Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 455 Young Master, Why Have You Always Been A Brawny Boy?

"It's been a long time since I've been a guest among various ethnic groups. This girl will accompany you back to the various ethnic groups? By the way, get some spirit stones?"

Liu Ren seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"Hehe, Miss Six was joking. Although we don't have spirit stones on us, we still have some resources to cherish."

"I don't know how much Mr. Li wants?"

Hearing this remark, all the big bosses scolded their mothers in their hearts. As we all know, the second boss has no habit of returning things borrowed.

At first, they thought they could get some secrets out of Li Xiaobai, but they didn't get out the secrets, but they put the spirit stones in it first.

"One hundred million."

Li Xiaobai said directly without thinking.

"Boy, why don't you go grab it?"

A group of bigwigs were furious, and even their family might not be able to take out a top-grade spirit stone worth 100 million immediately.

It's like a lion opening its mouth.

"Give it up? How can the seniors give you so much?"

"If the seniors don't want it, then forget it. I'm afraid the Dinghaishen needle won't be able to be summoned."

Li Xiaobai shook his head and sighed.

"Stop talking nonsense, take out the resources, you moths eat human blood steamed buns one by one on weekdays, now is the time for you to spread your money."

Liuren on the side also said, she doesn't care if Li Xiaobai wants to take advantage of the opportunity to reap a wave of benefits, anyway, it's not her spirit stone she spent, so she doesn't feel bad at all.

As for the statement added later, I never thought about fulfilling it. First, I didn't make a written statement, and second, I didn't swear. I just want to get wool from Donghai Aolai with empty teeth?


"Forget it, I am lucky enough to see the second Dinghaishen Needle. This old man also has a bottle of real dragon essence blood. Although it is thin, the effect in it is enough for my little friend."

"But I have to say something up front. If you can really summon the Dinghai God Needle, you can return it. If you are lying to us, even if there is a second master protecting you, the old man and others will definitely kill you here!"

An ancestor endured the pain, took out a white jade bottle, and threw it to Li Xiaobai.

"True Dragon Blood Essence? This is a good thing!"

"It is rumored that it was left by a strong man with the blood of the ancestor dragon in ancient times. Although the blood is not pure, but in terms of utility, even we can benefit greatly!"

"It seems that there is no way to fool around today."

The rest of the patriarchs were astonished, and followed suit one after another. All kinds of treasures came at their fingertips, which dazzled the beholders.

"A bottle of Qingluan's true blood."

"Nine-turn reincarnation pill."

"A bottle of deep sea stock solution."

"Ten catties of Purple Dragon Tan Crystal Stone!"

"Zhou Tianyuan Magnetic Star Ten Jin!"

For the ancestors, taking out some precious treasures is nothing, compared with the massive resources they have accumulated over the years, it is just a drop in the bucket.

At this moment, they want to know whether there really is a second Sea-Dingshen Needle at this time, and there may be some secrets involved in it, and it is worthwhile to know these things.

As for the resources sent out today, I will find an opportunity to tie up Li Xiaobai in the future, and search for the secrets in his belly together.

"Get rich."

Li Xiaobai drooled as he looked at the dazzling pile of treasures in front of him.

Treasures are not uncommon on weekdays, but the guys given by these gangsters are obviously not at the same level as the ones they have seen before. It is always the blood of some kind of divine beast. As for the materials such as crystals and stars, they are from Never heard of it.

However, it is not difficult to see from the big brother's aching face that these are all good things.

And in front of Donghai's second in command, they can't just make up for it.

"Little friend, you've made a fortune. From now on, the old beggars will follow you, as long as you can save your mouth!"

The old beggar kneeling on the ground looked at the huge pile of precious materials in front of him, his eyes were straightened, his body could not move, he could only stick out his tongue and exhale, wishing to lick all these treasures.

"Little money, it's nothing, senior don't make fun of it."

Li Xiaobai put away his treasures, and casually said that he was being targeted by this old thing, so he had to be on guard in the future, so as not to be tricked by him.

"The resources have been sent, can Mr. Li call out the Dinghaishenzhen, let me wait and see?"

Liu Ren laughed.

This woman exudes a wild and unique charm that men cannot refuse. She is picturesque when she is not crazy, but it is a pity that as long as she makes a move, her achievements will be ruined.

"Since this is the case, then I will show my shame. I am also very honored to be able to explain the doubts of Ao Lai's second master."

Li Xiaobai accepted it as soon as he saw it, looked around, nodded and said.

In an instant, the ancestors of the surrounding races flashed again, and retreated several hundred meters to the rear, distanced themselves from Li Xiaobai.

Regardless of whether it is true or false, they are still based on caution.

Li Xiaobai was quite speechless in his heart, these gangsters were too timid, sure enough, the longer one lived, the more afraid of death, no wonder Liu Ren alone could suppress the situation.

Silently open the system panel, find the column of artifacts, consume 10 million top-quality spirit stones, and buy Dinghaishenzhen.

In an instant, an unpretentious long metal stick appeared in Li Xiaobai's hands, and he waved it several times, vigorously, but there was no abnormality.

"Is this the Dinghaishen needle?"

"Isn't this motherfucker a firestick? How did it become the Dinghaishenzhen?"

"This kid really lied to us. There is no such thing as Dinghaishenzhen. It's all made up by this kid to bluff people!"

"No, what's the explanation for the Dinghai Shenzhen above Zhongzhou?"

"Anyway, the old man will never admit that this thing will be the Dinghaishenzhen, boy, spit out all the treasures you swallowed, be conscious, and don't want the old man to do it!"

"That's right, trying to cheat the old man of the beast's blood essence with just a firestick is a bit too low-handed!"

"Is this despising me?"

Looking at the black object in Li Xiaobai's hands, all the ancestors were furious. They didn't spend precious resources to look at this kind of plaything.

Liuren on the side also had a look of doubt in his eyes, Li Xiaobai's appearance didn't look like a fake, but the appearance of this stick is really not flattering, such a thing, can it be the Dinghaishenzhen?

"Master Li, is this what you call the Dinghaishenzhen?"

Liu Ren couldn't help asking, her brows were slightly furrowed, she felt like being teased.

"Well, this is Dinghaishenzhen, it's genuine."

Li Xiaobai said in a perfunctory way, waving the stick vigorously in his hand, as if he didn't pay attention to everyone.

One hundred blows!

Two hundred blows!

Three hundred blows!

"Boy, your stick is black, it's clearly just a fire stick, don't fool me, quickly kneel down and lead you to death!"

The ancestors were furious and shouted suddenly, Li Xiaobai's attitude made them even more unhappy.

"This is the Dinghaishen needle, not the fire stick."

Li Xiaobai was still perfunctory, waving the stick with all his attention.

Four hundred blows!

Five hundred blows!

"How to prove it?"

Li Xiaobai raised his eyebrows slightly, and said indifferently, "Li has been doing something for a lifetime, so why do you need to prove it to others?"

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