Seven hundred blows!

Eight hundred blows!

Victory was just around the corner, Li Xiaobai smiled, not caring about the threats from the ancestors at all.

Facing his strange behavior, Liu Ren finally realized something was wrong.

"Mr. Li, why have you been playing Lu Bangzi? What are you doing?"

"Hehe, I didn't do anything, just exercise and exercise."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

Nine hundred times, the ability to crush the clouds will be triggered immediately!

At this moment, no matter how unresponsive the ancestors around him are, they can see that something is wrong at this moment. Since Li Xiaobai held the fire stick in his hand, he has not stopped waving his hands, and has been waving his stick. Could it be that this stick Is there some kind of deep meaning in his actions?

And after taking out the fire stick, the other party suddenly changed his temper, turned his face and refused to recognize anyone, from the humble appearance before to the current indifference.

It's as if no one cares about it.

What exactly gave him such confidence?

Is it the fire stick that is suspected to be the Dinghaishen needle?

"Boy, stop, don't allow Lu that stick!"

Some ancestors had a bad premonition in their hearts, and shouted sharply, wanting to stop Li Xiaobai's behavior and suppress him again.

It's a pity that it's too late.

The condition for one thousand swipes has been met.

In an instant, the originally ordinary firestick was full of radiance, and suddenly burst into a dazzling golden light, a powerful wild atmosphere swept the audience, the golden long stick soared into the sky, straight into the sky, and the words "Dinghaishenzhen" were deeply imprinted on it. In the hearts of everyone present.

The void trembled, shattering the sky.

A golden ape manifested and leaped into the clouds, its eyes were shining brightly, looking down at everyone present.

This time Li Xiaobai saw it more clearly, it was indeed a golden monkey, but different from the one in Liu Ren's hand, his monkey was bigger and bigger, less agile and more powerful.

In particular, the two arms are extremely long. When they were in Zhongzhou, they were far away and they were shrouded in golden light, so they were hard to see clearly. Now that they are directly below them, they are clearly two slender arms. His arm, hanging down, could almost touch his own ankle.

This kind of abnormality may be related to the ability he possesses, but it is a pity that at present, he can only unlock a skill that crushes the clouds, and he cannot peek into the effect of the subsequent skills.

But even so, the power it erupts is also terrifying.

Compared with the last time, this time the golden giant ape was obviously much calmer, and he did not show the symptoms of being violent like thunder. Instead, he stood on the top of the cloud, defying everyone, as if he was looking for his favorite prey.

"This is……"

"It's really Dinghaishenzhen!"

"This kid didn't lie to us, but the Dinghaishen needle looks a little different. The gap between that golden giant ape and the second master is too great!"

"Could it be that there is really a second sea-fixing needle in this world?"

"The breath of this golden giant ape is not weaker than ours, and it is also an existence standing at the peak of the Mahayana stage!"

"Back quickly, the gods fight, I'm afraid it will hurt us!"

All the ancestors turned pale with fright and were stunned. They couldn't figure out how the fire stick in Li Xiaobai's hand turned into the sea-settling needle.

Moreover, the power of the Dinghaishenzhen far exceeded their imagination. They originally thought that the object summoned by a junior, no matter how precious it was, would definitely not be able to hurt them.

But at this moment they realized that they were wrong, and they were wrong too much. From this golden giant ape, they felt a deadly threat.

If they fight alone, they probably won't be their opponents and will be seriously injured.

In fact, they can't be blamed. After all, no one has told them the real situation of Li Xiaobai from the beginning to the end. The impression of Li Xiaobai from the Zhongzhou gangsters is still that of a young Tianjiao with a treasure.

Did not attract much attention.

"Grandma, boy, you have a treasure of this level, why don't you take it out earlier, save the old beggar, and let's sweep this battlefield together!"

The old beggar looked at the giant golden stick standing in the sky, and screamed excitedly.

The power of this thing is not weaker than the one in the hands of the second master, if he uses it, it will not be a problem to sweep away this group of ancestors.

"Young Master Li really hides his secrets. I haven't seen him leak for so many days. He is indeed a man walking on the road of invincibility!"

Song Que's eyes were also full of shock. With this kind of treasure, Mei Changqing and others were not a threat at all, and the Taoist guardians of Huolin Cave were like ants, who could be crushed to death.

"This is really the Sea God Needle!"

Liuren also gasped, her beautiful eyes were full of disbelief, although she had prepared herself, she was still shocked when she saw it.

You know, since she embarked on the journey of cultivation, she has always believed that the Dinghai Shenzhen Needle is the treasure of Aolai Country, the only one in the world, but today she saw another one, which caused her heart to be strongly shocked.


The golden long stick in his hand shot out uncontrollably, and the same golden light bloomed, straight into the sky, and the golden six-eared macaque rushed into the sky, turning into a little golden sun, staring at the scarlet eyes, grinning, It is far away from the gibbon ape.

The clouds dissipated at this moment, and the scorching breath surged towards the crowd one after another, as if it wanted to melt the entire sky.

"This is... Ding Haishen reacted to that ape, and the two spirits want to compete?"

The monks looked at the two apes above the sky, their eyes were full of astonishment, they had never seen such a situation before.

Two Dinghaishen needles and two ape weapon spirits face each other far away, this is to decide the winner!

It's just that the gibbon ape didn't seem interested in the six-eared macaque. After a few glances, it ignored the opponent's ferocious roar, and still looked at the scene below on its own.

It needs to choose a suitable entry point to cast the Cloud Breaker.


Seeing this scene, the six-eared macaque felt even more manic. It felt that it had been seriously provoked, which made it very angry.

In the void, the four big characters "Dinghaishenzhen" broke away from the golden stick, turned into streams of light and sank into the brows of the six-eared macaque. The golden god ape trembled, and an extremely powerful ancient atmosphere burst out, sweeping the entire battlefield.

However, the gibbon god ape still couldn't arouse the slightest interest in this scene, and was still looking down, without even looking at the other party.

The faces of many monks below are a bit strange. It seems that Dinghaishenzhen, the second master, has been ignored by others?

Are you so proud?


The six-eared macaque was furious, stretched out his hand and put the golden long stick in his hand. With a flash of his body, he turned into a round of golden sun and rushed towards the gibbon god ape. Strongly kill.

But in the next second, its complexion changed...

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