In the first battlefield, a golden giant stick stands up to the sky and suppresses everything. Only the woman in the golden battle skirt stands on this land.

"You people, live a peaceful and stable life, but you actually came to the frontier to make troubles. Don't you know that the frontier is the defense line of the Fairy Continent? If the frontier falls, even if you have ten heads, it's not enough to chop off!"

The woman in the golden battle skirt was very angry. For these monks who didn't know their priorities, she really wanted to kill them all with a stick, but guarding the frontier still needed this power, which made her very irritable.

"The second leader is the daughter country who suddenly called. If it weren't for that, my first battlefield must be peaceful and peaceful at this moment!"

Wang Guan's eyes were gloomy, staring at Ling Xue'er not far away.

"It's nonsense. You are doing some shameful things under the guise of guarding the frontier on the first battlefield. If I don't come, the monks in the frontier will complain. Getting rid of the pests in advance is a way to restore people's hearts. You should Thank you for your decision!"

Ling Xue'er spat, her almond eyes rounded, at this moment she recovered a little bit, hearing this remark filled her heart with anger.

"My frontier battlefield is free to be managed by the city owner. When will it be your turn, an outsider from Nanming?"

"If all monks in the world are like you, is there still peace and order?"

Mei Changqing said quietly.

"Oh, man."

Ling Xueer turned her head away and ignored the other party. Her goal has been achieved, and the person who should be saved has been rescued. Next, as long as she brings Guang Hanque back to the country of daughters, the purpose of her trip will be fulfilled.

"The old beggar is just here to pick up the leak, and their fight has nothing to do with the old beggar."

The old beggar interrupted in time.

"Shut up!"

Everyone speaks to each other, the smell of gunpowder is full, the woman in the golden war skirt has one head and two big ones, the golden giant stick in the void turns again, and a stronger coercion descends, pressing everyone firmly into the ground. middle.

"The matter on the frontier, so far, if anyone continues to entangle, I cannot guarantee the safety of your lives."

The woman in the golden dress said solemnly.

The battlefield became quiet, and they were so oppressed by the powerful aura that they couldn't speak, and they didn't dare to speak.

"And you, the hamster hiding in the dark, get out!"

The woman's ears trembled suddenly, and her eyes suddenly turned to a small dirt bag not far away, her eyes burst out with brilliance, turning the dirt bag into a puddle of dust.

"Ahem, senior, I'm so polite."

Li Xiaobai crawled out of the soil with a disheveled face, this woman was a bit fierce, she started to fuck without saying a word, just like Ling Xueer.

And the senses are too sharp, I just used the old beggar's bullying pattern, but I was still perceived by him, this strength is unfathomable.

But the wave just now directly increased 10,000 points of attributes, which is really unbelievable.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

The woman frowned slightly, and instinctively felt that something was wrong with the young man in front of her. Even an ordinary Mahayana monk might not be able to completely guard against the glare in her eyes, but the young man in front of her patted like a normal person. Soil stood up.

It's unbelievable.

"Ahem, Li Xiaobai, I came here to find opportunities."

Li Xiaobai narrowed his eyes slightly, and carefully looked at the woman in front of him. She was indeed beautiful, and her slightly raised muscles were full of strength.

The golden armor all over her body is full of wealth and nobility.

He thought in his heart that if confronted head-on, he might be defeated. This woman is a little scary, and even the old beggar was suppressed.

"Li Xiaoyou, hurry up and save the old beggar, you and I will work together to suppress him!"

Seeing Li Xiaobai appear, the old beggar's eyes lit up, and he immediately yelled. In his opinion, Li Xiaobai must have a treasure that can escape from the hands of the second master of the East China Sea.


The golden-armoured woman glanced at the old beggar with frivolous eyebrows, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Suppress me?"

"Only by you?"

In the void, the words "Dinghaishenzhen" on the golden giant stick slowly glowed and turned slowly, a golden monkey head manifested, raised its head to the sky and screamed, and the powerful coercion descended again. For a moment, Li Xiaobai felt his body sink, He was pressed firmly to the ground, unable to move.

Attribute points +10000...

Attribute points +10000...

Attribute points +10000...

Damn, this woman is so tyrannical, it is really unbelievable that she can continuously generate 10,000 attribute points just by coercion.

Although this posture is embarrassing now, it is still quite comfortable in my heart.

"Little friend, did you kneel so easily?"

The old beggar's eyes widened, quite shocked.

"Senior, just kneel down honestly. Senior has a kind heart and a sweet voice. He will definitely not embarrass us."

Li Xiaobai said with some difficulty, such a good leveling point is hard to find even with a lantern, why should he resist, isn't it good to accept the suppression?

The old beggar "..."


In the void, a few flashes of light flashed, and a group of figures came together.

"Hehe, after so many years, Miss Liuren is still so hot-tempered. With this appearance, it is impossible to find a Taoist companion."

A scorching breath came over the face, a fire Qilin stepped in the air, and an old man in red robe sat on it, looking at the woman in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, it's been so many years, and I still have such a bad temper. Be careful to be fooled."

A group of old men stepped in the air, and they came to the center of the battlefield in an instant, and said with a smile.

"If you don't have enough cultivation, you are naturally worried about being raped. For the real strong, anytime and anywhere can be a battlefield, so there is no need to worry about it."

"Why are you here?"

Liuren's complexion was very ugly, the ancestors of all ethnic groups came here, and they appeared in groups, as wretched as ever.

"There is such a commotion in the frontier, we naturally can't just sit idly by and come and take a look to calm down the dispute."

The old man sitting on Qilin stroked his beard and said calmly.

The eyes of all the ancestors fumbled around, looking at the huge golden stick that towered above the sky, their eyes were full of fire, but they suppressed it very well.

"The border dispute has been resolved, and this kind of thing will not happen again in the future. You can please go back."

Liu Ren frowned slightly, and said lightly.


"The old man only sees that you are forcibly suppressing innocent people with your cultivation base, how can you solve it?"

"Besides, I heard that the holy son of the old husband's clan was trapped in the first battlefield. It is related to my Huolin Cave's face. I have to give an explanation today!"

The eyes of the old man on Qilin's seat flickered, he scanned the battlefield, and said slowly.

Those who came here today are all with ulterior motives and impure purposes.

How could it be so easy to send him away?

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