"Old man Huorong, your holy son is mixed with the dregs of the first battlefield. I seriously suspect that it is also involved in bullying female cultivators. You, Huolin Cave, should my daughter country say something about it?"

Ling Xueer said coldly, she dismissed the hypocritical remarks of all the ancestors.

This group of people are clearly here to pick up the loopholes to gain benefits, but they have to pretend to be righteous, which is really disgusting.

"Noisy, the old man is waiting for someone to talk, so there is no place for you to intervene!"

"It's just a bunch of mobs with no background. If you want to make waves, you have to look at your opponents. The saints of our clan are in the first battlefield, and you turn a blind eye. You are simply despising the majesty of my Huolin Cave!"

Huo Rong's eyes were wide open, and Huo Qilin, who was sitting down, suddenly spewed a stream of lava at Ling Xue'er.

This is a real Qilin beast, with Qilin blood on its body, the whole body is shining like lava, flowing with a noble aura, and its eyes are full of disdain.

It is a descendant of Qilin, soaked in the pool of blood all year round, has reached the Mahayana stage of cultivation, and its strength is terrifying.

As creatures with noble bloodlines, they are naturally superior to others, and will only recognize creatures with noble bloodlines. Human cultivators like Ling Xueer are dismissive.

"Amitabha, Huo Rong's benefactor, leave a line for your subordinates, so we can meet each other in the future."

A sound of the Buddha's trumpet came, and Ling Xueer's whole body was covered with a giant golden bell, and all the lava that spewed out was counted at the moment.


Qilin Divine Beast felt that it was being provoked, roared up to the sky, stepped on all fours in the air, and trampled down like a broken bamboo.

Behind the crowd, an old man in gray robes stepped forward and appeared beside Ling Xue'er in an instant. With his palms folded, a golden Buddha soared into the sky, suppressing the void.

Buddha was surrounded by all sides, pushing everything horizontally, resisting Huo Qilin's offensive firmly.

"Benefactor, don't commit murder in vain. Since you claim to be the descendant of Qilin, you should pay more attention to your manners. The Qilin beast, the ancestor of manners, is now being suppressed by force, which is a bit barbaric."

The monk in gray said with a smile.

It's just that a trace of solemnity flashed in the depths of his eyes. Huo Qilin in front of him was not an ordinary Mahayana cultivation base, and with the blessing of Qilin's blood, even he felt extremely strenuous.

He is not top-notch, facing these ancestor-level terrifying holy spirits, he can't easily suppress them. If the Qilin beast makes a full-strength attack, he is not sure to defeat them.

Not to mention its master Huo Rong Patriarch, these Patriarchs are all masters left over from several epochs ago, and they all have a trace of fairy spirit in their bodies, he is far from being an opponent.

"It turned out to be Master Xuanku. It seems that the rumors are true. The master and the daughter of the king are inextricably linked."

Patriarch Huo Rong stroked his beard, looked at Xuan Ku who was struggling slightly, and said with a smile.

"This statement is wrong. Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Benefactor Ling is already seriously injured. I can't watch the creatures in the Huolin Cave torture and kill him, can I?"

Monk Xuan Ku smiled lightly, trying to put on a calm appearance, but his slightly trembling hands revealed his real situation.

The power from Qilin's quadrupeds was getting stronger and stronger, and he couldn't support it with the power of the primordial spirit alone.

But if he uses other means to resist, it is undoubtedly declaring that he is not even a match for the mount under the ancestor of Huolin Cave, so how can he protect Ling Xueer?

"Master Xuanku has a kind heart, but this old man's mount has always been irritable, and it has already been irritated by this woman, and this old man can't ignore its mood."

Huo Rong narrowed his eyes slightly, with a smile on his face.

Sitting down, the Qilin beast's two forefeet turned into giant lava, continuously melting the golden Buddha.

Monk Xuanku's complexion became even paler, and the damage to his soul caused a lot of injuries to accumulate in his body.

"Old monk, this is not a place where you can intervene, quickly take Guanghan Que back to the daughter's country!"

Ling Xue'er said weakly, she understood that she couldn't leave today, and the monks in Guanghan Que had to be taken away.

"Don't worry, Master Ling, I can still deal with one or two for the time being."

Xuan Ku chuckled, and with the seal in his hand, golden bronze figures stepped out from behind and rushed towards the Qilin beast.


The Qilin roared violently, stepped on the void, and instantly tore the two golden bronze figures in front of the frontier to pieces.

"Shooting at the frontier in front of me, have you ever put me in the eyes of the proud country of the East China Sea?"

"It's just a few wild dogs mixed with Qilin's blood. In front of my aunt, you have no place to make noise!"

There was a flash of anger on Liuren's delicate face, and anger was burning in his heart.

She just said that the frontier matter is over, but the group of people on the back foot started to fight, they were slapping her in the face in public, absolutely unbearable!

The figure of the golden ape clinging to the Dinghaishenzhen flashed, turned into a round of blazing sun and rushed towards Huo Rong suddenly, grabbing it with a pair of sharp claws.

Fire The lava ejected by Qilin was baked and evaporated by the hot breath of the golden ape before it even got close.

"Liu Ren, you..."

Huo Rong's complexion changed drastically, he didn't expect the other party to be so disrespectful, no matter how they are from the same era, they would do it as soon as they said they would do it.

The figure exploded, and he quickly retreated from the void. At the same time, the other old people around him quickly retreated to distance themselves from the manic golden ape.


The Qilin beast's eyes were full of anger, and it was the first time in its life that it was compared to a wild dog. The Huolin Cave cultivator always regarded itself as a descendant of Qilin. When was it humiliated like this?

Stepping into the void, Qilin's blood burst open and his mouth opened into a black hole. Qilin's blood burst out in an instant, and his powerful blood qi pulsated, wanting to swallow the golden ape in front of him.


Without the slightest fancy, the golden violent ape's pair of sharp claws slashed down against the bloody mouth.

Just a face-to-face meeting, and that noble huge head was screwed off directly.

Bright red blood sprayed with golden light, and the headless Qilin's body fell to the ground, lifeless.


The golden ape bathed in Qilin's blood, becoming even more manic.

He raised his head to the sky and screamed, and split his claws left and right, violently tearing that Qilin's head in half.

Looking at the golden ape dancing beside the headless Qilin's body, all the bosses fell silent. This golden ape is an artifact spirit conceived by Dinghaishenzhen. It has independent consciousness. After many years, this artifact spirit is stronger and more cruelty.

Being able to control such a fierce creature shows that the strength of the second leader of the East China Sea has improved to a higher level than it was many years ago!

They came here because they wanted to reap benefits, and because they had just recovered and wanted to test each other's strength, but the gap in strength before them made them feel scared.

While they were dormant to protect themselves, the other party had already gone farther and farther along the way of cultivation.

Could it be that it was a wrong choice to choose to lie dormant and wait for the opportunity?

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