Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 442 Is It Because The Old Lady Can't Lift The Knife Anymore?

He knew better than anyone else what was going on with the women in this house, and he was also more afraid of being exposed to the world than anyone else.

If it was just discovered when he was bullying female cultivators, he wouldn't be too flustered, but the scene in this room is too appalling, let alone Ling Xueer, who is dedicated to women's rights, even if his father saw it They all want to kill people.

"Shut up, what you did in the first battlefield is not embarrassing!"

"If you had confessed earlier, you wouldn't have ended up in such an embarrassing situation!"

Wang Guan's eyes were gloomy, this unworthy son had hidden a trick against them, and it was this trick, I am afraid that he would not be able to do it today.

Wang Ling also understood what his father meant. If he hadn't concealed anything before, City Lord Mei could have settled this matter ahead of time, and Qin Huan would not have brought him here at this moment.

However, there is no medicine for regret in the world, and no matter whether he conceals it or not, the outcome will not change. Daughter Kingdom handpicked, and the frontier will not go to war with the Supreme Power for such an unknown pawn like him. In order to eliminate Daughter Kingdom's resentment, he must die !

"Miss Qin Huan, today I am the master for you. You can speak freely and boldly expose the crimes on the frontier battlefield. I will keep you safe and sound!"

In the void, in Guanghan Que, the voice spoke slowly.

Qin Huan had a solid idea in his mind. Although he didn't understand what kind of method it was, the boss seemed to be able to see the scene of the battlefield without going out.

Without the slightest hesitation, Qin Huan's internal skills were activated, and he struck out several palms in the air, smashing all the doors and windows of several houses, and the situation inside was fully exposed to the eyes of everyone.

Just looking inside, everyone present shuddered, and a shudder swept through the whole mind.

Mei Changqing and Wang Guan even felt their hearts skip a beat, and their feet felt a little unsteady.

What I saw before my eyes was the real hell. Among the three houses, no matter which one it was, the nuns in it were all chained and prostrate on the ground like wild animals.

Especially the last small stone house, when the doors and windows were opened, a stench came over the face. This is just a concentration camp, there is no food, and there is no convenient place. All human activities must be resolved in this small house.

At this moment, there are dozens of female cultivators gathered in this house. They are dressed in rags, dirty from top to bottom, and covered with stenchy mucus. They are prostrate on the ground and sharing the chaff in a small iron basin.

The doors and windows were shattered suddenly, and the light from the outside world penetrated in. The female cultivators inside were terrified, and retreated one after another, curled up in a corner and shivered.

Compared with the scene in front of him, the previous scene of Wang Ling bullying the nun was nothing.

"A group of gentle scum, the frontier is such a place where filth is hidden!"

Su Yunbing's eyes were full of murderous intent, and the giant hammer in his hand shone brightly, cutting through the sky with a fierce aura, and locked on Wang Ling's body.

The monks in charge of the detention on the left and right sides turned into blood mist in an instant, exploding and dying.

"Miss Su calm down!"

Wang Guan stretched out a hand and pressed in the void, pressing Su Yunbing firmly in place, unable to move.


Thunder exploded in the Guanghan Palace, and the whole palace trembled with a misty celestial light.

A fairy feather turned into a flash of light, and in the blink of an eye, it smashed down on everyone with a supreme power.

"Damn it, this crazy woman has made a move!"

Mei Changqing's eyes were frightened and frightened, as she worked the kung fu in her hand, she forcibly met the elegant figure with a palm.

With a muffled snort, he took a few steps back, his complexion a little rosy.

Without knowing how to use fairy energy, his strength is much weaker than the opponent.

Surrounded by fairy air, a woman in a white dress, wrapped in silver, stands in the air.

"Yun Bing, connect these poor people to my Guanghan Que, so they can settle down!"

With indifferent eyes, Ling Xueer said slowly.


Su Yunbingsu grabbed the void with his hand, uprooted several houses, and flew towards the palace in the void.

These female cultivators have adapted to the life of being imprisoned, and it will take some time to get them out, so it is not easy to get them out hastily, and it has to be done step by step.

"City Lord Ling, this matter has nothing to do with my son of the frontier. The culprit, the City Lord, has already been handed over to you. Why do you want to hold on to the first battlefield?"

Mei Changqing narrowed his eyes slightly, and said word by word.

It's a pity that Ling Xueer didn't respond to his meaning, but waved her hand

"In this battlefield, no one will be left alive, and no one will be let go!"

In Guanghan Que, a few flashes of light flickered, and four women stood in the void, guarding the four corners of the battlefield. Above the sky, four indomitable gods and demons manifested, evolving respectively in spring, summer, autumn and winter, dividing this space firmly imprisoned.

All of a sudden, the sun and the moon alternated on the first battlefield, the stars moved, and the seasons changed.

"Plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, the four great masters of Daughter Country, have all been brought out!"

Wang Ba's eyes are about to pop out, the four female cultivators of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum are the pillars of Daughter's Kingdom, except for Ling Xue'er, these four are the most cultivated in Daughter's Kingdom.

Each of them is equivalent to the existence of the Great Elder of Huolin Cave. Although he has not obtained the spirit of the fairy, his strength is still top-notch.

"Aren't you afraid that the daughter's country will be empty and people will take advantage of it?"

Wang Ba's lips trembled a little, and he said tremblingly, he suddenly discovered a very real problem, this world really speaks on the basis of strength, the other party moved a part of the Daughter Country here, making it clear that they want to bloodbath the frontier.

They don't care about how many forces they will offend, they are doomed today.

"That's why I will kill all of you as soon as possible, and then go back home."

Ling Xueer licked her lips, her eyes became bloodthirsty.

"Is it true that my first battlefield is made of mud?"

"The lord of this city has been patient again and again, just to let this matter end peacefully. As the lord of a country, you don't care about the overall situation at all. If you want to bloodbath the first battlefield, it is tantamount to helping Roshan break through the defense line and invade the homeland of the human race. punish!"

"I will kill you here today, and let the world know that our frontier is the strongest defensive force of the human race!"

Mei Changqing raised his head to the sky and screamed, no longer suppressing his strength, all the remaining spirit energy in his body erupted at this moment, the powerful coercion swept across, impacting the soul of every monk in the field.

Feeling the terrifying aura erupting from his body, all the monks in the field except Wang Guan showed expressions of horror.

"Mei Changqing, unexpectedly this kind of strength?"

But that beautiful face in the void revealed a breathtaking smile.

"It seems that I have not been active on the mainland for a long time, so that the deterrence of Daughter Country has dropped a lot."

"Are you guys drifting away, or is the old lady unable to lift the knife?"

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