Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 463: The Shocked Second Master

"Mr. Li, what's the situation on the battlefield? Did Mei Changqing lose both sides in the fight with Lord Ling?"

"Who caused the injury on your body?"

"Why don't you see Senior Tiandao and Tianwu?"

Seeing Li Xiaobai's appearance, Yang Guang was startled. Li Xiaobai's clothes were ragged and bloodstained, and his appearance was horrible.

But immediately his eyes were attracted by the stunning beauty beside him, protected by golden armor and lightly treading on jade feet, she was glamorous yet heroic, shocking his mind.

"Who is this one?"

"Mei Changqing, I picked it up, it's a long story."

"As for this senior, he is the second head of the Aolai Kingdom of the East China Sea. This time, it is because of the senior that he can contain the disputes on the battlefield in time and prevent the situation from deteriorating further."

Li Xiaobai introduced.

"Aolai country's second master!"

"That invincible existence!"

"Even the seniors have been alarmed by the frontier incident!"

Yang Guang's expression was shocked. He had never seen the real face of the other party. Before Liuren fought with Roshan in the depths of the border, he was covered in golden light and did not reveal his face.

However, he never expected that Aolai Country's second head would be a beautiful woman!

"Whoever she is, kid, hurry up and get all the holy sons out, Er Gouzi wants to improve his cultivation!"

Er Gouzi shook his head, and said with displeasure, the woman in front of him has no hair and her butt is not big, so it's not her thing.

"Go aside, let's talk about business!"

Li Xiaobai's forehead was full of black lines, and this group of people was still out of tune as usual.

"Mr. Li, this is Yang Guang, the lord of the holy city. He has heard about it for a long time, but he finally saw it today, but I don't know why you are all soaked in the pool?"

"In Nuoda's hall, there is not even a single desk table. Is this slack, or is it already well-thought-out?"

Liu Ren looked at the scene in front of him with a puzzled expression.

When I came here a few years ago, it was not like this. Compared with before, the holy city is indeed prosperous now, but now Roshan has recovered on a large scale, and there are even some existences that she cannot kill. Yang Guang's The behavior made her feel a little displeased.

It's just that because Li Xiaobai is here, it's not easy for her to get angry.

"Ah this..."

Yang Guang was startled, Liuren didn't understand what had happened recently, it was hard not to think about the scene in front of him, he just wanted to stand up and explain, but found that he was naked at the moment, which was even more indecent.

He looked a little embarrassed for a while.

"Senior, it's useless to talk too much. This bathhouse is called Tang Neng Yipin, and it has magical effects on monks. You can know the taste of it once you know it."

Li Xiaobai chuckled, casually threw Mei Changqing and Cang Ying into the pool, then removed all the torn cloth strips from his body, and also jumped into the pool with a relaxed expression on his face.

Liuren looked a little embarrassed, her pretty face was slightly flushed, the monks in the Fairy Continent were conservative, and they all wrapped themselves up tightly on weekdays, never seen such a scene before, it was really indecent.

But I couldn't help being curious about the bathhouse, so I stretched out my slender hand to check the water temperature.

Just for a moment, Liu Ren trembled all over, only feeling a hot current flowing in the dantian, flowing into the limbs, the spiritual power in the body that had been restrained for a long time, actually had a slight improvement at this moment.

The eyes could not help but stare round.

"This bathhouse can actually improve your cultivation!"

"Mr. Li, have you robbed an ancient sect? It's too extravagant to take a bath directly in Lingquan!"

Liuren resisted the shock in his heart, took off the golden battle armor on his body in twos and twos, stepped into the pool with one step, and soaked it comfortably.

"Hehe, the Erdangjia is absurd. It's just a bathhouse. In my holy city, there are dozens of Tangneng Yipin, all of which have the same effect. In the future, the Erdangjia will gradually understand."

"In the Holy City, this kind of cultivation-enhancing thing is the least valuable."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile, such words can only be said by a rich and powerful boss like him.

But there is nothing wrong with it, whether it is Tangneng Yipin or Huazi, the cost price in the mall is ridiculously low, and you can take out a lot at will, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is endless.

The shock in Liuren's eyes became more and more shocking. She could feel that the other party was not talking big, and judging from the reactions of Yang Guang and others, they were already used to this way of bathing and practicing. Where did Li Xiaobai come from? To be able to come up with this gem!

Moreover, after his body was soaked in water, he felt more acutely that the spiritual power in his dantian was indeed slowly increasing. Although it was slow, it was indeed improving.

He stretched out his hand to pick up a water flower, looked at it carefully, but found nothing.

"What kind of genius and treasure has been added to this water?"

Curiosity shone in Liuren's eyes, and she found that ever since she met Li Xiaobai, her inner cognition was constantly being subverted, whether it was his strength far surpassing that of the young Tianjiao, or the other sea-fixing needle she took out, or the fact that she was in front of her eyes. The soup can be tasted, all of which she has never heard of or seen.

It was so novel, she even had a feeling that she was getting to know the world for the first time.

The previous idea became more firm in my heart, I must bring Li Xiaobai back to Aolai Country, it is best to get the formula of this bathhouse, so that the entire East China Sea can open this kind of shop!

"It's just ordinary water. The reason why I can increase my cultivation is because I built a bathhouse with my heart and injected soul into it."

"Senior wants it, just take it away."

Li Xiaobai shook his head and said.

"How can ordinary water have such magical effects? Mr. Li, don't you mind if I collect some and take it back for research?"

Liuren's face was full of disbelief. Although she didn't sense anything, she couldn't believe it if it was just ordinary water.

"Senior, what Mr. Li said is right. This is really just an ordinary water source. If you live in the holy city for a while, you will understand."

Yang Guang said slowly.

The expressions and thoughts of Liuren are not unfamiliar to everyone present. They also thought the same way once upon a time, but after getting a deeper understanding, the desire to explore has faded away. Isn’t it good to take a bath honestly to increase your cultivation? ?

The guy who studied Tang Neng Yipin last time is unconscious in the pool.

Why make it hard for yourself?

If you don't have enough cultivation, you can take a bath, if you don't understand the skills well, you can smoke Huazi.

Li Xiaobai also smiled faintly, and handed over a Huazi and said, "Senior has been exhausted all the way, and has been bothered by the disputes in the frontier, come, take a Huazi to calm the shock."

A trace of doubt flashed in Liuren's eyes, she didn't know what it meant to draw Huazi.

Under the guidance of everyone, he put this long stick-shaped object in his mouth and lit it casually. The long fragrance wafted away.

In just a split second, her heart once again set off a turbulent sea.

"This Huazi can improve one's comprehension!"

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