is this possible?"

"Isn't Tianjiao, the first echelon of the Fairy Continent, with the highest cultivation level at the moment, only the fourth floor of the Transcendence Tribulation Stage?"

"Where did this person come from? Could it be that he is the future heir of the Daughter Kingdom who has been hidden for many years?"

"At such an age, you have entered the cultivation base of the Great Perfection during the Tribulation Transcendence Period, and your future is limitless. If you go down the road smoothly and ascend to the upper realm, it will be just around the corner!"

Huoyun Shengzi felt very shocked, unable to accept this fact, Wang Ba and other guardians were also full of confusion.

Before they came, they firmly believed that Huolin Cave was the best in the world, whether it was a high-level elder or a disciple under the sect, they were all first-class existences in the fairy land.

Since they came to the frontier, they have suffered frequent setbacks. The Mahayana stage cultivation base, which was able to call the wind and rain on the mainland, has become worthless here.

The super giants that can be seen everywhere make them dare not jump at all. The only consolation is that their own son is the arrogance of the first echelon. Given time, he will be promoted to the Mahayana stage immediately.

But now they are desperate, a young female cultivator suddenly popped up in this daughter country, and her cultivation level actually reached the completion of the tribulation period, and Li Xiaobai before, and Yang Chenlingfeng from the Moyun Cave, seemed to be both of them. Cultivation surpasses them.

At this moment, they are very suspicious of the so-called first echelon, is it really useful?

Or, are they really the first echelon?

Why are the things seen in the frontier different from their impressions?

This is just a frontier monk. Maybe there are more or less such geniuses in Nanming, Donghai, Ximo, and even the Northern Territory. It's ridiculous.

"Go, follow and have a look."

Shengzi Huoyun is not reconciled, although he is not the opponent of the daughter of the country, but it is not too much to see.

The rest of the people were also full of curiosity, and followed without any hesitation. The sudden appearance of such a genius was big news to any force.

At this moment, they thought it was a bit ridiculous for the major families in Zhongzhou to set up such a first echelon name for the juniors to chase after each other, but they didn't know that their real genius had long been in the Dzogchen realm of the Transcending Tribulation Period.

It turns out that Zhongzhou is the frog at the bottom of the well, and it is a bit taken for granted.

"May I ask what the girl's name is?"

Wang Ba patted the dust on his body, leaned forward with an old face and asked, this is the information that must be asked, he is a master of the Mahayana stage, the other party should be able to answer this question.

"My name is Su Yunbing."

The woman in armor glanced at the old man and said lightly.

"So it's Miss Su."

Wang Ba nodded, and wanted to continue the routine, but Su Yunbing was impatient.

"Don't talk nonsense, stay behind Miss Qin honestly, and watch how dirty and dark your first battlefield is!"

Mei Changqing and the others didn't speak the whole time, they had already quietly arranged, all the monks in the battlefield hid and didn't show up for the time being, there was bound to be a fight in a while, and unnecessary casualties had to be reduced as soon as possible.

While speaking, Qin Huan had brought everyone to a hidden corner.

A row of houses has been built here, from left to right are ordinary houses, almost thatched houses, and houses that are completely made of stones, the kind that don't even have windows.

"What are these houses for?"

Su Yunbing asked.

"Reporting to my lord, Prince Wang divides the female cultivators in frontier battlefields into grades and grades according to their appearance. The best house is for beautiful women, and the worst is for average-looking women."

"And female cultivators who are disobedient and uncooperative on weekdays will also be thrown into this stone house."

"At this moment, everyone should still be imprisoned inside. What's going on, sir, open the door and take a look!"

A flash of anger flashed in Qin Huan's eyes, and he said slowly.

"Father, don't let this bitch open the house!"

Wang Ling, who was escorted over from behind the crowd, saw the scene in front of him, scared his soul to death, and screamed.

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