"It's so good, all the ancestors have taken care of it."

The corner of Liuren's mouth curved slightly, and said with a light smile.

"Don't bother, don't worry, where does this come from? My generation of monks originally came from the same source. Now that the frontier has undergone drastic changes, we naturally have to do our part."

"Yeah, it's all my job, and it's my honor to be able to do something for the frontier."

"That's right..."

The old ancestors laughed out loud, with their looks, everything seemed to be taken for granted, as if they came here to help the frontier, but Liuren seemed a little out of touch by comparison.

"Hehe, I'm tired."

Liuren also said with a smile.

Li Xiaobai was dumbfounded, the shamelessness of these ancestors once again refreshed his own cognition.

It's true that the longer you live, the more cunning you become, the ability to change your face in this second can be said to be perfect!

"Ahem, it's just that the old man wants to take away some of my saint sons from Huolin Cave, but the Second Leader doesn't mind?"

Among the ruins, Patriarch Huo Rong crawled up with bleeding from the corner of his mouth, his eyes flickered with fear, Liuren's strength made him recognize the reality, and people told him with facts that he was also a half-step immortal, and the relationship between each other The strength of a person can really vary greatly.

At this moment, he was seriously injured and did not dare to do it again.

"Of course, this girl has always respected Huolin Cave. As long as nothing happens, everyone can get along with each other in harmony."

Liu Ren said with a smile, with a look of indifference.

The ancestors are speechless, you have added respect and you have severely injured someone, isn't this talking nonsense with your eyes open?

But even if Huo Rong was seriously injured, they would lose a strong opponent in the fight for the spirit energy in the future, and their chances of obtaining the spirit energy would also increase by one point.

"Thank you, Second Master, for your understanding."

Patriarch Huorong said very sincerely, the power of blood swept across, stretched out his hand to grab in the void, and grabbed Huoyuan Shengzi and Huoyun Shengzi who were hiding in the ruins out of thin air.

"Old Ancestor!"

"Thank you, ancestor, for saving your life!"

Huoyun Shengzi and the others were full of excitement. After waiting for so long, they finally got it. They swear to God that this hour is definitely the most difficult moment in their lives.

The bursts of qi in the void from time to time made them tremble inwardly, and even the depths of their souls trembled, especially when Liu Ren made a move. The powerful coercion was not comparable to that of Mei Changqing.

"Well, how are you, are you all right?"

Huo Rong nodded, and asked with a pleasant face.

"Reporting to the ancestor, the two holy sons are safe and sound, and they have not been harmed. The ancestor is worried about it. I am terrified!"

Wang Ba took a step forward and said respectfully, with his back straight, with the ancestor here, they can confidently pretend boldly.

"Well, very good, you are all meritorious ministers of Huolin Cave, Huo Lin Cave will remember you."

Huo Rong said with a smile, and there was a strong sense of aggression in the eyes of the two holy sons, Huo Yun and Huo Yuan.

"The old ancestor praised me, we didn't do anything, and we can't afford to be a meritorious minister."

The son of Huoyun also recovered his haughty expression. Who would dare to make a mistake when the ancestor is here? Today, he must fully display the prestige that Huolin Cave should have.

"It's just that the monks in this frontier are not friendly to us, and they have no reverence for Huolin Cave. This disciple thinks that they should be severely punished!"

"Well, that's very good, the two of you step forward and let the ancestor take a closer look."

Huo Rong spoke slowly with a friendly expression on his face, the light in his eyes became more urgent.

The old ancestors who are familiar with him have already cast a sympathetic look at the two holy sons of Huolin Cave. None of them who can live to this age to make decisions is a soft-hearted generation. Kindness.

For the ancestors, sects are nothing more than their own small coffers. Whether it is disciples or resources, they are all their personal belongings, and they can dispose of them at will when needed.

Everything is just to make yourself stronger.

Right now, the ancestor of Huo Rong is in such a situation. He is seriously injured, and if he wants to recuperate, he must be nourished by the same pure blood power, so that he can return to the peak in the shortest time, otherwise he will be completely out of touch with the spirit of the fairy. Missed.

These two little Qilins are in danger!


Shengzi Huoyun and Shengzi Huoyuan were a little excited. This was the first time they were named by their ancestors. It seemed that they performed well this time. The ancestors would not only protect them, but might even give them some rewards.

Turning their heads to look at their respective guardians, Wang Ba and the other two gave an encouraging look. This is the treatment that the ancestors personally called their names. born among the Sons.

"You two are very good. My ancestor asks you, when the Huolin cave suffers an accident, are you willing to help it back on track at all costs, even at the cost of your life?"

Patriarch Huo Rong stared at the two of them and said slowly.

Liu Ren looked at the scene in front of her with great interest. She also knew everything about Patriarch Huorong's actions, but these two little Qilin obviously didn't know anything, and they were foolishly waiting for the reward!

"I will wait!"

"Don't worry, Patriarch, we will surely live up to everyone's expectations, and the glory of Huolin Cave will be borne by us!"

Shengzi Huoyun and Shengzi Huoyuan said in unison, their eyes were full of excitement.

Unexpectedly, Gou would have such an opportunity waiting for them in the end, what a blessing from heaven.

"As expected, the ancestor did not misunderstand you, so now, it is up to you to pay your loyalty!"

Patriarch Huo Rong's eyes shone with hot light, and before the two of them could react, he opened his mouth wide and turned into a sky-swallowing mouth. Swallow Huo Yuan and Huo Yun into his stomach and disappear.

Smash it, smash your mouth, a faint red glow flickered in the dantian, and the power of the blood swept across the whole mind instantly, and began to quickly repair the injury and consolidate the cultivation base.

"It's not bad. After raising them for so long, it finally came in handy. Unfortunately, there are only two of them. It would be great if all four were here."

Huo Rong licked his lips and said in a hoarse voice.

"Hehe, Huo Rong, I haven't seen you for so many years. Your habit of keeping a spare tire hasn't changed at all. You're still so shameless, ruining other people's hopes."

The ancestor of Qizong joked that he had watched a good show from beginning to end.

"It's average, it can't compare to the cornucopia of your three sects."

Huo Rong said lightly.

"Old Ancestor, you are..."

Wang Ba and the other two hadn't reacted yet, and asked a little dullly.

"The ancestors are the pillars of the Huolin Cave. The prosperity of the Huolin Cave is closely related to the state of the Patriarchs. Now that the Patriarchs are seriously injured, it is their honor to continue to repair Qilin's bloodline and contribute to the Huolin Cave!"

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