Patriarch Huorong said indifferently, he really thought that Son of Huolin was his successor.

If he is safe and sound, then continue to let the Son grow up, but if he is injured or needs a breakthrough urgently, then the blood in the Son will be his support.

Originally, he wanted to let one of the holy sons devour the other three holy sons through the Huolin battle for hegemony, so as to obtain a more complete bloodline power, but the situation was urgent and he couldn't wait any longer.

The two Wang Ba were completely stunned. As guardians, they were instructed by their ancestors to protect the safety of the Holy Son. They were selected from thousands of masters in Huolin Cave. proud of.

As a result, someone told them that this was a scam from beginning to end. The so-called Huolin struggle for hegemony was just raising Gu, so that the strongest could be devoured by Huorong Patriarch.

For a moment, he felt his heart was full of bitterness.

"Hey, I'm afraid you don't know that the few little Qilins from the last session seemed to have been swallowed by your ancestors, and it was precisely because of swallowing those little Qilins that your ancestors were able to successfully capture them from many experts. A trace of fairy air."

The patriarch of the Qi Sect mercilessly revealed his shortcomings, and laughed loudly.

"Ahem, you two are very good. Under such circumstances, you still fulfill your duties. You have not strayed half a step from the Holy Son, which is enough to witness your loyalty. After returning to Huolin Cave, the ancestor will give you two Qilin treasures. Wonderful method."

Patriarch Huorong said slowly, after being nourished by the power of Qilin's blood, he has initially recovered. Go back and use some genius treasures to recuperate, and maybe he can return to his peak state before the fairy energy is released.

"Thank you, Patriarch!"

A gleam of joy flashed in the eyes of Wang and Ba, the treasure technique passed down by their ancestors is definitely a good thing!

If they are successful in cultivation, their strength will immediately soar. After all, this world speaks with fists. In comparison, the two holy sons will die if they die.

"Don't worry, Patriarch, the two of us are willing to swear with our Dao heart that we will never reveal anything about what happened today!"

"Well, your ancestors don't doubt your loyalty, Huolin Cave will not treat you badly."

Patriarch Huo Rong was very satisfied with the attitude of the two of them. The injuries in his body were being nourished and repaired, and he was in a good mood.

"Then everyone, the old man will take his leave first and leave to recuperate."

"Fellow Taoist, go slowly!"

"I wish Fellow Daoists to recover their strength as soon as possible."

"Fairy Qi fights, let's meet again."

The rest of the ancestors also laughed and said, next, they will go to the depths of the frontier to seek opportunities. The frontier is transformed from the ancient battlefield, and there may be some things left over that they don't know about.

Moreover, they still coveted Li Xiaobai in their hearts, and wanted to settle down first before looking for opportunities.

"The second leader is exhausted, how about going to the holy city with the next one to have a rest?"

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

"That's fine. It just so happens that there are some things that I hope Mr. Li can clarify."

Liuren didn't refuse either, and casually lifted the suppression on the first battlefield.

"Please also trouble the second leader to bring the masters of the first battlefield. The secret I want to talk about next has some connections with them."

Li Xiaobai pointed to Mei Changqing and Cang Ying and said slowly, with the support of big bosses behind him, he has always used the means of pulling the tiger's skin to pull the banner.

With six officials sitting in charge, I believe that any secret can be revealed.

"Boy, bring the old beggar with you, the treasure is used up, the old beggar can't fly!"

The old beggar looked at the vividness of what the two said, and hurriedly said that he and the ancestors here have a festival. At this moment, a certain treasure has been exhausted. If the ancestors attack together, he will not be able to resist.

"It's just a little effort."

Liu Ren stretched out his hand to pat Li Xiaobai's shoulder, and at the same time held Cang Ying and Mei Changqing in his palms like chickens, and they turned into a stream of light, disappearing in place in an instant.

Only the old beggar with a confused face was left behind.

Many ancestors present looked at each other in blank dismay, all of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Made, I'm finally leaving."

"God's secret, tricked me into coming here, so I can't give up my life!"

"Yeah, I'm worried here, but it's cheap for this old guy. I'm afraid the sales of Xianling Daily have reached a new high, right?"

"However, there is one thing to say, the treasures on Li Xiaobai's body are endless, and the release of the Sea Clan was inextricably linked to him before, and now he has summoned a sea-fixing needle, and the spirit of the weapon is not even weaker than us. The treasures on my body are probably far more than that."

"This son has a big secret, and now he is under the protection of the East China Sea. If he wants to find out, he can only find another chance."

"Li Xiaobai is gone, but Mr. Wu is still here today, so you don't have any ideas?"

Some ancestors looked at the old beggar with ill intentions, it was this bastard old bastard who was shameless and repeatedly robbed them of the fairy spirit that originally belonged to them.

It can be said that because of the opponent, the average combat power of the Fairy Spirit Continent has been lowered.

"There's too much fairy spirit in this thing, we're afraid we won't be able to beat it to death."

An ancestor muttered in a low voice.

"If you can't beat him to death, then beat him half to death. This old man has accumulated too much fairy energy in his body, and he can't use his cultivation base. If you don't do it now, when will it be!"

"Give it to the old man!"

The faces of the ancestors were full of hostility. Thinking of the fear of being dominated by the other party before, there was a cloud of anger for no reason in their hearts.

"Made, you group of old men beat me up, a beggar who is hundreds of years old, and you don't talk about martial arts!"

The old beggar howled in misery. Although he had the spirit of the gods to protect his body, he would not be fatally injured, but his flesh and blood were still unavoidable. He did not have Li Xiaobai's Tianxiang Life-Extending Pill, so he could only roll on the ground.

"Old Song, come and save me, the two of us join forces and destroy them!"

The old beggar shouted at Song Que, who was slowly arranging his clothes.

But the next second he was stunned.

I saw Song Que put the short knife in his pocket, and then walked over unsteadily, with a ferocious smile on his face.

"Tianwu old man, I didn't expect you to have today."

"Seniors, count me in!"


Holy City, inside the main hall.

The steam was steaming and the heat wave was rolling. Yang Guang and the others were soaking in the huge bathhouse with refreshed expressions on their faces.

"The tyrannical coercion of the first battlefield has disappeared, and it seems that there has been a result."

Yang Guang said slowly, since several hours ago, he felt a powerful aura that made his soul tremble. He had no doubt that a terrifying creature with such strength could kill him with a single look.

But he was right. In his opinion, if Li Xiaobai led two old seniors to the first battlefield, no matter how strong the enemy was, they would be defeated.

"Yeah, that kid should be back!"

Er Gouzi has even hummed a little song. He has already imagined that after Li Xiaobai returns, he will carry a bunch of Qilin beasts in his hands, giving him a breakthrough cultivation. That scene, just thinking about it, makes him excited.

At this time, several figures in front of the hall slowly walked in.

"Everyone, I'm back."

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