That night, after returning to his room, Li Xiaobai found a few figures. He thought it was another little fresh meat arranged by Yang Huan, and wanted to drive them away instinctively, but after seeing their faces clearly, his eyes were full of surprises. color.

The people sitting in this room are surprisingly some of his senior brothers and sisters.

At this moment, the fourth senior brother Yang Guang, the fifth senior brother Ling Feng, and the senior sister Su Yunbing were lying on the bed in a daze, bored.

Seeing Li Xiaobai enter the door again, everyone was shocked and sat up immediately.

"Little brother, stay safe!"

"Junior brother has met all senior brothers and sisters. I am very grateful to be able to visit junior brother at such a time."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

"We don't need so many polite words between brothers and sisters in the same school. I really didn't expect that my junior brother would come to this frontier area, and judging from this appearance, he has already walked ahead of us in the journey of cultivation."

Su Yunbing looked Li Xiaobai up and down, her eyes were full of surprise and uncertainty, she couldn't see through Li Xiaobai after seeing her in just a few months.

Previously on the battlefield, she and her two junior brothers had witnessed the Dinghaishenzhen summoned by Li Xiaobai with their own eyes, which was able to fortify the second master of the East China Sea and stand still in the aftermath of his offensive. monks can have.

It is not difficult to speculate that the opponent's strength has already entered the Mahayana period.

"Hehe, it's just luck, isn't Elder Sister about to break through?"

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Little brother, help me."

However, Su Yunbing ignored Li Xiaobai's words, turned his wrist, and a huge hammer appeared in his hand, and slammed it down towards Li Xiaobai.

This hammer did not use skills, it was just an attack with the strength of the mountain of flesh. Li Xiaobai looked at the giant hammer that was constantly enlarged in front of him, and had no intention of resisting it. He stood where he was and let Su Yunbing beat him.

Attribute point +7000...

Well, it's not bad, just relying on the power of the body can burst out seven thousand attribute points. If you use the strength of your cultivation base, you can definitely break through ten thousand. It seems that your senior sister is not far away from breaking through the Mahayana period.

Su Yunbing's complexion changed, and when she hit the hammer, she felt that her strength was like a mud cow entering the sea, without causing any waves.

The eyes of Yang Chen and Ling Feng also changed. It is obvious what this means. The little juniors who used to follow behind their buttocks asking questions have completely surpassed them now.

"Senior sister, how are you doing?"

Li Xiaobai laughed.

"Little brother, to be honest, have you ever had the feeling that even if you haven't practiced, spiritual power is still being absorbed into your body?"

Su Yunbing said seriously.

Li Xiaobai understands that this is going to be a cliché again. Almost every brother and sister who met will discuss this issue with him, but this does not exist. Self-cultivation depends on the system, and it is enough to be beaten. There is no need to practice at all. Law.

"Senior Sister, I have already understood your situation, so you can rest assured that Junior Brother is not in the same situation as you, and you have come up through cultivation step by step by yourself."

Li Xiaobai shook his head and said.

"That's good."

Su Yunbing nodded and said.

"Junior brother, what's the matter with you and that Donghai Aolai country's second leader? Why do you hold a Dinghaishen needle in your hand?"

Yang Chen couldn't help asking the question that he had been holding back for a long time.

During the fierce battle on the battlefield, he and Ling Feng were there. If Su Yunbing hadn't protected them and found a safe place to hide, they might be seriously injured at this moment.

That pinnacle of Dinghaishen Needle is still fresh in their memory, and it's no exaggeration to say that they have lingering fears in their hearts.

"Well, it's a chance that the younger brother got by chance. If something happens here, the younger brother will take this and Dinghaishenzhen to the East China Sea to prove something."

"Senior Sister, why didn't you leave with that Guanghan Que?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"Isn't this worried about you? How could we leave you here alone and ignore you?"

"But now it seems that you kid is doing well here, and the holy city is full of your shops. You have a lot of tricks!"

Su Yunbing rolled his eyes, and said with some resentment, he was originally worried about his junior, but he turned out to be better than anyone else, not only a safe group, but even set up his own business in the Holy City, lying down to make money.

In contrast, those of them who are senior brothers and sisters are still running around all day to improve their cultivation base, which seems a bit embarrassing.

"Hehe, it's all because City Lord Yang is open-minded and open-minded, otherwise I wouldn't be allowed to open a shop here."

"Actually, there is one more thing..."

Li Xiaobai thought for a moment, and decided to tell a few people about the altar.

My six senior brothers and sisters practiced at a frighteningly fast speed, and it was only a matter of time before they reached the peak of the Mahayana period. With the help of Tang Neng Yipin and BESTORE, this time can be shortened again.

As for the problems in its body, they can only leave it to them to explore, but so far, there is no danger.

"There is such a thing!"

"So, as long as we open the passage of the altar, we can enter the upper realm smoothly?"

Thinking that there is still such a safe passage to ascend to the upper realm, the breathing of several people became a little short. No one wants to be stuck in the same realm for hundreds of years. If they can enter the upper realm earlier, they will be able to contact stronger world.

"Well, it is theoretically possible, but this matter needs to be discussed at a later stage. My cultivation level is not enough, and it will not be too late to enter the upper realm after everything is ready."

"As for this period of time, I plan to communicate with the existence at the other end of the altar to find out what the other person has to say."

Li Xiaobai nodded and said.

"It's very easy. My brothers and sisters haven't practiced for a month, but their cultivation has still reached the level of the Tribulation Transcending Stage. If you start practicing seriously, it won't be a problem to break through the Mahayana stage before the fairy energy is released."

Ling Feng's face was full of confidence, and he couldn't help being excited when he thought that there was actually a channel to communicate with the upper world on the Fairy Continent.

Li Xiaobai sighed secretly in his heart, it seemed that his brothers and sisters didn't realize that something was wrong.

"Senior Brothers, don't be careless. It is absolutely not a good thing that the Upper Realm can get in touch with the Fairy Continent. The second leader has already concluded that the monks from the Upper Realm have plans for the Fairy Continent."

"If there is one altar, there will be a second and a third. Maybe there are other people communicating with the upper world in places we don't know."

"If we don't know the other party's purpose, we can't let our guard down."

Unexpectedly, Su Yunbing and the others took it for granted.

"It's natural, no one is a fool, but after all, this is a world where strength speaks for itself. The strength of monks from the upper realm is definitely not something that the Fairy Spirit Continent can compete with. We can't stop them from doing what they want to do."

"Only by entering the upper realm of practice and gaining higher-level power, can you be qualified to compete with it and have a dialogue."

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