Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 469: The Plot Of The Upper Realm Monk

In this corner, the altar lay there quietly, unpretentious, like an ordinary stone.

It seems that the big man in the upper realm mentioned by the ancestor of the evil sect should also communicate with them through this altar.

Li Xiaobai saw it, and Liu Ren saw it too, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

The appearance of a second altar means that there will be a third, fourth, or even more altars. From the words of the ancestor of the evil sect, it is not difficult to see that the existence at the other end of the altar comes from the upper realm.

This altar is a tool to communicate between the fairy land and the upper world.

The picture flowed and disappeared frame by frame, and finally turned into dots of stars and dissipated in the sky. Souei's primordial spirit power was exhausted, and completely disappeared in the world.

"Senior Six, have you seen anything?"

Yang Guang asked with a puzzled expression. He had never seen the fragments of the blood sacrifice, and the information he could deduce based on the ancestor's words in his memory was very limited.

"This altar actually communicates with the upper realm. The big figures on the side of the evil sect come from the upper realm. The fragments of the blood sacrifice need to be arranged in the fairy land, and it is very likely that it is some kind of formation that it put down. The arrangement is complete. The formation should be activated in the future, but now the formation has been destroyed by Mr. Li."

"Although the specific purpose is not clear, it is already clear that the great figures in the upper world have plans for the fairy land, which is definitely not a good thing!"

Liuren said solemnly, whether it is the mysterious being that Mei Changqing contacted, or this one from the evil sect, they are obviously acting with a purpose. What do these monks from the upper realm want to do in Zhongzhou?

Arranging formations in the Fairy Continent, trying to intervene in the competition to influence the spirit of the fairy spirits, and prevent some monks from monopolizing. No matter how you look at it, these people have ulterior motives and are affecting the structure of the Fairy Spirit Continent.

"The senior, have you ever heard of this blood sacrifice fragment? What kind of formation is it?"

Li Xiaobai asked with a look on his face. He was very curious about the blood sacrifice fragments. According to the system display, there are a total of 108 such fragments. Now he has 35 fragments in his hand. The remaining fragments, I am afraid scattered across the continent.

"I've never heard of it. Before seeing the fragment, I can't tell what kind of formation it is. However, the formation arranged by the evil cultivator is also a vicious method."

There was a thoughtful gleam in Liuren's eyes.

"It seems that I have to go to the evil sect for a while. The existence in this altar seems to be very concerned about the release time of the fairy energy. Maybe this has something to do with their actions. In any case, the altar must not be in the hands of others. It must be in our hands."


"Senior Six, rest assured, today's secrets, I will swear by my Dao Heart Oath, that I will never let it out!"

"Yes, this matter will never leak!"

Seeing such secrets, Yang Guang, Cai Kunxu and others couldn't stop sweating on their backs. They were greedy, or they had stayed in the comfort zone of the bathhouse for so long that they had forgotten the most basic things. rules of survival.

That is to know what should be known, and what should not be known. The current big secret, which even involves the big bosses in the upper realm, is enough to affect the structure of the Fairy Spirit Continent, and it is obviously not what they should know.

If Liu Ren had the intention to kill, they would all have to confess here.

Seeing the cooperation of several people, Liuren also nodded in satisfaction. With the guarantee of Dao Heart Oath, she can rest assured.

"It will be some time before the release of the spirit energy. During this time, I will go to various parts of the mainland to find out all the places where the altars are hidden. As for the fragments, don't worry too much. It has been destroyed a lot, logically speaking, the formation is broken, if the loopholes are not repaired in time, the formation will not be activated."

Liuren was leaning on the edge of the bathhouse, his eyes narrowed slightly, originally he was only here to mediate disputes, but he didn't expect to involve a lot of big secrets all of a sudden.

The second Dinghaishen needle, Tang Neng Yipin Bathhouse, which can improve the spiritual power of cultivation, Hua Zi, who can improve the monk's understanding and can be immune to the attack of Roshan, and the altar that can communicate with the upper world and the whole fairy continent that seems to be covered. array.

It is enough to shock the world if it is taken out casually, but at this moment, it is unexpectedly encountered by her at the same time. The amount of information is too large, and she needs to deal with it.

The other monks were also shocked at the moment, especially Yang Guang. If Mei Changqing and Cang Yi hadn't revealed the secret today, he would have been kept in the dark. There is such a terrifying existence in the frontier. And he didn't know that at this moment Yang Guang felt that he might be a fake city lord.

But the most astonishing thing is the fragments arranged by Sou Ying. The second leader said that this thing is suspected to be a formation, a formation that covers the entire fairy continent, what kind of grandiose is this?

If the formation is completed and successfully opened, what will happen to the creatures on this continent?

Even if you don't understand the secrets of this, just thinking about it will tell you that it is definitely not a good thing, and it may even cause a catastrophe and turmoil.

"Souei's secret is like this!"

Mei Changqing's eyes couldn't stop the astonishment and fear. The fear is the method used by the second master of fear. One second he was trying to persuade him with good words, but the next second he searched for the soul without any hesitation, without any mercy. He looked cold and ruthless.

If he doesn't cooperate with the investigation, maybe it will end like this, right?

The reason why he was surprised was that he didn't expect that the backside of Sou Ying was actually inextricably linked with the altar. Thanks to the other party, he finally figured out which world the other side of the altar leads to.

It's really the upper realm, and it's no wonder that the mysterious person casually poured out a lot of fairy energy, which is really incredible. It turns out that in the fairy continent, there are other channels to communicate with the upper realm besides Shattering the Void.

If enough resources are invested in the altar, the space channel constructed can allow monks to pass through. Before that, he was not sure where the other party was, and out of fear of the other party's strength, he did not act rashly. He only used a drop of nectar to communicate with each other. .

If a whole bottle is sprinkled and a channel is successfully constructed, then even if the strength is not enough, they will be able to enter the upper realm to seek opportunities.

"Let's discuss this matter at a later stage. After the frontier is completely restored to calm, how about going to the East China Sea together with the seniors?"

Li Xiaobai nodded, and said slowly, intending to negotiate with the existence on the other side of the altar, but it takes a while to prepare.


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