A huge golden wave surged into the sky, and Liu Ren held the Dinghaishen needle in his hand, transformed into a little sun and swooped down with supreme power, colliding fiercely with Patriarch Huorong.

When the two sides fought, the Qi machine exploded, Liu Ren's eyes were full of fierceness, and he picked up the long stick in his hand, and forcibly smashed the scales on Huo Rong's chest, blood spattered, and the flesh was mutilated.

With the blessing of Dinghaishenzhen, the powerful power of the primordial spirit swept across, and the scorching breath washed away, instantly defeating the phantom of the primordial spirit of Patriarch Huo Rong.

The offensive in his hand continued unabated, and the long stick swept across.

The first stick breaks the defense!

The second stick broke the bone!

The third rod destroys the gods!

The ground trembled continuously from the blows, and the entire first battlefield was shaken, as if the sky had been turned upside down.

The old man Huo Rong vomited blood, his body was broken, and he flew upside down in an extremely strange posture, his eyes were full of disbelief.

He fell to the ground, his chest was sunken in a large area, and blood gushed out like he didn't want money.

With difficulty, he turned his head and looked at the group of "brothers" hiding far behind him, his eyes were full of resentment and anger.

"Old man, your family's fairy banban!"

"How about shooting together as agreed? Why are you so cowardly!"

Huo Rong was furious in his heart, these bastards actually fooled him into going up alone, but he hid himself, it was really insidious to the extreme.

Fangcai was caught off guard and lost his mind, and was directly broken by Liuren. The breath from the Dinghaishen needle poured into his body, burning the internal organs continuously, and the phantom of Qilin's primordial spirit also cracked a crack, the power of primordial spirit was damaged, and his spirit was listless Quite a lot.

"Ahem, the ancestor of Qilin, the ancestor of manners, every move coincides with the rules of etiquette in the world, and he is said to be the actions of gentlemen. It is really not the actions of gentlemen to attack Brother Huo Rong. Unstable, I waited so I endured the pain and did not make a move!"

A bearded old man said slowly, he is the ancestor of the Qi Sect, he had already thought about it before he came, and today he can be counted as one.

Every time an old guy is cheated, there will be one less threat when he robs the spirit of the fairy in the future.

"That's right, we are the top powerhouses in the mainland, and we are the ancestors of all races. Naturally, we have to lead by example in front of the juniors, and bully more and less. With all due respect, our pride and cultivation do not allow the old man to wait for you." People do such things!"

The rest of the old men also nodded frequently, their faces full of righteousness and arrogance, as if they were really gentlemen, they would rather be defeated than bully the less with the more.

"Okay... very good, what a gentleman did, I will remember it!"

Huo Rong's face was ferocious, his eyes were about to burst into flames, and he said through gritted teeth, he knew that these people were shameless, but he didn't expect them to be so shameless, didn't they have any self-consciousness and face of being a strong man?

Don't you feel ashamed and flustered on your face?

"Well, there is no need to thank us. It is our duty to stick to the Dao heart for the old brothers in the past."

All the ancestors nodded in unison, and said seriously.


Huo Rong was so angry that he spewed out a big mouthful of blood, his eyes turned black, and he completely collapsed on the ground.

The Dinghaishenzhen is a treasure, and the injuries it brings are difficult to recover in a short period of time. He is afraid that he will be kicked out of the battle for the spirit of the fairy.


Liu Ren poked the golden long stick in his hand on the ground, smashed a deep hole, looked at the people in front of him and said slowly, "So, what do you say?"

"The Aolai Country of the East China Sea has always lived in seclusion and has no relationship or dispute with us. The old man and others naturally have no reason to attack the second master. They are just the people under the second master. They seem to have something to do with the ancestors of the three sects. Maybe they Want to be held accountable?"

An ancestor said aloud, pointing the finger at the ancestors of the three sects as soon as he opened his mouth.

"That's right, and I heard that the Dinghai God Needle from Aolai Country has appeared above Zhongzhou before. Although it can go away with one hit, its power is not something that ordinary monks can resist."

Another old man with fluttering white hair said with a chuckle that when the Dinghaishen needle appeared that day, he was really shocked.

Hearing this, the complexion of the ancestors of the three sects changed. They also found the young man lying on the ground early, but they never found a suitable opportunity to get rid of it.

And they weren't going to question Xingshi, the second leader, for a long time. They can't afford to ask, he is too strong.

The ancestors of Huolin Cave were all beaten and disabled. It was too insidious to push them to the front of the stage at this time.

The ancestor of Qi Zong looked at the person who spoke with resentment in his eyes. He may not be a human being, but the other party is a real dog.

"Ahem, we do have some connections with Mr. Li. Back then, the people of the old man's sect guessed that Mr. Li released the sea-fixing needle, so the old man and the others just wanted to ask to see if it was Mr. Li. Because, there is no other meaning."

The patriarch of Qi Sect was all smiles, tried his best to look kind, and said slowly.

For Liuren, who is full of fighting spirit, he is very frightened. The opponent has already entered the state. If there is a fight, it will definitely be an endless situation.

"Young Master Li?"

"Dinghai Shenzhen Needle?"

"The Dinghaishen needle that appeared in Zhongzhou was made by Li Xiaobai?"

Liuren looked at Li Xiaobai lying on the ground with some doubts, suddenly realized, he always felt that he had heard of this name somewhere, and his feelings were wanted by all ethnic groups in Zhongzhou.

On the Xianling Daily, you can often see the other party doing things in various places, causing constant disputes, but always able to retreat unscathed, this person must be carrying a treasure.

"This old man and others think so, and the second in charge, don't expect this son to lie on the ground and accept the suppression. If he really wants to leave, even Dinghaishenzhen can't suppress it, so be careful!"

The ancestor of Qizong continued, what happened to the three sects of Zhongzhou is still vivid in his mind at this moment. A living person, who just escaped under the eyes of many of their ancestors, must have some kind of treasure that the world has never known to help him escape. .


"Is that so?"

Hearing this, Liuren's eyes flashed a gleam of interest, and with a swing of the golden stick in his hand, he smashed it at Li Xiaobai's head without any muddling.

"What the hell am I..."

Hearing the sound of breaking through the air, Li Xiaobai cursed in his heart, that he would suffer unreasonable disasters even though he accepted the suppression on the ground in a good manner.

He didn't dare to meet Liuren's Dinghaishenzhen. This stick was too strong, and he could break his defense with one stick.

With a thought, a golden talisman appeared in his hand instantly. This is an instant talisman prepared in advance.

The talisman was activated, turned into a ball of flames, turned into a golden light and entered Li Xiaobai's body, only to disappear in place in an instant.


The ancient aura erupted, the Dinghaishen needle was shining brightly, a huge bottomless gully was torn from the ground, and a ferocious face appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

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