Gold-red blood splattered, and all the monks in the field were dumbfounded in shock without exception.

Li Xiaobai swallowed his saliva on the ground, the monkey in Dinghaishenzhen was too cruel, if he faced those golden claws head-on, the added attribute points would probably start at 100,000.

But I will be broken 100% of the time, and my life is still tight. Thinking about it this way, lying on the ground to accept the suppression is actually quite delicious.

While the bosses were fighting, the system had quietly increased hundreds of thousands of attribute points.

I really hope that I can be under the pressure of the second master all the time.

The golden Buddha disappeared in the void, Master Xuanku's complexion was a little pale, and his breath was a little weak, and he helped Ling Xue'er who was lying limp.

Facing Liuren, put his palms together and recite the Buddha's name.

"Amitabha, thank you six benefactors for your righteous actions. Benefactor Ling's injury hurt the soul, so we can't drag it on any longer. The border disputes have subsided today. I took him back to the West Desert to heal his wounds, and left first."

Master Xuan Ku said.

"Go, don't forget today's kindness. When Roshan invades aggressively, this girl wants to see Ximo and Daughter Kingdom help each other!"

Liu Ren nodded and said lightly.

"It's natural, saving the common people in the world, but it's an immeasurable merit, I will go all out, everyone, farewell!"

Xuan Ku looked at Patriarch Huorong, grabbed Ling Xueer with one hand and was about to leave.

At this time, Ling Xue'er, who was still in a weak state, suddenly had sharp eyes, and a hand from deep in the void grabbed a young man deep in the ground and was dragged out.

"Father save me!"

The young man is Wang Ling, the fuse of this dispute.

"Shut up, Nizi, you are doing something wrong in the frontier battlefield. Even my own son will die!"

Wang Guan's complexion changed, and he shouted angrily.

Almost all the seniors present were powerful, and he had no part to speak at all. In his opinion, if this rebellious son of his family died early, he might be able to calm down the dispute in advance.

"Everyone, this person is the instigator of the frontier incident. I came here for punishment. I hope you don't interfere!"

Without saying a word, Ling Xueer immediately stuffed it into the Guanghan Que, a set of movements was smooth and flowing.

"I already know the whole story, how dare Lord Ling plan to deal with this person?"

Liu Ren asked lightly.

"Naturally put it in the pile of men and let it do what he loves to do!"

Ling Xueer said in a cold tone.

Everyone is petrified, this kind of punishment is indeed very... the right medicine, very like a daughter's country, I believe this young man will live a life that is worse than death in the future.

"Amitabha, I and others are going!"

Monk Xuanku didn't dare to delay any longer, and after chanting the Buddha's name, he disappeared into the sky in an instant with the Buddha's light.


"How can you let them go like this, that woman wants to put my son of Huolin Cave to death!"

Patriarch Huorong's face was full of displeasure, and he wanted to capture Duan Guang from afar.

"This girl has already let go. The matter in the frontier ends here. If anyone wants to reach out to provoke disputes again, I will chop off their paws!"

Liuren's face was full of ferocity, and he stared at the people in front of him, changing his quiet posture just now.

Li Xiaobai felt that the essence of this woman was no different from that golden ape, the gentleness and tenderness on the surface were torn apart, but the heart was full of violence and savagery.

"Yes, the second master has done a good job, whoever dares to intervene will be chopped off!"

"Old man over there, what are you looking at, are you not convinced?"

"Looking at the horns on your head, you should be from the rhinoceros family. It happens to be the material for making leather boots. Believe it or not, the second boss peeled off your skin?"

"And the Huo Rong old man over there is talking about you, so what to look at, be careful that the second boss has skinned you!"

On the ground, the old beggar said triumphantly that he is different from the group of ancestors in front of him. Although Liu Ren will suppress him, but the friendship of many years here will never hurt him. These ancestors in front of him are different. With a ulterior motive, the words begging to die were written directly on his face.

Dare to do something in front of the second master, it is simply a death.

The scene just now was very satisfying to watch.

The person in Huolin Cave is arrogant, if he hadn't been suppressed here, he would have rushed up and slapped the opponent twice in the mouth.

All the ancestors dared not speak out, and all their attention was on Liu Ren, each of them was making small calculations in their hearts, calculating the difference in strength between them.

But more is thinking about whether I can trick the people around me, after all, I have come all the way, and I can't go away in vain.

Can pit one is one.

"To shut up!"

Liu Ren's forehead was full of black lines, and the veins in his hands were bulging. He resisted the urge to kill the other party and shouted.

This old beggar is too ugly, the more he lives, the more greasy he becomes.

"Okay, tell the old beggar to shut up, and the old beggar will shut up immediately. If you say go east, the old beggar will never go west!"

The old beggar said with a smile, hoping to gain Liu Ren's favor and release him in advance, but the next second he was kicked to the ground, trampled by a golden boot, and pressed him firmly to the ground.


Song Que muttered to the side, this old man is getting more and more wretched.

"Liuren, what do you mean by this, the Qilin beast that the old man sits on has been fighting with the clan for many years, and has worked hard and made great achievements. Do you mean to kill it as soon as you say it?"

"Have you ever put my Huolin Cave in your eyes?"

Patriarch Huo Rong's face was gloomy, and he said slowly, he was also half-step in the realm of human immortality, and he thought he would not lose too much to Liu Ren.

"Don't say it's a Qilin dog, even if you dare to disobey this girl, you can still kill me."

Liuren stretched out his hand and made a move, and the giant golden stick that suppressed the Eight Desolation in the void turned into a streak of light and appeared in his hand.

The golden armor burst out with bright light, and the whole person turned into a golden humanoid creature, exuding an ancient wild atmosphere.

His eyes burst out with terrifying divine light, and he pointed at Patriarch Huo Rong with a huge golden stick in his hand.

"If you don't accept it, come to fight!"

"Hmph, Liuren, I admit that your cultivation is higher than this old man, but don't forget, today I am not fighting alone, everyone is half-step human fairyland, even if you can beat the old man, so what, I If you attack them in groups, you will also be defeated!"

Patriarch Huo Rong was furious, his beard and hair were still without wind, layers of faint red light flickered, the temperature around his body surface rose suddenly, and he approached the golden figure in front of him.

"That's right, everyone is a half-step immortal. If we really want to fight, it will be of no benefit to you or me!"

"Miss Six, don't speak too slowly. We are waiting for such a lineup to sweep away any top power in the mainland."

"that is……"

Many patriarchs on the left and right nodded their heads in agreement. Liuren is strong, but he still hasn't met the conditions of Shattering the Void. They are all half-step immortals. I don't believe that the gap is so big. If they are besieged, they may have a chance to kill the opponent.

Liuren was shrouded in a rich golden light, unable to see his true face clearly, turned his wrist, and the golden savage ape of Dinghai Shenzheng jumped onto his delicate shoulders, turning into a blazing sun, scorching all directions.

A hotter breath than that of Huo Rong's ancestor surged and surged in the void, and the space was distorted under the scorching heat.

It is countless times hotter than the lava released by Qilin just now, and it has become a small artificial sun.

"Then you guys try?"

Liuren sneered, his body shook, and he rushed towards Patriarch Huo Rong with a strong and violent golden aura. The stick in his hand flew up and down, and he hit his head with a single blow. Want to suppress strongly.

"The old man said that the old man is not fighting alone, Liuren, everyone knows that you are strong, the old man and others will try your skills today to see how much you can do!"

"Old brothers from the past, fight with the old man!"

Patriarch Huorong looked up to the sky and screamed, Qilin's blood burst out instantly in his body, powerful blood energy surged in the void, forced the golden glow back abruptly, his eyes manifested Qilin beast, smashed the galaxy with his fist, and met the Dinghaishenzhen needle.



"Not to be humiliated!"

A group of ancestors also roared to the sky, and the breath in their bodies exploded.

But instead of fighting with Huo Rong, he turned on his toes and floated backwards in unison.

They looked at each other and smiled, tacit understanding, such a tacit understanding between the bosses.

Patriarch Huo Rong's complexion changed: "What do you mean!"

All the ancestors "Brother Huo Rong, we will be with you in spirit!"

"What the hell am I..."

Patriarch Huorong still wanted to talk about gods, but it was too late, the golden gods in front of him continued to enlarge, and it was close at hand!

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