Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 443 The Battle Between The Top

Feathering celestial light bloomed from his fingertips, covering everyone in the arena, and a sense of icy cold permeated everyone's hearts.

"Wang Guan, you lead the team and kill those four stinky bitches!"

With a roar, Mei Changqing soared into the sky, her robes swelled, her hands turned into galaxies and tore apart the sky, and the celestial light in the void was instantly torn into powder.

With a circle of hands, Ling Xueer was firmly enclosed in his own small battlefield.

"Sang Ying, don't pretend to be dead, take someone with me and follow me, and kill these sluts!"

Wang Guan's eyes were full of hostility, his whole body pierced into the sky, and with a turn of his toes, he rushed to the corner of the battlefield in an instant, fighting with "Chrysanthemum".

Hearing Wang Guan's roar, Cang Ying, who had been hiding somewhere in the ruins, sighed in his heart. The battlefield was sealed off, and he would be found sooner or later. It's really not wise to pretend to be dead. At this moment, take the initiative to attack and kill a few to reduce the pressure.

Moreover, there is still his secret hidden in the frontier, and these crazy women can't be allowed to let go of their hands and feet, otherwise, if the thing is damaged, ten of them will not be enough for the lord to chop it off.

At the moment when the internal exercises are running, all the surrounding gravel is turned into powder.

"Anyone who is still alive, give it to me. Anyone who dares to offend my frontier will be killed!"

Behind Cang Ying, a blood-colored demon manifested, and bloodthirsty red lights flickered, stabbing at the surrounding female cultivators in unison.

It looks weird and scary.

"Old Wang, what shall we do?"

The Huoyun Shengzi below was a little apprehensive. To be honest, he had never seen such a big scene, and he didn't know whether it was luck or misfortune.

This group of great powers are flying into the sky and escaping at every turn, opening mountains and cracking rocks, and the last ones are high-level Mahayana, let alone him, even Wang Lao and others have no room to intervene.

What is the significance of Huolin Cave sending them guardians?

I feel like this thing can't protect me at all, and the frontier is too terrifying, and this group of guardians can't protect themselves. I'm afraid that just taking out any of these terrifying existences can crush Wang Ba to death.

"Holy Son, the first battlefield has been sealed off. Plum blossoms, orchids, bamboos and chrysanthemums are all top-ranked masters on the mainland. Wang Guan may not be able to win them all. The task of the old man and others is to protect the safety of the Holy Son. Let's Find a place to hide first, and never confront them head-on."

"Strategic retreat!"

Wang Ba said decisively.

Both Huoyun and Huoyun were speechless for a while, they ran away as soon as they ran away, why are they so arrogant?

But they were also completely hit. The so-called Huolin Cave guardians are nothing in front of the real strong. Whether it is them or the guardians, they are probably the same in the eyes of the big guys above.

It's all in one move!

A sense of sadness welled up in my heart.

"I didn't expect that my Holy Son of Huolin Cave would become a deserter one day!"

Huo Yun sighed, feeling a little emotional.

"Holy Son, I don't have time to sigh. Hurry up and leave. The important thing is being targeted, and none of us can escape!"

Wang Ba looked anxious, and dragged Huoyun Shengzi to run wildly on the first battlefield. The battlefield was blocked, and it was difficult for him to break out with his strength, so he could only find a hidden corner to hide as much as possible.

Son of Fire Cloud "..."


In the void, Mei Changqing made a bold move, and the remaining fairy energy in his body poured out. Although he had spent a lot of fairy energy in the previous fight with Tianwu old man, he still kept some in his dantian for emergencies.

Unexpectedly, before the fairy energy was released, he would fight against such a top powerhouse first.

And looking at it like this, I'm afraid that the little fairy energy left today must be explained here.

Mei Changqing is also going all out, just use up as much as you can, and ask that existence later, he is a very important part of the other party's plan, but asking for a little fairy spirit is not a big problem.

Ling Xueer felt the pressure increased greatly. The handsome man in front of her actually possessed the spirit energy. In the previous fight for spirit energy, she didn't see the other party succeed in plundering it. How did the other party master this power?

Although she possesses a wisp of fairy aura, it is only uniform after all, and the amount is not large. At this moment, Mei Changqing is breathing in and out of fairy aura. In comparison, she has fallen into a weak position .

“Big Chiba Hands!”

The power of the primordial spirit swept across, and Ling Xueer's palms flew up and down, turning into butterflies dancing in the void, enveloping Mei Changqing.

"Hehe, woman, this city lord has given you a chance. Since you want to give your life to the frontier today, this city lord will help you!"

Instead of being angry, Mei Changqing smiled, released the spirit of the fairy, and even the old man Tianwu could be suppressed by him, and Ling Xueer, who was just a mere Ling Xueer, was no longer in his eyes.

The stars are manifested in both hands, the galaxy in the eyes is manifested, the phantom of the gods and demons in the void is transformed into a huge light blue star and merged into the body, and the surrounding butterflies are instantly shaken into powder.

"Little Zhoutian Mote Forbidden Law!"

With a miraculous breath, the spiritual power in the first battlefield turned into star rivers and poured into Mei Changqing's mouth, like a whale swallowing it.

The momentum emanating from the body was rising steadily, two divine lights shot out from the eyes, and the figure came to Ling Xue'er in a flash, raised his fist and smashed it.

Ling Xue'er retreated from the beating, bleeding from the corner of her mouth.

"Where did you get the fairy spirit?"

"Hehe, I don't have the habit of explaining to the dead!"

Mei Changqing's face was ferocious, his hands kept moving, and he frantically suppressed the opponent. From the battle in the sky to the ground, bottomless ravines criss-crossed on the battlefield, which was the impact of the aftermath of the fight between the two.

"Forbidden law, do you think you are the only one who knows?"

The color of madness in Ling Xueer's eyes is even stronger, "As early as the day when the Daughter's Kingdom was established, this palace has made great wishes with the heart of Dao. , I didn’t expect that after so many years, some people who don’t know how to live or die will start to challenge the bottom line of this palace!”

"The monks on this battlefield today, one counts as one, and they all have to die!"

"Manggu Chilling Cicada True Solution!"

In the void, an ice toad primordial spirit permeated with icy chill stood upright, its cheeks constantly puffed up, breathing out the breath of ice.

Bingchan glanced at Mei Changqing coldly, opened his bloody mouth suddenly, directly swallowed the Guanghan Que in the air, and then shrunk into a faint light that fell into the center of Ling Xueer's eyebrows.

At the same time, Ling Xueer's body was covered with a layer of strange lines, and the icy atmosphere filled the air, and the ground turned into a glacier in the blink of an eye.

Mei Changqing sneered, turned into a long dragon and went straight to Ling Xueer's hinterland.

"The method of Primordial Spirit Sacrifice and Refining is a bit interesting, but what's the use of more small tricks, the fairy energy in your body is too little, this is a flaw, after today, you don't need to work hard for Hongyuan anymore !"

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